pyinvoke / invoke

Pythonic task management & command execution.
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MockContext does not support asynchronous #940

Open kasium opened 1 year ago

kasium commented 1 year ago

If the method is called with asynchronous=True as Result is returned instead of a Promise

red8888 commented 1 year ago

I'm running into this issue too.

I tried to do this Promise(Result("sdfsfsdf"))

But got this error: AttributeError: 'Result' object has no attribute 'result_kwargs'

Promise seems to just take a Result so why is it choking on this?

red8888 commented 1 year ago

I could not find a way to get invoke to just give me a properly instantiated Result that Promise would accept- issue was with that result_kwargs prop it demands. I'm probably just misunderstanding it, but it seems weird how it works. Promise inherits Result but result_kwargs is not a static property of the Result class?

I've been doing this which is not great but seems to work:

class MockPromise:
    """Manually mock invoke Promise. Currently MockContext does not support it ootb."""

    class Runner:
        def __init__(self, stderr: str = None, stdout: str = None):
            self.stderr = stderr
            self.stdout = stdout
            self.kill = lambda: "Mocked kill method"

    def __init__(self, command: str = None, stderr: str = None, stdout: str = None):
        self.command = command
        self.runner = self.Runner(stderr, stdout)

Then I just pass it in where I would Result

# In a test
    ctx = MockContext(
            "some command": MockPromise(
                stderr="Mocked stderr of command",
                stdout="Mocked stdout of command",

Still, I'm sure there is a way to just ask invoke for a proper Promise somehow right?