pydio / pydio-core

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Upgrade from 7.0.3 to 7.0.4 is failing #1324

Closed deajan closed 6 years ago

deajan commented 7 years ago


Doing an in-app upgrade of 7.0.3 community, I get the following (tried twice, refreshing browser, make sure all other instances are closed, also restarted php-fpm, using apache 2.4.18 & php-fpm 7.0.15):

Applying upgrade Checking download permissions

  • OK Downloading upgrade archive
  • File saved in /home/www/mypydio.install.tld/ftp/www/data/tmp/update/ Checking archive integrity
  • Hash is ok (e70770670f8d28690414e49de6ea2c93) Checking folders permissions
  • OK Extracting Archive
  • Extracted folder /home/www/mypydio.install.tld/ftp/www/data/tmp/update/pydio-core-upgrade-7.0.3-7.0.4 Backuping your modified files
  • Nothing to do Copying core source files
  • Error : Unable to emit response; headers already sent

Feel free to ask any logs or tests.

tsebastien commented 7 years ago

I have exactly the same error... Do you have any solutions ?

Thank you for your answer

cdujeu commented 7 years ago

@c12simple did you see that already?

deajan commented 7 years ago

No answer so far for me ! Just for the records, what OS / httpd / php version are you running ? Mine is CentOS 7 x64 / apache 2.4.18 / php 7.0.16 (using redhat SCL) in case it could be related to specifc newer versions of software.

deajan commented 7 years ago

Well.... up anyone ?

sbsrouteur commented 7 years ago

@deajan, found out that if you installed from a tar, there are some files in the .git/pack structure that have a wrong permissions. The log gives you an access denied on a file (at least it did for me). Went to the culprit folder (it was all r-- for me) chmod +w the whole folder and upgrade went through with no further problem.

deajan commented 7 years ago

@sbsrouteur I actually installed earlier 7.0.1 version from a tar file, but don't have any .git folder and try to update through the GUI. Also, cannot find any log files. What's the log path you're talking about please ?

sbsrouteur commented 7 years ago

@deajan : in the dashboard on the site, there is a log section, you pick your current date (I guess you installed today), and you should find the culprit file.

deajan commented 7 years ago

@sbsrouteur I am ashamed, I searched for some log file instead of the GUI log. Found indeed that git directory, in my case it was ./core/vendor/davegardnerisme/nsqphp/.git/objects/pack/relative from the pydio install. Did a chmod 644 on the objects inside that directory, fixed the update procedure. Big thanks :)

@cdujeu Would you consider adding the lastlogged errors to the update result ?

gumbo2k commented 7 years ago

I had the same issue here. I installed form pydio-core-7.0.3.tar.gz and the upgrade failed with a less then helpful

Error : Could not send response!

I had to look quite a while until I found

date ip level user action source params cursor text ajxp_im_time

03-22-17 23:23:10 ERROR admin error l.593 (3) UpgradeManager.php message=copy(/var/www/pydio/core/vendor/davegardnerisme/nsqphp/.git/objects/pack/pack-460344b6f55bf4118842892b531400d3cca133d3.idx): failed to open stream: Permission denied 20244 03-22-17 23:23:10 1490227737

That file had r--r--r permissions.

Afterwards I got hung up on this one:

date ip level user action source params cursor text ajxp_im_time

03-22-17 23:28:54 ERROR admin error l.593 (2) UpgradeManager.php message=copy(/var/www/pydio/core/vendor/davegardnerisme/nsqphp/.git/index): failed to open stream: Permission denied 20246 03-22-17 23:28:54 1490227737

..where the file belonged to root instead of www-data .

kebikec commented 7 years ago

same problem, same solution :-)

** BEFORE ***** Applying upgrade Checking download permissions

solution; chmod 644 /var/www/pydio7/core/vendor/davegardnerisme/nsqphp/.git/objects/pack/.

rmeske commented 7 years ago

I am upgrading 7.0.3 to 7.0.4. and have the same problem. None of the solutions worked for me.

I verified all pydio files and folders are writeable. I specifically went through all folders in: /var/www/pydio7/core/vendor/davegardnerisme/nsqphp/.git/ set to 644 and ownership is the apache service.

However, I am still getting the following error in the log: error l.593 | from UpgradeManager.php | message=copy(/var/www/pydio/core/vendor/davegardnerisme/nsqphp/.git/FETCH_HEAD): failed to open stream: Permission denied,

I doubled checked that FETCH_HEAD had a permission of 644.

Any other ideas?

Regards, Ron

cdujeu commented 7 years ago

hi ron, mmmm, did you try to set a basic 666 recursively on the whole ..../nsqphp/.git folder?

rmeske commented 7 years ago

Hi Charles, I just tried that and still receive the same error. Just to confirm the ownership is fine with the owner and group being set to the apache service, correct?


cdujeu commented 7 years ago

yes - can you try to basically REMOVE this whole .git folder?

cdujeu commented 7 years ago

(it's not used anyway)

rmeske commented 7 years ago

I removed the folder and was able to perform the upgrade from 7.0.3 to 7.0.4. Now when I try to upgrade to 8.0.0, I am getting another error.

I went through and set all folder & files in /var/www/pydio/plugins to 666 and received an internal server error. I then changed and set to 764 and the upgrade worked.

Now that I have all the upgrades installed, I am looking for where in the documentation it species the proper permissions to set for the pydio files & folders. They are not listed under the "Securing your installation".

rmeske commented 7 years ago

After a lot of digging I found the following document:’s-filesfolders

It seems this should be part of the installation/upgrade instructions and not buried. It would be even better if there were clear update instructions that include what permissions and ownership are needed on files & folders for doing the in-app upgrades.

Regards, Ron