pycom / pycom-libraries

MicroPython libraries and examples that work out of the box on Pycom's IoT modules
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Examples contain bugs #108

Open dbrosy opened 4 years ago

dbrosy commented 4 years ago

(Hi! 👋 Thanks for reporting an issue! Please make sure you click the link above to view the issue guidelines, then fill out the blanks below.)

What are the steps to reproduce this issue?

  1. Download latest pycom-libraries
  2. Install lorawan-nano-gateway example ( to lopy4
  3. Restart

What happens?

Exception Error

What were you expecting to happen?

I was expecting the example to just work!!

Any logs, error output, etc?

(If it’s long, please paste to and insert the link here)

Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound_method>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 446, in _udp_thread
  File "", line 445, in _udp_thread
AttributeError: 'OSError' object has no attribute 'errno'

Any other comments?

I have edited line 446 from:

                if ex.errno != errno.EAGAIN:


                if ex.args[0] != errno.EAGAIN:

this has resolved the issue, but should not OSError have an attribute - errno?

I have also noted a number of issues on where examples or references not working or containing formatting errors (line 22 of example)

What versions of software are you using?

jaray200 commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that this has allowed me to establish a connection to my local chirpstack server, though at the time of writing this I have not been able to see the gateway within the chirpstack application.

Pablo849 commented 4 years ago

Same error here

robert-hh commented 4 years ago

See this PR, which seems not to find any attention by Pycom.

doniks commented 4 years ago

107 is merged. Please retest