pygobject / pycairo

Python bindings for cairo
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PyCairo emits errors when rendering emojis from OpenMoji #310

Open YakoYakoYokuYoku opened 1 year ago

YakoYakoYokuYoku commented 1 year ago

I was toying with PyCairo to see if it had the capability to display emojis from the OpenMoji SVG-in-OT font.

import cairo
import gi
gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
from gi.repository import Gtk

def draw(da, ctx):
    ctx.move_to(80, 80)
    ctx.show_text("Hello, World!")
    extent = ctx.text_extents("Hello, World!")
    ctx.rel_move_to(extent.x_bearing, 0)
    ctx.show_text(" 🌎")

def main():
    win = Gtk.Window()
    win.connect("destroy", lambda w: Gtk.main_quit())
    win.set_default_size(450, 180)

    drawingarea = Gtk.DrawingArea()
    drawingarea.connect("draw", draw)


if __name__ == "__main__":

But things didn't work out as it doesn't render the globe and it throws a context save and restore mismatch error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 13, in draw
    ctx.show_text(" 🌎")
cairo.Error: Context.restore() without matching

( Gtk-WARNING **: 12:05:02.802: drawing failure for widget 'GtkDrawingArea': cairo_restore() without matching cairo_save()

( Gtk-WARNING **: 12:05:02.802: drawing failure for widget 'GtkWindow': cairo_restore() without matching cairo_save()

Though if I use Noto Color Emoji instead no error is emitted and I can see the globe. Any ideas?

stuaxo commented 1 year ago

This looks like an issue in the cairo library itself, not pycairo the python binding to cairographics.