pycroscopy / stemtool

A single package for analyzing atomic resolution STEM, 4D-STEM and STEM-EELS datasets, along with basic STEM simulation functionality
MIT License
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Impending Numba default argument value change #2

Open realitychemist opened 10 months ago

realitychemist commented 10 months ago

When importing stemtool, numba raises the following warning (multiple times):

NumbaDeprecationWarning: The nopython keyword argument was not supplied to the numba.jit decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.

The current Numba version is 0.58.0, and based on their previous release schedule I'd expect 0.59.0 within the next six months or so. My understanding is that this warning means that if there is any code in stemtool which is currently falling back to the python interpreter for function calls not supported supported by Numba, after 0.59.0 they will instead raise an error unless nopython is explicitly set to False.

I'm not sure if this will affect stemtool or not, but as there was no current open issue regarding this change it seemed like a good idea to open one.

dxm447 commented 10 months ago

I am slowly removing numba dependencies. numpy is plenty fast on it's own, and parallelization through dask works better in my experience. The next release should be numba free.

I am keeping this open, and will close it once numba is completely gone.