This is weird, do we default to minute? Is it a typo (missing m before minute)?
Looks like a typo to me since the example in the same file is like this:
Generate a token that lasts 24 hours for user admin
$ ` + os.Args[0] + ` admin user token -u admin -e 24h
Generate a token that lasts by default 10mn, but which expiration is refreshed to the next 10mn each time
the token is used.
$ ` + os.Args[0] + ` admin user token -u admin -a 10m
attempted fix:
- pTokCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&tokExpireTime, "expire", "e", "", "Expire after duration. Format is 20u where u is a unit: s (second), (minute), h (hour), d(day).")
- pTokCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&tokAutoRefresh, "auto", "a", "", "Auto-refresh expiration when token is used. Format is 20u where u is a unit: s (second), (minute), h (hour), d(day).")
+ pTokCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&tokExpireTime, "expire", "e", "", "Expire after duration. Format is 20u where u is a unit: s (second), m (minute), h (hour), d (day).")
+ pTokCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&tokAutoRefresh, "auto", "a", "", "Auto-refresh expiration when token is used. Format is 20u where u is a unit: s (second), m (minute), h (hour), d (day).")
s (second), (minute), h (hour), d(day).
This is weird, do we default to minute? Is it a typo (missing
before minute)?Looks like a typo to me since the example in the same file is like this:
attempted fix: