pyinvoke / invoke

Pythonic task management & command execution.
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Logging & other output concerns #15

Open bitprophet opened 12 years ago

bitprophet commented 12 years ago

Turning this into a general "how to do logging and useful output controls for invoke and fabric 2" ticket.

Use cases

Older thoughts

Thoughts for now, jumping off of the description of fabric/fabric#57 & current state of things in Invoke master:

Original/outdated description

Right now stdout/stderr is printed in our Popen subclass byte-by-byte to allow interaction etc. However, eventually we'll want real logging, meaning an ability to throw things line-by-line into a log library, meaning an extra buffer at the Popen level that does additional Things with lines as they are tallied up.

I suppose there should be an option to turn off the bytewise in favor of just linewise, but that could be a 2nd tier thing or saved for when we start layering Fab 2 on top of this.

bitprophet commented 6 years ago

Calling out #546 and #547 as recently filed tickets with specifically phrased use cases that fall under this aegis.

gitaarik commented 4 years ago

So what's the work need to be done here? Just use Python's logging module instead of print() statements? That shouldn't be too hard? I could do a pull request.

I assume you want to log the output of the command, and with logging formatting you can control whether the command itself is shown and whether the hostname is shown?

So something like:'ls')

Would output something like:

file1 file2 file3


import logging

Would output something like:

file1 file2 file3


import logging
logging.basicConfig(format="[%(hostname)] %(command)s\n%(output)s")'ls')

Would output something like:

[myhost] ls
file1 file2 file3

Am I on the right track here?

anarcat commented 4 years ago

in stressant, i add a logging output level called OUTPUT to log command standard output, for what that's worth. it's kind of nasty, but it works. i'm thinking of rewriting stresssant with invoke, so i'd be very interested in seeing how this could work.

i call the logging function once per line, that said, not once per command. maybe that's bad, but i need this to show that stuff on the console, so i had no way around that that i found elegant.

gitaarik commented 4 years ago

I've created my own run() and cd() methods for now that print the logging that I want:

from textwrap import indent

class Color:
    # Terminal text color escape characters
    PURPLE = '\033[95m'
    CYAN = '\033[96m'
    DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
    BLUE = '\033[94m'
    GREEN = '\033[92m'
    YELLOW = '\033[93m'
    RED = '\033[91m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
    END = '\033[0m'

def run(conn, command, sudo_pass=None):
    At the time of writing, Fabric 2 doesn't have a way to show the hostname in
    front of the command. So we do it manually here.

    This GitHub issue is working on solving this in Fabric 2:

    print(f"{Color.BOLD}[{}] {command}{Color.END}\n")

    if sudo_pass:
        result = conn.sudo(command, hide=True, echo=False, password=sudo_pass)
        result =, hide=True, echo=False)

    output = indent(result.stdout or result.stderr, '    ')


def cd(conn, path):
    For the same reason we define our own `run()` command, we also have our own
    `cd()` command so we can log elaborate output to the user.

    Because this method should be a contextmanager, we can't use the original
    `cd()` method, but we can mimic it's functionality, by updating the value
    of `Connection.command_cwds`.

    print(f'\n{Color.BOLD}[{}] entering dir {path}{Color.END}\n')

        print(f'\n{Color.BOLD}[{}] leaving dir {path}{Color.END}\n')
anarcat commented 4 years ago

after fiddling around with fabric for a few more days, one thing i'm missing is a --verbose flag. we already have --debug in the fab commandline, which turns debugging all the way up to 11 (loglevel=DEBUG), but i often send stuff to the INFO level for some tasks.

for example, take this script:

it has a main() because i want to setup logging so that when --verbose passed to the script, i see those neat messages come up. but by default, the script silently does its magic (more or less - it's not finished yet).

if fab had a --verbose argument that did the right thing, i wouldn't need this main at all! :)

(well, that's not true: that script is complicated by the fact that it operates on three different servers, so the task would at least need to be rewire just so, but still...)

update: i added #706 to show what i mean. probably incomplete... i wonder if another part of this would be to convert a precious few of the current debug statement into info level logs so that we would get some logging by default in "verbose"... (say "connecting to server", "runnin command" or something like that, instead of the flood of stuff from paramiko and Context we currently get...)

anarcat commented 4 years ago

here's another hack I used:

class VerboseProgram(Fab):
    # cargo-culted from fab's
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def core_args(self):
        core_args = super().core_args()
        extra_args = [
                names=('verbose', 'v'),
                help="be more verbose"
        return core_args + extra_args

    def parse_core(self, argv):
        if self.args.debug.value:
        elif self.args.verbose.value:
        # reset formatter
        logging.debug('reseting logging formats')
        for h in logging.getLogger('').handlers:
            f = logging.Formatter()
        # override default logging policies in submodules
        # without this, we get debugging info from paramiko with --verbose
        for mod in 'fabric', 'paramiko', 'invoke':

kind of clunky, but it seemed better than hacking up my own wrapper to a task, which is what i was doing before (and required duplicating the argument parsing logic).