Tried to use pyigm_fitlls to fit a LLS. Can load OK the spectrum, but then had several errors (note that pyigm_fitdla seems to work fine, see below).
First it could not find pyigm/data/fN/EW_SPLINE_b24.yml so did create that file copying from pyigm/data/fN/EW_SPLINE_b24_2022.yml.
Following the steps here:, did click with mouse and then type "#", and then I get a spinning wheel, no continuum model and large amount of text (which I am happy to share everything if you feel it is needed).
Bad key mathtext.fallback_to_cm in file /Users/nl/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc, line 285 ('mathtext.fallback_to_cm : True # When True, use symbols from the Computer Modern')
You probably need to get an updated matplotlibrc file from
or from the matplotlib source distribution
read_sets: Using set file --
Loading abundances from Asplund2009
Abundances are relative by number on a logarithmic scale with H=12
read_sets: Using set file --
Loading abundances from Asplund2009
Abundances are relative by number on a logarithmic scale with H=12
NOTE: You must specify the spectrum for fitting the LLS with # before modeling will begin
button=1, x=370.000000, y=203.000000, xdata=1224.830033, ydata=1.01398e-15
Initializing the continuum
/Users/nl/python/linetools/linetools/spectra/ UserWarning: Assuming wavelength unit is Angstroms
warnings.warn("Assuming wavelength unit is Angstroms")
Using P14 spline values to generate a default model
Loading: /Users/nl/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyigm/data/fN/fN_spline_z24.fits.gz
read_sets: Using set file --
Loading abundances from Asplund2009
Abundances are relative by number on a logarithmic scale with H=12
Bad key mathtext.fallback_to_cm in file /Users/nl/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc, line 285 ('mathtext.fallback_to_cm : True # When True, use symbols from the Computer Modern')
You probably need to get an updated matplotlibrc file from
or from the matplotlib source distribution
Traceback (most recent call last):
if self.quitting: raise BdbQuit
If instead I use pyigm_fitdla, that seems to work (can add continue, fit a DLA, etc...):
pyigm_fitdla J1120+1104_out.fits 0.495195
Bad key mathtext.fallback_to_cm in file /Users/nl/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc, line 285 ('mathtext.fallback_to_cm : True # When True, use symbols from the Computer Modern')
You probably need to get an updated matplotlibrc file from
or from the matplotlib source distribution
read_sets: Using set file --
Loading abundances from Asplund2009
Abundances are relative by number on a logarithmic scale with H=12
/Users/nl/python/linetools/linetools/analysis/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
resid = (model - s.fl) /
Begin by left-clicking in the plot window!
Then any of the following keystroke commands will work:
i,o : zoom in/out x limits
I,O : zoom in/out x limits (larger re-scale)
Y : zoom out y limits
y : guess y limits
W : Show original zooom
t,b : set y top/bottom limit
l,r : set left/right x limit
a,m,d : Add/modify/delete continuum knot
A : Add a new DLA
g : Move nearest Lyman line to cursor and reset z
N/n : Increase/decrease NHI
V/v : Increase/decrease bvalue
Z/z : Increase/decrease zabs
U/u : Increase/decrease sig_NHI [Default is 0.1 dex]
D : Delete DLA
$ : Toggle displaying metal lines
6,7,8,9 : Add forest lines
? : Print these help notes
P : Save current screen in dla_plot.pdf
Q : Quit the GUI
button=1, x=1054.000000, y=475.000000, xdata=1717.590575, ydata=4.68773e-15
Tried to use pyigm_fitlls to fit a LLS. Can load OK the spectrum, but then had several errors (note that pyigm_fitdla seems to work fine, see below).
First it could not find pyigm/data/fN/EW_SPLINE_b24.yml so did create that file copying from pyigm/data/fN/EW_SPLINE_b24_2022.yml.
Following the steps here:, did click with mouse and then type "#", and then I get a spinning wheel, no continuum model and large amount of text (which I am happy to share everything if you feel it is needed).
If instead I use pyigm_fitdla, that seems to work (can add continue, fit a DLA, etc...): pyigm_fitdla J1120+1104_out.fits 0.495195