pycom / pycom-micropython-sigfox

A fork of MicroPython with the ESP32 port customized to run on Pycom's IoT multi-network modules.
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LoRa ischannel_free freezes LoPy #155

Open pgorczak opened 6 years ago

pgorczak commented 6 years ago

When calling ischannel_free, the device freezes.

My system info:

Script to reproduce

from network import LoRa
lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, region=LoRa.EU868)
johanneskrauser2 commented 5 years ago

Hi pgorczak, I seem to be having the same issue with a LoPy4. Did you possibly manage to find a solution?

pgorczak commented 5 years ago

Hi @johanneskrauser2 unfortunately no but it's good to know I'm not alone :smile:

robert-hh commented 5 years ago

I cannot confirm this. Using the code lines above, the call to is_channel_free() returns immediately on my LoPy4 (sx1276 chip) and FiPy (sx1272 chip). Firmware 1.18.0.r1. F.Y.I.: The internal wait time for the channel check is set to 2 ms.

johanneskrauser2 commented 5 years ago

I think it was a firmware issue. I don't recall the exact version, but when I purchased the devices I had done a firmware update to the latest development release. A few weeks later (when I encountered this issue) I did another firmware update to the latest stable release and it seems to have resolved the issue.

@robert-hh Thanks for the FYI. I was actually wondering about that. Do you know if its possible to examine the internal coding of the various class functions (such as is_channel_free()) so that I can better understand how they work at a lower level?


robert-hh commented 5 years ago

If you look in to the source tree, starting at pycom-micropython-sigfox (abbr. PMS), you'll find a subdirectory call esp32. That contains all esp32 specific code. in esp32/mods are the python interfaces for the various modules, like esp32/mods/modlora.c and .h for the Lora class. The LoRa support is quite dispersed in the sources, and it goes forth an back between the various places: PMS/esp32/lora Pycom board specific adaption PMS/drivers/sc27x Semtech drivers for the LoRa chips PMS/lib/lora/... Semtech implementation of the Lora protocols