pycroscopy / SciFiReaders

Tools for extracting data and metadata from scientific data files
MIT License
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Why are metadata written as "original_metadata" and not "metadata"? #68

Closed rajgiriUW closed 2 years ago

rajgiriUW commented 2 years ago

Is there a specific reason the metadata are not just saved as "metadata" attributes instead of "original_metadata"? I found that unintuitive and at odds with the SidPy documentation-- here, it's only buried on an example page.

I'm not sure if there's a specific SidPy Dataset conflict that is the source of this decision, but I wanted to bring it up. It took some tracking down when using the Igor reader to find the metadata.

Otherwise a suggestion might be to default .metadata attribute in any given SciFiReader to be a string of "metadata are saved as 'original_metadata.' This metadata attribute will be overwritten via PyNSID or pycroscopy utilities during processing."

ramav87 commented 2 years ago

The main idea behind this was that the original metadata stays with the dataset always, whereas metadata incurred during processing of the file will be saved as 'metadata'.