Abstract (2-3 lines)
We shall demonstrate a solution to the 3D bin packing problem(3DBPP) which aims to find the optimal way of arranging a set of 3D packages in a cargo container by minimizing its space utilization. This problem finds wide applications in pharmaceutical industry, transportation and packaging systems. We shall showcase distributed evolutionary algorithms and intelligent heuristic packing methods which were built to solve the above problem.
Brief Description and Contents to be covered
Optimization , NP-Hard computational complexity , Genetic Algorithms , Packing Heuristic methods.
Pre-requisites for the talk
Basic knowledge of combinatorial optimization and computational complexity of algorithms.
Time required for the talk
20 Mins.
Link to slides
We need to tailor the slides to a time-frame of 15-20 minutes . Will share the slides soon.
Will you be doing hands-on demo as well?
No. However , we shall showcase a demo showing the final outcomes of the solution.
Link to ipython notebook (if any)
About yourself
I'm Jaspreet and I work as a Data Scientist at Nagarro. I would like to bring along a co-speaker Tarun Dhariwal who works with me as a Data Scientist in the same company.
Are you comfortable if the talk is recorded and uploaded to PyData Delhi's YouTube channel ?
Yes , sure!
Abstract (2-3 lines) We shall demonstrate a solution to the 3D bin packing problem(3DBPP) which aims to find the optimal way of arranging a set of 3D packages in a cargo container by minimizing its space utilization. This problem finds wide applications in pharmaceutical industry, transportation and packaging systems. We shall showcase distributed evolutionary algorithms and intelligent heuristic packing methods which were built to solve the above problem.
Brief Description and Contents to be covered Optimization , NP-Hard computational complexity , Genetic Algorithms , Packing Heuristic methods.
Pre-requisites for the talk Basic knowledge of combinatorial optimization and computational complexity of algorithms.
Time required for the talk 20 Mins.
Link to slides We need to tailor the slides to a time-frame of 15-20 minutes . Will share the slides soon.
Will you be doing hands-on demo as well? No. However , we shall showcase a demo showing the final outcomes of the solution.
Link to ipython notebook (if any)
About yourself I'm Jaspreet and I work as a Data Scientist at Nagarro. I would like to bring along a co-speaker Tarun Dhariwal who works with me as a Data Scientist in the same company.
Are you comfortable if the talk is recorded and uploaded to PyData Delhi's YouTube channel ? Yes , sure!
Any query ?