In order to get the function of 'spherical harmonics' basis used in DimeNet, we need to calc 'Associated Legendre Polynomial' in math. But I just found a term missed in torch_geometric.nn.models.dimenet_utils.associated_legendre_polynomials().
The author of DimeNet use zero_m_only=True by default, so there will be no error when running the code by default.
But just a warning for those who also read or use this code, the author of the code (version of pyg: 2.3.1) missed a term when calculating $P_l^l$ which make all results except $P_l^0$ wrong. original code here
Beyond adding the missed term, I also add some comment to help understanding.
def associated_legendre_polynomials(k, zero_m_only=True):
helper function to calc Y_l^m
z = sym.symbols('z')
P_l_m = [[0] * (j + 1) for j in range(k)]
P_l_m[0][0] = 1
if k > 0:
P_l_m[1][0] = z
for j in range(2, k):
P_l_m[j][0] = sym.simplify(((2 * j - 1) * z * P_l_m[j - 1][0] -
(j - 1) * P_l_m[j - 2][0]) / j) # use the property of eq.7:
if not zero_m_only:
for i in range(1, k):
P_l_m[i][i] = sym.simplify((1 - 2 * i) * P_l_m[i - 1][i - 1]*(1-z**2)**0.5) # add missed term (*(1-z**2)**0.5) here
if i + 1 < k:
P_l_m[i + 1][i] = sym.simplify(
(2 * i + 1) * z * P_l_m[i][i]) # use the property of eq.11:
for j in range(i + 2, k):
P_l_m[j][i] = sym.simplify(
((2 * j - 1) * z * P_l_m[j - 1][i] -
(i + j - 1) * P_l_m[j - 2][i]) / (j - i)) # use the property of eq.7:
return P_l_m
After fixing this tiny bug, all the results are the right
🛠Proposed Refactor
In order to get the function of 'spherical harmonics' basis used in DimeNet, we need to calc 'Associated Legendre Polynomial' in math. But I just found a term missed in torch_geometric.nn.models.dimenet_utils.associated_legendre_polynomials().
The author of DimeNet use
by default, so there will be no error when running the code by default.But just a warning for those who also read or use this code, the author of the code (version of pyg: 2.3.1) missed a term when calculating $P_l^l$ which make all results except $P_l^0$ wrong. original code here
Take the result of $P_1^1$ as an example:
original code will output -1, but according to eq.14 at, the ground truth result is $-(1-x^2)^{0.5}$.
Suggest a potential alternative/fix
Beyond adding the missed term, I also add some comment to help understanding.
After fixing this tiny bug, all the results are the right