pydio / pydio-sync-ui

Qt UI for pydio-sync service
GNU General Public License v2.0
20 stars 11 forks source link

macOS: High CPU Usage #31

Open mcr-ksh opened 7 years ago

mcr-ksh commented 7 years ago


i've noticed very high CPU usage all the time. This is usually 80-90% and does kill the battery. What Information can I collect to be helpful for you guys?


$ ps aux | grep Pyd ksh 33227 26.9 0.3 3818624 43548 ?? R Mon11PM 159:43.94 /Applications/ ksh 33231 1.3 0.1 2599164 21672 ?? S Mon11PM 5:09.98 /Applications/ ksh 33240 0.9 0.1 2592996 17756 ?? Ss Mon11PM 4:38.62 /Applications/ ksh 33235 0.8 0.1 2603036 18656 ?? S Mon11PM 0:27.36 /Applications/ ksh 33230 0.0 0.0 2502404 388 ?? S Mon11PM 0:00.16 /Applications/

COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME pydio-ui 33227 ksh cwd DIR 1,8 1156 2 / pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 290864 13747296 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 328620 13747274 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 6592880 13747287 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 5683324 13747105 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 5866792 13747079 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 30237512 13747261 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 1385236 13747144 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 106752 12983495 /System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 234468 13747222 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 306648 13747170 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 136344 13747131 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 874248 13747118 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 350088 13747183 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 384604 13747157 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 253740 13747235 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 3718400 13747209 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 4100756 13747196 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 127728 13747248 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 25918784 12996225 /usr/share/icu/icudt57l.dat pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 921492 13747321 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 506804 13747092 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 2563430 4979674 /System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.dfont pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 3976044 11119091 /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 121624 13747302 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 59556 13747303 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 57544 13747305 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 42832 13747306 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 50200 13747307 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 41180 13747308 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 7094272 14686230 /private/var/folders/84/jjw63k4974j6p8bv5htklm080000gn/0/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 3160763 11119088 /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 5425538 4991062 /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Extras2.rsrc pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 1761608 4979732 /System/Library/Fonts/SFNSText.ttf pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 563895 4979687 /System/Library/Fonts/Monaco.dfont pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 585600 13747309 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 276424 13747310 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 356940 13747311 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 30928 13747312 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 433192 13747313 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 31576 13747314 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 409972 13747315 /Applications/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 330471 11064669 /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 193763 11064662 /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 1044 13995979 /Library/Caches/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 4116 13995982 /Library/Caches/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 55840 4979679 /System/Library/Fonts/Keyboard.ttf pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 10419280 12980233 /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 1820928 12979581 /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX3000GLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AMDRadeonX3000GLDriver pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 5107888 12979582 /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX3000GLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ATIRadeonX3000SCLib.dylib pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 886580 11118642 /System/Library/Keyboard Layouts/AppleKeyboardLayouts.bundle/Contents/Resources/AppleKeyboardLayouts-L.dat pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 79652 11119654 /System/Library/Caches/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 1271388 4979722 /System/Library/Fonts/SFNSDisplay.ttf pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 65556 13995985 /Library/Caches/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 696320 13974762 /private/var/folders/84/jjw63k4974j6p8bv5htklm080000gn/C/ pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 694528 12994884 /usr/lib/dyld pydio-ui 33227 ksh txt REG 1,8 658243584 14102768 /private/var/db/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 0r CHR 3,2 0t0 315 /dev/null pydio-ui 33227 ksh 1u CHR 3,2 0t0 315 /dev/null pydio-ui 33227 ksh 2u CHR 3,2 0t1598454 315 /dev/null pydio-ui 33227 ksh 3r REG 1,8 5425538 4991062 /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Extras2.rsrc pydio-ui 33227 ksh 4 PIPE 0xd8ad90347779f187 16384 ->0xd8ad90347779f487 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 5 PIPE 0xd8ad90347779f487 16384 ->0xd8ad90347779f187 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 6 PIPE 0xd8ad90345e16a587 16384 ->0xd8ad90345e16aac7 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 8u unix 0xd8ad9034677a5c7f 0t0 ->0xd8ad9034579f5707 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 9u unix 0xd8ad9034677a62bf 0t0 /tmp/pydioLocalServer pydio-ui 33227 ksh 10 PIPE 0xd8ad90345e16aac7 16384 ->0xd8ad90345e16a587 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 11u unix 0xd8ad9034677a4e6f 0t0 ->0xd8ad9034677a7327 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 12u unix 0xd8ad9034677a7327 0t0 ->0xd8ad9034677a4e6f pydio-ui 33227 ksh 13u IPv4 0xd8ad90347780ae87 0t0 UDP : pydio-ui 33227 ksh 14u systm 0xd8ad9034586bdeff 0t0 [1:6:1] pydio-ui 33227 ksh 15 PIPE 0xd8ad90345e16aa07 16384 ->0xd8ad90345e16a647 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 16 PIPE 0xd8ad90347779eb87 16384 ->0xd8ad90347779e947 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 17 PIPE 0xd8ad90347779e947 16384 ->0xd8ad90347779eb87 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 18 PIPE 0xd8ad90345e16a647 16384 ->0xd8ad90345e16aa07 pydio-ui 33227 ksh 19u IPv4 0xd8ad903474f7d547 0t0 TCP localhost:62329->localhost:freeciv (ESTABLISHED)

lthibault commented 7 years ago

@mcr-ksh We are in the process of a major revision to pydio-sync (and by extension it's UI) for an upcoming release. Most of these problems should be solved as a result, but I'm afraid we don't have an exact ETA.

Please sit tight! :)

mcr-ksh commented 6 years ago

@lthibault this was in March. Now its mid Oct and nothing new yet. The client is still unusable under High Sierra.

lthibault commented 6 years ago

@mcr-ksh I understand the urgency, and we do apologize for the issue you're experiencing. Yours is a somewhat isolated issue, but it ought to be fixed by the next release of the client.

As it stands, what was previously a major revision has morphed into a major rewrite/redesign. The new sync client is expected to be included in the next major release of Pydio (tentatively slated for November).

We're taking the time to do things correctly, with the aim of avoiding this kind of frustration in the future. Please be assured that we're working on this full-time and that it's a high-priority issue for us.