pycom / pycom-libraries

MicroPython libraries and examples that work out of the box on Pycom's IoT modules
330 stars 378 forks source link Optimize timing, enable CRC check and slim the code #62

Closed robert-hh closed 2 years ago

robert-hh commented 6 years ago

The reason for a change was the observation, that with about 1 in 300 measurements were wrong, some of them obviously. So I made a few changes:

  1. The timing of readbit was changed to shorten the initial low puls to 2 µs by not calling sleep_us() at all and reading the state of the bit about 8 µs later. That matches better the datasheet.
  2. The CRC check was enabled in the method read_temp_async(). The function returns None, when the CRC is wrong
  3. The crc8() method is now table based, with two 16 byte tables, which is about 5 times faster (1.9 ms -> 0.37 ms for 9 bytes)
  4. Some inefficient optimizations in the onwire class were removed. Especially caching system call names in local variables for calls used only once in a functions was dropped and replaced by storing the callee names in the class. That saves a few microseconds - maybe not worth the effort.

With change 1, readings with wrong crc are more rare now, about 1 in 15000, and enabling the crc check allows to detect them.

The crc8 implementation is a Python port of the code published here:

amotl commented 4 years ago

For everyone reading this, @robert-hh just added the improvements to the pure-Python variant to a separate repository [1].

Apart from that, we have been able to unlock the native 1-Wire/DS18X20 variant coming from Genuine MicroPython through [2] and are also able to confirm this works on real hardware [3] using the respective native drivers [4].

[1] [2] [3] [4]

CLAassistant commented 3 years ago

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