pydicom / pynetdicom

A Python implementation of the DICOM networking protocol
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How to download a study from Orthanc using C-MOVE (PynetDICOM)? #907

Closed Karam897 closed 7 months ago

Karam897 commented 7 months ago

Hello, I am new to pynetdicom and I want to download a study from orthanc installed on my device, but I always get the error" Move SCP Result: 0xC000 (Failure)." What should I add or modify for it to work correctly? I have another question when downloading the study, where is it stored and is it possible to link it to my database? here is my code I hope you can help @scaramallion

from pydicom.dataset import Dataset
from pynetdicom import AE, evt, StoragePresentationContexts, debug_logger
from pynetdicom.sop_class import PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelMove

def handle_store(event):
    """Handle a C-STORE service request"""
    # Nothing fancy, just write to DICOM File Format
    ds = event.dataset
    ds.file_meta = event.file_meta
    ds.save_as(ds.SOPInstanceUID, write_like_original=False)

    return 0x0000

# Bind our C-STORE handler
handlers = [(evt.EVT_C_STORE, handle_store)]

# Initialise the Application Entity
ae = AE()
ae.supported_contexts = StoragePresentationContexts

#ip11120 = 4242
#ip11120 = 11120
ip11120 = 11112
#ip11112 = 11112
ip11112 = 4242
# Start our Storage SCP in non-blocking mode, listening on port 11120
ae.ae_title = OUR_STORE_SCP
scp = ae.start_server(('', ip11120), block=False, evt_handlers=handlers)

# Create out identifier (query) dataset
# Fill out your query as appropriate
ds = Dataset()
ds.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'PATIENT'
ds.PatientID = '301'

# Associate with peer AE at IP and port 11112
assoc = ae.associate('', ip11112)
i = 0
if assoc.is_established:
    # Use the C-MOVE service to send the identifier
    responses = assoc.send_c_move(ds, OUR_STORE_SCP, PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelMove)

    for (status, identifier) in responses:
        if status and identifier:
            i += 1
            print('C-FIND query status: 0x{0:04x}'.format(status.Status))
            print('status = ', status)
            print('type(status) = ', type(status))
            print('status.Status = ', status.Status)
            print('type(identifier) = ', type(identifier))
            print('identifier = ',identifier)
            print('status.keys()  = ', status.keys() )
            print('identifier.keys()  = ', identifier.keys() )
            print('status.items()  = ', status.items() )
            for elem in identifier.elements():
                print('elem = ', elem)
            # If the status is 'Pending' then identifier is the C-FIND response
            if status.Status in (0xff00, 0xff01):
            print('Connection timed out, was aborted or received invalid response')

# Release the association
    print('Association rejected, aborted or never connected')

# Stop our Storage SCP

thanks for everyone