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Read, modify and write DICOM files with python code
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How to: from 2 DICOM files take 2nd one and make it overlay for the first? #986

Closed gladomat closed 4 years ago

gladomat commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to add an overlay to an already exhisting DICOM file. The idea is to have an original image, a segmantation of the original, and to add an overlay to the original image from the segmentation. Both images have the same dimension. I can't seem to be able to do it. The result is a garbled repeating pattern. I don't quite understand what I'm doing, so this is just an attempt. Any help is appreciated.

Here's a little bit of code I tried.

import numpy as np
import pydicom
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

orig = pydicom.dcmread("IM-0001-0084.dcm")
over = pydicom.dcmread("segm_IM-0001-0084.dcm")

# original
im_data_orig = orig[0x7fe00010].value
rows_orig = orig[0x00280010].value
cols_orig = orig[0x00280011].value

# segmented
im_data_over = over.pixel_array
# binarize segmented
im_data_over = np.where(im_data_over > 0, 1, 0)
im_data_over = im_data_over.astype('uint8')
im_data_over_bytes = im_data_over.tobytes()
descrip = 'segmentation'

# Overlay fields
# filling in only Type 1 (mandatory) fields
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x0010], 'US', rows_orig)  # Overlay Rows
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x0011], 'US', cols_orig)  # Overlay Columns
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x0015], 'US', 1)          # Overlay number of frames
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x0022], 'LO', descrip)    # Overlay description
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x0040], 'CS', 'G')        # Overlay Type ('R','G'), ROI or Graphics
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x0050], 'SS', [1, 1])     # Overlay Origin
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x0051], 'US', 1)          # Image Frame Origin 
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x0100], 'US', 1)          # Overlay Bits Allocated, mandatory fixed value = 1!!
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x0102], 'US', 0)          # Overlay Bit Position, mandatory fixed value = 0!!
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x1001], 'CS', 'mask')     # Overlay Activation Layer
orig.add_new([0x6000, 0x3000], 'OW', im_data_over_bytes)  # PixelData


The result looks like this: image

Edit: removed DICOMs. Sorry, they're not mine.

mrbean-bremen commented 4 years ago

It looks like you have missed the step to pack the bytes of the overlay image into a bit array. There is a function in the numpy handler that does this - I think you can use it directly, or at least check how it can be done.

gladomat commented 4 years ago

Good catch, thanks! Here are the additional lines of code necessary to make it work:

Import the pack_bits function: from pydicom.pixel_data_handlers.numpy_handler import pack_bits

Reshape to 1D array and replace the to_bytes() call with this one: im_data_over_bytes = pack_bits(im_data_over)

The result looks like it should now: image

sachin-bsai commented 1 year ago

Hey @gladomat , I am still not able to overlay. The code ran fine without any errors, but the generated new DICOM is exactly similar to the original one. I couldn't see segmentation maps overlaid on the original DICOM. Any idea what might be happening?

gladomat commented 1 year ago

Maybe your dicom viewer doesn't support overlays. The problem with overlays in dicom is that many software vendors don't even support it.

sachin-bsai commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for you reply @gladomat . I am using Raidant, MicroDicom and Mango viewer but not able to see the overlay in any one of them. Do you have any suggestion or recommendation which DICOM viewer would be good to see the overlays?

mrbean-bremen commented 1 year ago

Don't know about these, but I'm quite sure that Weasis shows overlays.

sachin-bsai commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot @mrbean-bremen . At first I got this error _"UserWarning: Invalid value for VR CS: 'mask'. Please see for allowed values for each VR. warnings.warn(msg)"_ image I fixed this error by replacing "mask" with "MASK", all caps. Then the code worked fine.

Then, I tried troubleshooting the issue, and I found that the binarized segmented image has only 1's. Not a single 0 is present over there. Then I found that im_data_over = over.pixel_array has values of 4203 only. I am not getting what the issue is because the segmented DICOM image looks okay. I am attaching the segmented image for reference.


mrbean-bremen commented 1 year ago

About the warning - yes we added checks for correct values, so that makes sense. Can't say anything about your actual problem without the dataset, though.

sachin-bsai commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much @mrbean-bremen. I am attaching the original DICOM and the segmentation map DICOM as well for your perusal.

Google Drive Link:

mrbean-bremen commented 1 year ago

I just had a look at your data (seem to have missed your post), and the problem is that your segmented image is not really mask data, but has different grey values - including the background, which is that 4203 you were seeing. And no, not all voxels have that value, just most of them (the background). Also, I'm not sure how that segementation relates to the original image. It has different width and height, and it is unclear where in the original image this would go.

The code above works for a binary segmentation mask that has the same size as the original image - not what you have got.