pyinvoke / invoke

Pythonic task management & command execution.
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optional flags not being forwarded to dependent tasks #852

Closed gvwilson closed 2 years ago

gvwilson commented 2 years ago

I have two tasks: one cleans a raw data file to produce a clean data file, and the other produces several plots from the clean data file:

RAW_FILE = "raw.csv"
CLEAN_FILE = "clean.csv"
PLOT_FILE = "plot.svg"

def clean_data(c, logging=None):
    """Produce cleaned-up dataset."""
    print("CLEAN", logging)
    df = clean_raw_data(RAW_FILE)
    df.to_csv(CLEAN_FILE, index=False)

@task(pre=[clean_data], optional=["logging"])
def plot_data(c, logging=None):
    """Create plots of data."""
    print("PLOT", logging)
    make_plot(CLEAN_FILE, PLOT_FILE)

def _configure_logging(log_level):
    """Initialize logging."""
    if log_level is not None:
        print("SETTING LOGGING TO", log_level)
        CONFIG["LOGGING_LEVEL"] = log_level.upper()

If I run:

$ invoke clean-data --logging info

then logging is set to INFO and I get a message from inside clean_raw_data. However, if I run:

$ invoke plot-data --logging info


  1. clean_data is invoked with logging=None, so no log message appears.
  2. plot_data is then invoked with logging="info", so its log message appears.

My expectation was that command-line flags would be passed down to dependent tasks. I tried doing this manually:

@task(pre=[call(clean_data, logging=logging)], optional=["logging"])
def plot_data(c, logging=None): before...

but this produces an error message because logging isn't defined at the point the @task decorator is invoked.

Is there a way to chain optional arguments in the desired fashioned?

neozenith commented 2 years ago

This is not yet supported but it is on the roadmap.

If you'd like to track the progress of that specific feature, we are linking back to this issue I think is the best canonical issue to describe it:

But the timeline to work on this will be after all of Fabric, Paramiko and Invoke all migrate to CircleCI and drop support for Python2. Then we stand a better chance at feature work with a smaller support matrix.

So there is a lot of catch up maintenance work, but this is a popular request we intend to implement.