pyinat / naturtag

Tag your nature photos with iNat taxonomy and observation metadata
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Uploading Audio Recordings to iNaturalist #369

Open arky opened 5 months ago

arky commented 5 months ago

Feature description

Allow bio acoustics audio data to be easily uploaded to iNaturalist. This is useful for bulk upload of data without requiring users to have programming skills.

Use case

Allow users to upload audio records from Wildlife Accoustics Echo Meter or Audiomoths to be upload directly from local hard drive to iNaturalist.

The embedded metadata of wav files could used to create entries for date, time and location.


At the moment, you have script your own uploader or use something like bat2inat

JWCook commented 2 weeks ago

Creating/updating observations is one of the many feature ideas I'd like to work on eventually, but it will probably be quite awhile before I'm able to get to that. When I do, though, I will certainly include audio uploads. Right now I'm still focusing on the core tagging features.