It looks like I could use rawpy to extract embedded thumbnails. This would allow loading a raw file into Naturtag's photo selection window without having an accompanying jpeg. Needs a bit more research though.
[ ] Extract and cache thumbnail
[ ] Add filename filters to file picker for common raw image types
[ ] Add 'all files' option to file picker
[ ] Collapse a raw+jpg pair into a single thumbnail (if both are loaded)
[ ] For raw files, only write to a sidecar file, even if embedded exif/xmp options are checked
[ ] If there's an accompanying jpg, writing embedded metadata to that is fine
[ ] If #46 is also implemented, that should rename/move any paired files (same base filename, different extension) together
It looks like I could use rawpy to extract embedded thumbnails. This would allow loading a raw file into Naturtag's photo selection window without having an accompanying jpeg. Needs a bit more research though.