pykao / BraTS2018-tumor-segmentation

We provide DeepMedic and 3D UNet in pytorch for brain tumore segmentation. We also integrate location information with DeepMedic and 3D UNet by adding additional brain parcellation with original MR images.
106 stars 23 forks source link #4

Open loveisatouch opened 3 years ago

loveisatouch commented 3 years ago

because of not exit temp_dir. os.mkdir(temp_dir) that's /.temp_bp
"""subject_bp_filepaths = [os.path.join(root, name) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(temp_dir) for name in files if 'HarvardOxford' not in name and 'lab' in name and name.endswith('.nii.gz')] """ so subject_bp_filepaths=[]

when img = sitk.ReadImage(subject_bp_filepaths[0]) it cause IndexError: list index out of range. how to sovle this problem thx!