pydatadelhi / talks

Talks at PyData Delhi Meetups
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Dealing with Imbalanced Datasets for Classification #93

Open pranavsuri opened 5 years ago

pranavsuri commented 5 years ago

Abstract: Data Science practitioners often come across datasets that where data-points from a particular class are rarer than the others. This talk discusses strategies that one can incorporate to deal with class-imbalances for classification.

Brief Description of the Content: The talk provides a description of class-imbalances and then delves into methodologies that go into improving classification performance on such datasets. Further, a project on Fraud Detection is described to illustrate the applications of the discussed methodologies.

Prerequisites: Experience with simple-classification.

Time Required: ~30 minutes

Link to Slides:

Will you be doing a hands-on demo as well? No

Link to iPython Notebook:

About Yourself: I love Data Science. Other things I love are street food and rock music.

Are you comfortable if the talk is recorded and uploaded to PyData Delhi's YouTube channel? Yes

Any query?