pydatadelhi / talks

Talks at PyData Delhi Meetups
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Lightning Talk: Scrape and build your own dataset #122

Open realslimshanky opened 4 years ago

realslimshanky commented 4 years ago

Abstract (2-3 lines)

Many folks in PyData community work with a lot of datasets and sometimes there can be a need to build your own. My talk will focus on how you can build your own dataset using Scrapy framework.

Brief Description and Contents to be covered

Pre-requisites for the talk

Attendees need to know how Python works.

Time required for the talk

15 minutes.

Link to slides

Will update soon.

Will you be doing hands-on demo as well?

Yes. The audience can follow up later from the slides.

About yourself

Shashank Kumar: I work remotely for ScrapingHub, co-organize PyDelhi meetups and volunteer for multiple other communities.

Are you comfortable if the talk is recorded and uploaded to PyData Delhi's YouTube channel?


shagunsodhani commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the proposal @realslimshanky Could you please ping me when you have added the slides :)