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MQTT Stops publishing and subscribing after 5 minutes #147

Open TanCans opened 3 years ago

TanCans commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone,

i am using the mqtt library to publish some telemetry data to an IoT platform with a pycom microcontroller. But mqtt stops publishing data exact after five minutes even though it is still connected to wlan.

I am sharing the piece of code that calls mqtt client and the library

Connecting wlan:

wlan.connect('my wlan', auth=(None,'my password'), timeout= 50000) #even though i changed this timeout it didnt solve my problem

My credentials (for iot platform)

server = 'my server' port = 1883 id = 'my id' pw = ‘acces token’ topic_publish = 'v1/devices/me/telemetry' dict={}

Creating a client:

Client = MQTTClient(id, server, port, pw, pw) time.sleep(2) client.connect()

Publishing in the loop:

While 1 encoded=ujson.dumps(dict) client.publish(topic_publish, encoded) time.sleep(1)

Thank you all in advance!

nznobody commented 2 years ago

Not sure if at all related, but I have occasionally noticed potential memory leaks in the MQTT library or use of it resulting in OSError with out-of-memory.

Whilst not pretty, periodically (e.g. on a thread or async) running gc.collect() did the trick...

nznobody commented 2 years ago

I've since moved to a new (asyncio) implementation since this MQTT library leaves a lot to be desired. It can be found here: This is derived from micropython-umqtt.simple2/robust2.