pydio / pydio-sync

Python version of the Pydio synchronization client
GNU General Public License v3.0
82 stars 32 forks source link

MacOSX: failed to start in launchctl: Permission denied: 'data/ports_config' after installation #149

Closed wxiaoguang closed 2 years ago

wxiaoguang commented 8 years ago

15:03:37 INFO 140735161815040 MainThread Product Version Number 1.2.7 and Version Date July 27 2016 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 319, in File "", line 265, in main File "/Users/charles/Desktop/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/a00136d723583ad3/build/pydio-agent/out01-PYZ.pyz/pydio.utils.config_ports", line 76, in create_config_file IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'data/ports_config'

wxiaoguang commented 8 years ago

It seems that this bug is caused the 'PWD' in launchctl is '/'

If I use this script as launchctl:


everything works

7omate commented 8 years ago

Could you give me a bit more details about your setup? Did you simply install from Can you give the exact path to the file that's causing the problem?

wxiaoguang commented 8 years ago

I just downloaded the PydioSync-MacOSX-Installer-v1.2.7.dmg from website and do install. Then I found that the pydio-agent couldn't start.It seems that this bug is caused the 'PWD' in launchctl is '/' (the root dir).

How I debug the problem: I changed the ProgramArguments in /Library/LaunchAgents/io.pyd.sync.launcher.plist to my script, eg: /Applications/

then in /Applications/ I export env variables to /tmp: export > /tmp/a.log and export stderr to /tmp /Applications/ 2>/tmp/err.log

It is clear that if pydio-agent-launch is executed by shell, the agent starts. If pydio-agent-launch is executed by launchctl/launchd, the agent fails.

Then I change the pydio-agent-lanuch to


Then the launchctl can start the agent correctly.

More detail: in the shell, if you do cd / first, /Applications/ fails as it is in launchd.

7omate commented 8 years ago

How do you use launchctl ? We use something like this launchctl bsexec $PID chroot -u $UID / launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/io.pyd.sync.launcher.plist

wxiaoguang commented 8 years ago

1 . At first, I just installed the PydioSync-MacOSX-Installer-v1.2.7.dmg and do nothing else .... PydioSync keeps saying failed to connect pydio-agent

$ /Applications/
Starting agent via launchctl command.
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
  -- HTTPMANAGER --   :     "Server set to"
  -- HTTPMANAGER --   :     "Username set to ZXU2iRdCKL9LA2Fx" QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_set_psk_client_callback QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_1_client_method QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_2_client_method QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_1_server_method QSslSocket: cannot resolve TLSv1_2_server_method QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_select_next_proto QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated
Starting MacOS extension
Extension started.
  -- HTTPMANAGER --   :     "HTTP Poller Reply : Connection refused"
$ tail /var/log/system.log
Aug 29 21:59:05 XiaoguangdeMBP pydioswiftsync[10901]: No jobs found, reloading credentials...
Aug 29 21:59:05 XiaoguangdeMBP pydioswiftsync[10901]: Failed to parse JSON to loadFolders... Make sure your PydioSync supports /stat
Aug 29 21:59:05 XiaoguangdeMBP pydioswiftsync[10901]: No jobs found, reloading credentials...
Aug 29 21:59:05 XiaoguangdeMBP pydioswiftsync[10901]: Failed to parse JSON to loadFolders... Make sure your PydioSync supports /stat
Aug 29 21:59:06 XiaoguangdeMBP pydioswiftsync[10901]: No jobs found, reloading credentials...
Aug 29 21:59:06 XiaoguangdeMBP pydioswiftsync[10901]: Failed to parse JSON to loadFolders... Make sure your PydioSync supports /stat
Aug 29 21:59:06 XiaoguangdeMBP pydioswiftsync[10901]: No jobs found, reloading credentials...
Aug 29 21:59:06 XiaoguangdeMBP pydioswiftsync[10901]: Failed to parse JSON to loadFolders... Make sure your PydioSync supports /stat
Aug 29 21:59:06 XiaoguangdeMBP pydioswiftsync[10901]: No jobs found, reloading credentials...
Aug 29 21:59:06 XiaoguangdeMBP pydioswiftsync[10901]: Failed to parse JSON to loadFolders... Make sure your PydioSync supports /stat

The PydioSync should work with simple installation.

2 . I have checked the exported env variables when debugging, when using launchctl to start service, current user is correct (is my mac account).

If I change the working directory of pydio-agent in launchd, everything works.

And again: in the shell, if you do cd / first, /Applications/ fails as it is in launchd. This should be the bug: "pydio-agent" fails to start when working directory is not correct

7omate commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I've been testing many things on different machines. Launching PydioSync via launchpad or via /Applications/ worked fine everytime.

This is the command that corresponds to "Starting agent via launchctl command." launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/io.pyd.sync.launcher.plist

On my Mac it works fine. I think the problem is we don't wait long enough for the agent to start.

The real problem here is why do you get IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'data/ports_config'

wxiaoguang commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your reply :)

Can you try these steps?

cd /

These steps reports IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'data/ports_config' everytime.

7omate commented 8 years ago

For me this launches pydio-agent fine.

Can you run this? ls -l /Users/wxiaoguang/Library/Application Support/Pydio/ports_config (care the username)

-rw-r--r-- 1 thomas staff 70 Sep 6 12:04 /Users/thomas/Library/Application Support/Pydio/ports_config

wxiaoguang commented 8 years ago

I deleted everything related to Pydio and do a clean installation.

The first time to install from PydioSync-MacOSX-Installer-v1.2.7, there is NO ports_config

$ ls -lh "/Users/xiaoguang/Library/Application Support/Pydio/"
total 8.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaoguang staff 1.5K Sep  6 18:09 general_config.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaoguang staff  690 Sep  6 18:09 pydio.log

$ cat /Library/LaunchAgents/io.pyd.sync.launcher.plist
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
<plist version="1.0">

in system.log:
/var/log/system.log:18160:Sep  6 18:09:14 192 pydioswiftsync[2810]: Loaded pydioswiftsync
/var/log/system.log:18161:Sep  6 18:09:14 192 pydioswiftsync[2810]: Failed to read /Users/xiaoguang/Library/Application Support/Pydio/ports_config
/var/log/system.log:18162:Sep  6 18:09:14 192 pydioswiftsync[2810]: Failed to parse JSON to loadFolders... Make sure your PydioSync supports /stat
/var/log/system.log:18163:Sep  6 18:09:16 192 pydioswiftsync[2810]: No jobs found, reloading credentials...
/var/log/system.log:18164:Sep  6 18:09:16 192 pydioswiftsync[2810]: Failed to read /Users/xiaoguang/Library/Application Support/Pydio/ports_config
/var/log/system.log:18165:Sep  6 18:09:16 192 pydioswiftsync[2810]: Failed to parse JSON to loadFolders... Make sure your PydioSync supports /stat
/var/log/system.log:18166:Sep  6 18:09:16 192 pydioswiftsync[2810]: No jobs found, reloading credentials...
/var/log/system.log:18167:Sep  6 18:09:16 192 pydioswiftsync[2810]: Failed to read /Users/xiaoguang/Library/Application Support/Pydio/ports_config
/var/log/system.log:18168:Sep  6 18:09:16 192 pydioswiftsync[2810]: Failed to parse JSON to loadFolders... Make sure your PydioSync supports /stat
/var/log/system.log:18169:Sep  6 18:09:17 192 pydioswiftsync[2810]: No jobs found, reloading credentials...
Change to '/', fails:

~$ cd /
/$ /Applications/
DEBUG:root:sys.path: /var/folders/dm/nv292sbn0wd6klyx75_x0dcw0000gn/T/_MEIlGkc0U
DEBUG:root:PYTHONPATH: /var/folders/dm/nv292sbn0wd6klyx75_x0dcw0000gn/T/_MEIlGkc0U
DEBUG:root:sys.getdefaultencoding(): ascii
DEBUG:root:sys.getfilesystemencoding(): utf-8
        ANDROID_HOME: /Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk
        ANDROID_NDK_HOME: /Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/ndk
        ANDROID_SDK_ROOT: /Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk
        ANT_ROOT: /usr/local/bin
        Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render: /private/tmp/
        COCOS_CONSOLE_ROOT: /Users/xiaoguang/work/dev/cocos2d-js-v3.3/tools/cocos2d-console/bin
        COLORFGBG: 7;0
        EDITOR: vim
        GOHOME: /usr/local/go
        GOPATH: /Users/xiaoguang/go
        HOME: /Users/xiaoguang
        ITERM_PROFILE: Default
        ITERM_SESSION_ID: w0t2p1:19D2B04D-D8FD-422C-B09E-2EA95460E11F
        LANG: en_US.UTF-8
        LC_CTYPE: zh_CN.UTF-8
        LESS: -R
        LOGNAME: xiaoguang
        LSCOLORS: Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad
        NDK_ROOT: /Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/ndk
        OLDPWD: /Users/xiaoguang
        PAGER: less
        PATH: /usr/local/bin:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk/tools:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk/platform-tools:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/ndk:/Users/xiaoguang/work/dev/cocos2d-js-v3.3/tools/cocos2d-console/bin:/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/ndk:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk/tools:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk/platform-tools:/usr/local/go/bin:/Users/xiaoguang/go/bin
        PWD: /
        PYTHONPATH: /var/folders/dm/nv292sbn0wd6klyx75_x0dcw0000gn/T/_MEIlGkc0U
        QUICK_V3_ROOT: /Users/xiaoguang/Documents/quick-3.3
        REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE: /var/folders/dm/nv292sbn0wd6klyx75_x0dcw0000gn/T/_MEIlGkc0U/res/cacert.pem
        SHELL: /bin/zsh
        SHLVL: 1
        SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /private/tmp/
        TERM: xterm-256color
        TERM_SESSION_ID: w0t2p1:19D2B04D-D8FD-422C-B09E-2EA95460E11F
        TMPDIR: /var/folders/dm/nv292sbn0wd6klyx75_x0dcw0000gn/T/
        USER: xiaoguang
        XPC_FLAGS: 0x0
        ZSH: /Users/xiaoguang/.oh-my-zsh
        _: /Applications/
        __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING: 0x1F5:0x19:0x34
DEBUG:root:sys.platform: darwin
DEBUG:root:pydio_module: /
18:14:15 INFO    140735104016384 MainThread Product Version Number 1.2.7 and Version Date July 27 2016
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 319, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 265, in main
  File "/Users/charles/Desktop/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/a00136d723583ad3/build/pydio-agent/out01-PYZ.pyz/pydio.utils.config_ports", line 76, in create_config_file
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'data/ports_config'

Change to my home dir, works:

/$ cd ~
~$ /Applications/
DEBUG:root:sys.path: /var/folders/dm/nv292sbn0wd6klyx75_x0dcw0000gn/T/_MEI5wESmY
DEBUG:root:PYTHONPATH: /var/folders/dm/nv292sbn0wd6klyx75_x0dcw0000gn/T/_MEI5wESmY
DEBUG:root:sys.getdefaultencoding(): ascii
DEBUG:root:sys.getfilesystemencoding(): utf-8
        ANDROID_HOME: /Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk
        ANDROID_NDK_HOME: /Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/ndk
        ANDROID_SDK_ROOT: /Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk
        ANT_ROOT: /usr/local/bin
        Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render: /private/tmp/
        COCOS_CONSOLE_ROOT: /Users/xiaoguang/work/dev/cocos2d-js-v3.3/tools/cocos2d-console/bin
        COLORFGBG: 7;0
        EDITOR: vim
        GOHOME: /usr/local/go
        GOPATH: /Users/xiaoguang/go
        HOME: /Users/xiaoguang
        ITERM_PROFILE: Default
        ITERM_SESSION_ID: w0t2p1:19D2B04D-D8FD-422C-B09E-2EA95460E11F
        LANG: en_US.UTF-8
        LC_CTYPE: zh_CN.UTF-8
        LESS: -R
        LOGNAME: xiaoguang
        LSCOLORS: Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad
        NDK_ROOT: /Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/ndk
        OLDPWD: /
        PAGER: less
        PATH: /usr/local/bin:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk/tools:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk/platform-tools:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/ndk:/Users/xiaoguang/work/dev/cocos2d-js-v3.3/tools/cocos2d-console/bin:/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/ndk:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk/tools:/Applications/AndroidDeveloperTools/sdk/platform-tools:/usr/local/go/bin:/Users/xiaoguang/go/bin
        PWD: /Users/xiaoguang
        PYTHONPATH: /var/folders/dm/nv292sbn0wd6klyx75_x0dcw0000gn/T/_MEI5wESmY
        QUICK_V3_ROOT: /Users/xiaoguang/Documents/quick-3.3
        REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE: /var/folders/dm/nv292sbn0wd6klyx75_x0dcw0000gn/T/_MEI5wESmY/res/cacert.pem
        SHELL: /bin/zsh
        SHLVL: 1
        SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /private/tmp/
        TERM: xterm-256color
        TERM_SESSION_ID: w0t2p1:19D2B04D-D8FD-422C-B09E-2EA95460E11F
        TMPDIR: /var/folders/dm/nv292sbn0wd6klyx75_x0dcw0000gn/T/
        USER: xiaoguang
        XPC_FLAGS: 0x0
        ZSH: /Users/xiaoguang/.oh-my-zsh
        _: /Applications/
        __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING: 0x1F5:0x19:0x34
DEBUG:root:sys.platform: darwin
DEBUG:root:pydio_module: /Users/xiaoguang
18:16:14 INFO    140735104016384 MainThread Product Version Number 1.2.7 and Version Date July 27 2016
18:16:14 INFO    140735104016384 MainThread -----------------------------------------------
18:16:14 INFO    140735104016384 MainThread Starting agent locally on http://localhost:5556/
18:16:14 INFO    140735104016384 MainThread ------------------------------------------------
wxiaoguang commented 8 years ago

Some more information, I am using zsh, and using homebrew's gnu coreutils (ls, find, etc) to replace osx's system command, so my ls is /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin/ls -> /usr/local/opt/coreutils/bin/gls, see my PATH env var.

7omate commented 8 years ago

I have a similar set up, except for the gnu coreutils. Is there any chance you launched pydio-agent with sudo at some point?

In the end it works? Or should I change something?

Concerning the fail-like messages in system.log: I hoped nobody would ever find them :) They aren't error log per-se, it's to inform the user than no icons can be displayed because no jobs were found.

wxiaoguang commented 8 years ago

After sudo in root ( '/' )

~$ cd /
/$ sudo /Applications/
01:21:12 INFO    140735104016384 MainThread -----------------------------------------------
01:21:12 INFO    140735104016384 MainThread Starting agent locally on http://localhost:5556/
01:21:12 INFO    140735104016384 MainThread ------------------------------------------------

/$ pwd
/$ ls -lh /data/
total 4.0K
drwxr-xr-x 9 xiaoguang staff 306 Mar 31  2015 db/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      wheel  69 Sep  7 01:21 ports_config

You wrote the data to my root dir ...... :-( ps: the /data/db is my mongodb's dir

wxiaoguang commented 8 years ago

I think the bug is caused by you are trying to detect whether there is a data dir in PWD, if there is one, you will use the data dir in PWD, otherwise you will use the data dir in user's Library.

I have the data dir in my root('/'), so when the agent is launched from launchd, its PWD is '/' and trying to use the wrong data dir in my root.

7omate commented 8 years ago

I see... I managed to reproduce that... Indeed /Applications/ cannot start if there is a /data folder...

I'm not sure why exactly that happens yet. It's annoying to debug because this happens only with the "built" package, pydio_module path seems to be wrong.

wxiaoguang commented 2 years ago
