pyigm / pyigm

Python routines for calculations and data on the Intergalactic Medium
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issues with pyigm_fitlls #232

Open nlehner opened 11 months ago

nlehner commented 11 months ago

Tried to use pyigm_fitlls to fit a LLS. Can load OK the spectrum, but then had several errors (note that pyigm_fitdla seems to work fine, see below).

First it could not find pyigm/data/fN/EW_SPLINE_b24.yml so did create that file copying from pyigm/data/fN/EW_SPLINE_b24_2022.yml.

Following the steps here:, did click with mouse and then type "#", and then I get a spinning wheel, no continuum model and large amount of text (which I am happy to share everything if you feel it is needed).

Bad key mathtext.fallback_to_cm in file /Users/nl/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc, line 285 ('mathtext.fallback_to_cm : True  # When True, use symbols from the Computer Modern')
You probably need to get an updated matplotlibrc file from
or from the matplotlib source distribution
read_sets: Using set file -- 
Loading abundances from Asplund2009
Abundances are relative by number on a logarithmic scale with H=12
read_sets: Using set file -- 
Loading abundances from Asplund2009
Abundances are relative by number on a logarithmic scale with H=12
NOTE: You must specify the spectrum for fitting the LLS with # before modeling will begin
button=1, x=370.000000, y=203.000000, xdata=1224.830033, ydata=1.01398e-15
Initializing the continuum
/Users/nl/python/linetools/linetools/spectra/ UserWarning: Assuming wavelength unit is Angstroms
  warnings.warn("Assuming wavelength unit is Angstroms")
Using P14 spline values to generate a default model
Loading: /Users/nl/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyigm/data/fN/fN_spline_z24.fits.gz
read_sets: Using set file -- 
Loading abundances from Asplund2009
Abundances are relative by number on a logarithmic scale with H=12

Bad key mathtext.fallback_to_cm in file /Users/nl/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc, line 285 ('mathtext.fallback_to_cm : True  # When True, use symbols from the Computer Modern')
You probably need to get an updated matplotlibrc file from
or from the matplotlib source distribution


Traceback (most recent call last):
    if self.quitting: raise BdbQuit

If instead I use pyigm_fitdla, that seems to work (can add continue, fit a DLA, etc...): pyigm_fitdla J1120+1104_out.fits 0.495195

Bad key mathtext.fallback_to_cm in file /Users/nl/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc, line 285 ('mathtext.fallback_to_cm : True  # When True, use symbols from the Computer Modern')
You probably need to get an updated matplotlibrc file from
or from the matplotlib source distribution
read_sets: Using set file -- 
Loading abundances from Asplund2009
Abundances are relative by number on a logarithmic scale with H=12
/Users/nl/python/linetools/linetools/analysis/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  resid = (model - s.fl) /

Begin by left-clicking in the plot window!

Then any of the following keystroke commands will work:

i,o       : zoom in/out x limits
I,O       : zoom in/out x limits (larger re-scale)
Y         : zoom out y limits
y         : guess y limits
W         : Show original zooom
t,b       : set y top/bottom limit
l,r       : set left/right x limit
a,m,d     : Add/modify/delete continuum knot
A         : Add a new DLA
g         : Move nearest Lyman line to cursor and reset z
N/n       : Increase/decrease NHI
V/v       : Increase/decrease bvalue
Z/z       : Increase/decrease zabs
U/u       : Increase/decrease sig_NHI  [Default is 0.1 dex]
D         : Delete DLA
$         : Toggle displaying metal lines
6,7,8,9   : Add forest lines
?         : Print these help notes
P         : Save current screen in dla_plot.pdf
Q         : Quit the GUI

button=1, x=1054.000000, y=475.000000, xdata=1717.590575, ydata=4.68773e-15
profxj commented 11 months ago

Hmm.. it's been awhile.

but I'm willing to try to debug in realtime

Either in San Diego (March) or on Zoom before that.

Hit me up on Slack