pydata / xarray

N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
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Hooks for XArray operations #1938

Open hameerabbasi opened 6 years ago

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

In hope of cleaner dask and sparse support (pydata/sparse#1), I wanted to suggest hooks for XArray operations.

Something like the following:

    import dask.array as da
    xarray.hooks.register('nansum', da.array, da.nansum)
except ImportError:

    import sparse.SparseArray
    xarray.hooks.register('nansum', sparse.SparseArray, sparse.nansum)
except ImportError:

Functions would work something like the following: (the register would fall back to Numpy if nothing is found)

I would argue that this should be in Numpy, but it's a huge project to put it there.

fujiisoup commented 6 years ago

Thanks for leading the development of sparse. I'm looking forward to see it in xarray:)

Currently, our logic to support dask.array and numpy.ndarray is hard-coded everywhere. For example, we have many computation paths for nansum, dask.Array, np.ndarray with bottleneck, bare np.ndarray and we use our in-house implementation for object-type arrays. The easiest way to support sparse might be to add a specific path for sparse by hard-coding again, but it is less flexible.

Do we need to be capable of supporting other objects for future extension? If so, we may need to start from (heavy) refactoring.

@shoyer, Could you give any suggestion? I am personally interested in helping this, but I may need to decide the direction first.

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

Then I would suggest something like the following for hooks (omitting imports):

# Registered in order of priority
xarray.interfaces.register('DaskArray', lambda ar: isinstance(ar, da.array))
xarray.hooks.register('nansum', 'DaskArray', da.nansum)

xarray.interfaces.register('SparseArray', lambda ar: isinstance(ar, sparse.SparseArray))
xarray.hooks.register('nansum', 'SparseArray', sparse.nansum)

And then, in code, call the appropriate nansum instead of np.nansum:

nansum = xarray.hooks.get(arr, 'nansum')

If you need help, I'd be willing to give it. :-) But I'm not a user of XArray, so I don't really understand the use-cases or codebase.

shoyer commented 6 years ago

Do we need to be capable of supporting other objects for future extension? If so, we may need to start from (heavy) refactoring.

For two array backends, it didn't make sense to write an abstraction layer for this, in part because it wasn't clear what we needed. But for three examples, it probably does -- that's the point where shared use cases become clear. Undoubtedly, there will be other cases in the future where users will want to extend xarray to handle new array types (arrays with units come to mind).

For implementing these overloads/functions, there are various possible solutions. Our current ad-hoc system is similar to what @hameerabbasi suggests -- we check the type of the first argument and use that to dispatch to an appropriate function. This has the advantage of being easy to implement for a known set of types, but a single dispatch order is not very extensible -- it's impossible to anticipate every third-party class. Recently, NumPy has moved away from this (e.g., with __array_ufunc__).

One appealing option is to make use of @mrocklin's multipledispatch library, which was originally developed for Blaze and is still in active use. Possible concerns:

  1. Performance. Import times need to be fast, and I know this is something that multipledispatch can sometimes struggle with. My guess is that this wouldn't be a problem for us, since we can rely on other dispatch mechanisms most operations (including __array_ufunc__ and Python's builtin arithmetic overrides).
  2. Dispatch for stack/concatenate: How do we handle dispatching for functions that take a list of arrays? e.g., if a list of arrays has contains any dask arrays, we need to use dask. Ideally, we would resolve the type of an object like [np.array(...), np.array(...), ..., da.Array(...)] to a mixed type like List[Union[np.ndarray, da.Array]], for which an override could be implemented.
  3. Dispatch for the first argument(s) only: This is a minor point, but some functions don't need to be dispatched on all of their arguments, e.g., sum() only really needs to dispatch on the array types but can pass other arguments like axis directly on. I suppose could simply annotate extra position arguments with object, but this will get annoying for multiple optional arguments which would all need separate implementations (if I understand multipledispatch correctly).
mrocklin commented 6 years ago

Import times on multipledispatch have improved thanks to work by @llllllllll . They could probably be further improved if people wanted to invest modest intellectual effort here. Costs scale with the number of type signatures on each operation. In blaze this was very high, well into the hundreds, in our case it would be, I think, more modest around 2-10. (also, historical note, multipledispatch predates my involvement in Blaze).

When possible it would be useful to upstream these concerns to NumPy, even if we have to move faster than NumPy is able to support.

shoyer commented 6 years ago

Dispatch for stack/concatenate is definitely on the radar for NumPy development, but I don't know when it's actually going to happen. The likely interface is something like __array_ufunc__: a special method like __array_concatenate__ is called on each element in the list, until one does not return NotImplemented. This is a different style of overloads than multipledispatch, one that is slightly simpler to implement but possibly slower and with fewer guarantees of correctness.

We only need this for a couple of operations, so in any case we can probably implement our own ad-hoc dispatch system for np.stack and np.concatenate, either along the of multipledispatch or NumPy/__array_ufunc__.

On further contemplation, overloading based on union types with a system like multipledispatch does seem tricky. It's not clear to me that there's even a well defined type for inputs to concatenate that should be dispatched to dask vs. numpy, for example. We want to let that dask handle any cases where at least one input is a dask array, but a type like List[Union[np.ndarray, da.Array]] actually matches a list of all numpy arrays, too -- unless we require an exact match for the type.

llllllllll commented 6 years ago

In blaze we have variadic sequences for multiple dispatch, and the List[Union] case is something we have run into. We have a type called VarArgs which takes a variadic sequence of type-arguments and represents a sequence of a unions over the arguments, for example: VarArgs[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame] is a sequence of unknown length which is known to hold either series or dataframes. With some mild metaprogramming we made it so that VarArs[pd.Series] is a subclass of VarArgs[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], or in general, more specific sequences are subclasses of more general sequences. This means that you can solve the ambiguity by registering a dispatch for VarArgs[np.ndarray] and VarArgs[np.ndarray, da.Array] and you know that the second function can only be called if the sequence holds at least one dask array.

Here is an example of what that looks like for merge, which is concat(axis=1): This is the definition of VarArgs:

shoyer commented 6 years ago

@llllllllll very cool! Is there a special trick I need to use this? I tried:

# first: pip install
import blaze.compute
from blaze.compute.varargs import VarArgs
from multipledispatch import dispatch

def f(args):

def f(args):

@dispatch(VarArgs[str, float])
def f(args):

This gives me an error when I try to use it:

>>> f(['foo'])
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/multipledispatch/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    154         try:
--> 155             func = self._cache[types]
    156         except KeyError:

KeyError: (<class 'list'>,)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-19f52a9a1dd6> in <module>()
----> 1 f(['foo'])

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/multipledispatch/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    159                 raise NotImplementedError(
    160                         'Could not find signature for %s: <%s>' %
--> 161                         (, str_signature(types)))
    162             self._cache[types] = func
    163         try:

NotImplementedError: Could not find signature for f: <list>
llllllllll commented 6 years ago

VarArgs itself is actually a type, so you need to create instances which wrap the list argument, for example:

In [1]: from blaze.compute.varargs import VarArgs

In [2]: from multipledispatch import dispatch

In [3]: @dispatch(VarArgs[float])
   ...: def f(args):
   ...:     print('floats')

In [4]: @dispatch(VarArgs[str])
   ...: def f(args):
   ...:     print('strings')

In [5]: @dispatch(VarArgs[str, float])
   ...: def f(args):
   ...:     print('mixed')

In [6]: f(VarArgs(['foo']))

In [7]: f(VarArgs([1.0]))

In [8]: f(VarArgs([1.0, 'foo']))

In [9]: VarArgs([1.0, 'foo'])
Out[9]: VarArgs[float, str]([1.0, 'foo'])

You could hide this behind a top-level function that wraps the input for the user, or register a dispatch for list which boxes and recurses into itself.

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

Can't some wild metaprogramming make it so that [1.0, 'foo'] itself is an instance of VarArgs[float, str] (or be converted?)

llllllllll commented 6 years ago

We could make a particular list an instance of a particular TypedVarArgs; however, multiple dispatch uses the type() of arguments as well as issubclass to do dispatching. Multiple dispatch depends on being able to partially order types to make dispatching more efficient. The constructor of VarArgs scans for the types of the elements and constructs an instance of a new (but memoized) subclass of VarArgs which encodes the element types so that issubclass works as expected. The problem is that type([1.0, 'foo']) returns just list which erases all information about the elements.

llllllllll commented 6 years ago

The wrapping dispatch would just look like:

def f(args):
    return f(VarArgs(args))
hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

How about something like checking inside a list if something is top priority, then call a, if second priority, call b, etc.

shoyer commented 6 years ago

Yes, I just tested out the wrapping dispatch. It works and is quite clean.

shoyer commented 6 years ago

As for my last concern, "Dispatch for the first argument(s) only" it looks like the simple answer is that multipledispatch already only dispatches based on positional arguments. So as long as we're strict about using keyword arguments for extra parameters like axis (which is good style anyways), we only need a single overload per array type for single dispatch functions like sum().

It looks like this resolves almost all of my concerns about using multiple dispatch.

One thing that would be nice is it VarArgs is actually distributed as part of multipledispatch rather than needing to be copied separately into xarray. That would make it easier for third parties to extend our operations, by simply importing VarArgs from multipledispatch rather than importing it from somewhere internal in xarray.

shoyer commented 6 years ago

How about something like checking inside a list if something is top priority, then call a, if second priority, call b, etc.

Usually, this is not a good idea. The problem is that it's impossible to know a global priority order across unrelated packages. It's usually better to declare valid type matches explicitly.

NumPy tried this with __array_priority__, but in practice these priority numbers are basically meaningless for all comparisons other than comparisons to the priority of NumPy arrays.

llllllllll commented 6 years ago

I wouldn't mind submitting this upstream, but I will defer to @mrocklin.

mrocklin commented 6 years ago

I would want to see how magical it was. @llllllllll 's calibration of "mild metaprogramming" may differ slightly from my own :)

Eventually if multipledispatch becomes a dependency of xarray then we should consider changing the decision-making process away from being just me though. Relatedly, SymPy also just adopted it (by vendoring) as a dependency.

shoyer commented 6 years ago

@mrocklin this is roughy what we would want in multipledispatch:

This involves metaclasses, which frankly do blow my mind a little bit. Probably the magic could be tuned down a little bit, but metaclasses are necessary at least for implementing __getitem__ syntax to create classes (and provide a few other niceties here like custom reprs and subclass checks).

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

Another benefit to this would be that if XArray didn't want to support a particular library in its own code, the library itself could add the hooks.

mrocklin commented 6 years ago

cc @jcrist , who has historically been interested in how we solve this problem within dask.array

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

This might even help us out in Sparse for dispatch with scipy.sparse.spmatrix, numpy.ndarray, etc.

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to handle kwargs (not with types, but ignoring them)?

shoyer commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to handle kwargs (not with types, but ignoring them)?

Yes, muiltipledispatch already ignores all keyword arguments for purposes of dispatching.

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

@llllllllll How hard would it be to make this work for star-args? I realize you could just add an extra wrapper but it'd be nice if you didn't have to.

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

Something like @starargswrapper that would just cast to list, and call the VarArgs version.

Actually it'd be nice to have something like @dispatch(int, str, StarArgs[int]).

shoyer commented 6 years ago

I spent some time thinking about this today. The cleanest answer is probably support for standard typing annotations in multipledispatch, at least for List. This is already being pursued for multipledispatch in

llllllllll commented 6 years ago

Given the issues raised on that PR as well as the profiling results shown here I think that PR will need some serious work before it could be merged.

llllllllll commented 6 years ago

@hameerabbasi This really doesn't work with *args due to how multiple dispatch itself works. What we have done in blaze is make top-level functions that accept *args which directly call dispatched functions passing the tuple.

shoyer commented 6 years ago

Indeed, typing support for multipledispatch looks it's a ways off. To be honest, the VarArgs solution looks a little ugly to me, so I'm not sure it's with enshrining in multipledispatch either. I guess that leaves putting our own ad-hoc solution on top of multipledispatch in xarray for now. Which really is totally fine -- this is all a stop gap measure until NumPy itself supports this sort of duck typing. On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 7:46 PM Joe Jevnik wrote:

Given the issues raised on that PR as well as the profiling results shown here I think that PR will need some serious work before it could be merged.

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hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

Which really is totally fine -- this is all a stop gap measure until NumPy itself supports this sort of duck typing.

You're assuming here most users of XArray would be using a recent version of Numpy... Which is a totally fine assumption IMO. We make the same one for sparse.

However, consider that some people may be using something like conda, which (because of complex dependencies and all) may end up delaying updates (both for Numpy and XArray).

I guess however; if people really wanted the updates they could use pip.

so I'm not sure it's worth enshrining in multipledispatch either

I would say a little clean-up with some extra decorators for exactly this purpose may be in order, that way, individual wrapping functions aren't needed.

shoyer commented 6 years ago

I made a tweaked version of dispatching to list subtypes, which probably suitable for use in xarray:

Example behavior:

def f(args):
  print('integers:', args)

def f(args):
  print('strings:', args)

@dispatch(List[str, int])
def f(args):
  print('mixed str-int:', args)

f([1, 2])  # integers: [1, 2]
f([1, 2, 'foo'])  # mixed str-int: [1, 2, 'foo']
f(['foo', 'bar'])  # strings: ['foo', 'bar']
f([[1, 2]])  # NotImplementedError: Could not find signature for f: <List[list]>

Differences from @llllllllll's VarArgs:

It would be straightforward to adapt this to use typing.List, but since we'll want to define our own dispatch functions anyways for our own xarray-specific multipledispatch namespace, I'm just as happy to use an internal xarray.dispatching.List type.

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

Maybe submit a PR? We could all use this. Does it support variable-length arguments?

shoyer commented 6 years ago


mrocklin commented 6 years ago

In @shoyer mentions that some work could likely progress in XArray before deciding on the VarArgs in multipledispatch. If XArray maintainers have time it might be valuable to lay out how that would look so that other devs can try it out.

shoyer commented 6 years ago

I'm thinking it could make sense to build this minimal library for "duck typed arrays" with multipledispatch outside of xarray. That would make it easier for library builders to use and extend it. Anyone interested in getting started o nthat?

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

By minimal library, I'm assuming you mean something of the sort discussed about abstract arrays? What functionality would such a library have?

shoyer commented 6 years ago

Basically, the library would define functions like concatenate (everything in the linked sparse issue) using muktipledy with implementations for numpy, dask, sparse, etc.

shoyer commented 6 years ago

By "muktipledy" I mean "multipledispatch"(on my phone)

shoyer commented 6 years ago

This library would have hard dependencies only on numpy and multipledispatch, and would expose a multipledispatch namespace so extending it doesn't have to happen in the library itself.

mrocklin commented 6 years ago

Doing this externally sounds sensible to me. Thoughts on a good name? duck_array seems to be free on PyPI

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 4:23 PM, Stephan Hoyer wrote:

This library would have hard dependencies only on numpy and multipledispatch, and would expose a multipledispatch namespace so extending it doesn't have to happen in the library itself.

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shoyer commented 6 years ago

I like duckarray a little better without the underscore.

Should we go ahead and start pydata/duckarray? Or is it better to incubate in somebody's personal repo?

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

I've created one, as per your e-mail:

The name is inspired from a recent discussion about this on the Numpy mailing list.

mrocklin commented 6 years ago

What name should we go with? I have a slight preference for duckarray over arrayish but happy with whatever the group decides.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 1:51 AM, Hameer Abbasi wrote:

I've created one, as per your e-mail: hameerabbasi/arrayish

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mrocklin commented 6 years ago

Happy with arrayish too

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 9:59 AM, Matthew Rocklin wrote:

What name should we go with? I have a slight preference for duckarray over arrayish but happy with whatever the group decides.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 1:51 AM, Hameer Abbasi wrote:

I've created one, as per your e-mail: i/arrayish

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hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

I've written it up and already released version 0.0.1 on PyPI, except concatenate and stack (which need TypedSequence). I can still change the name, but I'd rather not.

Also, import duckarray as da conflicts with import dask.array as da.

mrocklin commented 6 years ago

Thanks for taking the initiative here @hameerabbasi ! It's good to see something up already.

Here is a link to the discussion that I think @hameerabbasi is referring to:

I haven't read through that entirely yet, was arrayish decided on by the community or was the term still up for discussion?

hameerabbasi commented 6 years ago

Let's move this discussion over to hameerabbasi/arrayish#1. But, in summary, I got the impression that the community in general is unhappy with the name "duck arrays".

rabernat commented 5 years ago

I am sitting in the SciPy talk about CuPy. Would be great if someone could give us an update on how this issue stands before tomorrow's xarray sprint.

Someone my want to try plugging CuPy arrays into xarray. But this issue doesn't really resolve the best way to do that. As far as I can tell @hameerabbasi's "arrayish" project was deprecated in favor of uarray / unumpy.

What is the best path forward as of today, July 12, 2019?

hameerabbasi commented 5 years ago

uarray/unumpy is shaping up nicely. 😄

rabernat commented 5 years ago

@hameerabbasi - are you at SciPy by any chance?