pyinvoke / invoke

Pythonic task management & command execution.
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invoke 2.1.3 does not work when run inside bash #955

Open AlexanderPetermann opened 12 months ago

AlexanderPetermann commented 12 months ago

I have a typical folder structure with:


Everything runes with 2.0.0, but after upgrading to 2.1.3 tasks are not found anymore.

When run invoke -l -d I get a working output:

invoke.program.parse_collection: No default namespace provided, trying to load one from disk
invoke.loader.find: FilesystemLoader find starting at '/Users/alexander.petermann/projects/abc'
invoke.loader.find: Found module: '/Users/alexander.petermann/projects/abc/tasks'
invoke.config._load_file: Didn't see any /Users/alexander.petermann/projects/abc/invoke.yaml, skipping.

but if I call invoke inside a bash script OR like bash -c "invoke -l -d", invoke will not find the defined tasks:

invoke.program.parse_collection: No default namespace provided, trying to load one from disk
invoke.loader.find: FilesystemLoader find starting at '/Users/alexander.petermann/projects/abc'
invoke.loader.find: Found module: ModuleSpec(name='tasks', loader=<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x1015fe1d0>, origin='/Users/alexander.petermann/projects/abc/')
invoke.config._load_file: Didn't see any /Users/alexander.petermann/projects/abc/invoke.yaml, skipping.