pykao / BraTS2018-tumor-segmentation

We provide DeepMedic and 3D UNet in pytorch for brain tumore segmentation. We also integrate location information with DeepMedic and 3D UNet by adding additional brain parcellation with original MR images.
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Question regarding fusion work #5

Closed sarthakpati closed 3 years ago

sarthakpati commented 3 years ago


I am interested in using the label fusion work you have proposed in but I am not really able to figure out which portion of the code it is in. Could you please help?

I will obviously cite your work in any work I put across.

Cheers, Sarthak

pykao commented 3 years ago

Hi Sarthak,

Please refer to the following repo for the label fusion work:

Shailja's Repo

If you have any question, feel free to email to the coauthor, S. Shailja, who primarily works on the label fusion.