pyenv / pyenv-virtualenv

a pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv (a.k.a. python-virtualenv)
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option to not initialise automatic environment activation #415

Open mbway opened 2 years ago

mbway commented 2 years ago

I have had a similar experience to many others ( with pyenv-virtualenv being extremely slow

(note I have a 16 core 9900k, my machine is not the issue. from it looks like this could be related to my antivirus)

To work around this I have made a few changes to my initialisation which may be slightly hacky but they at least give me a usable shell:

export PATH="${HOME}/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv/shims:${PATH}"
export PS1='(${PYENV_VERSION}) '$PS1

So I have my own version of the virtualenv prompt which seems to work well so I don't see why the default has to be so slow, but I assume it doesn't work in all cases or something?

But the main point is that I took only the PATH altering part of pyenv virtualenv-init - leaving out the prompt hook for activating local environments since I don't use them. It would be nice if I could use an official command like pyenv virtualenv-init --no-local - instead?