pydicom / pynetdicom

A Python implementation of the DICOM networking protocol
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Send Worklist to ultrasound device #909

Closed Karam897 closed 7 months ago

Karam897 commented 7 months ago

Hello everyone, I want to send a worklist to the ultrasound machine, and I prepare my server as C-FIND SCP to respond to the medical device with the worklist, but I want to make sure that the code does not contain any errors and whether it meets all the requirements @scaramallion
I hope you can help me with this Thanks to everyone

from pydicom import dcmread
import os
from pydicom.dataset import Dataset
from pynetdicom import AE, evt,debug_logger
from pynetdicom.sop_class import ModalityWorklistInformationFind


def handle_find(event):
    ds = event.identifier
    fdir = "C:\\Users\\TOPTECH\\Desktop\\dicom"

    # Import stored Worklist Instances
    instances = []
    for fpath in os.listdir(fdir):
        instances.append(dcmread(os.path.join(fdir, fpath)))

    # Check if QueryRetrieveLevel is WORKLIST
    if ds.QueryRetrieveLevel == 'WORKLIST':
        # Filter instances based on Patient ID
        matching = [instance for instance in instances if instance.PatientID == ds.PatientID]
        yield 0xC000, None

    for instance in matching:
        if event.is_cancelled:
            yield (0xFE00, None)

        identifier = Dataset()

        identifier.PatientName = instance.PatientName
        identifier.PatientID = instance.PatientID
        identifier.PatientAge = instance.PatientAge
        identifier.StudyDate = instance.StudyDate
        identifier.PatientSex = instance.PatientSex
        identifier.InstitutionName = instance.InstitutionName
        identifier.StudyDescription = instance.StudyDescription
        identifier.PerformingPhysicianName = instance.PerformingPhysicianName
        identifier.AccessionNumber = instance.AccessionNumber
        identifier.PatientBirthDate = instance.PatientBirthDate

        identifier.QueryRetrieveLevel = ds.QueryRetrieveLevel

        # Pending
        yield (0xFF00, identifier)

handlers = [(evt.EVT_C_FIND, handle_find)]

ae = AE()


ae.start_server(("", 11112), evt_handlers=handlers)