This template should be used (edited) the month prior and during the meeting. This will ensure we can address all topics added throughout the month; as well as provide minutes and follow up after the meeting is held.
PyLadies Global Meeting
Date: 14th October
Previous meeting issue link: #123
Current meeting attendees: @econchick @BethanyG @JUpani @valerybriz @MmeMarieLouise , Phyllis Dobbs and Laura Graves
Please add items as needed. If you add a topic please make sure to attend the meeting.
Ana Cecelia, Juliana and Carolina all left the team at the same time so @MmeMarieLouise , @BethanyG and @AbigailDogbe have been scheduling content manually and planning automation.
Update re: Heroku sponsorship: I just got word yesterday that Heroku/Salesforce internally approved supporting PyLadies. I should hear from them about more details in a week or two (hopefully just in time as our original support runs out at the end of this month).
Anyone want to have a mini-hack-day with me for a few hours on some weekend day in the future? I want to set aside time to go through some admin/infra/github stuff for PyLadies, and it'd be cool if others joined me, just all hanging out on Slack or something.
Tania Allard
Sarah Adigwe
Marie-Louise Annan
Diana Rodriguez investigation
PENDING : public announcement etc
Comms team restructuring
Chapter Budgets
Bethany Garcia
Review Actions Items from Last Meeting
Action Item
Relevant links
Create Global council announcement schedule
Monthly Global Council Spotlight announcement
Draft Stop Asian Hate Statement
Draft announcement to put this years appointments on hold
Set up process for GC to review sponsorship and Financial requests
@Marie-L @BethanyG
Complete Finance backlog
@Marie-L @BethanyG
post first GC announcement
@Marie-L @BethanyG
New Business
[ ] Welcome back Valery 🎉
[ ] PyLadies Finance
[ ] PyLadies Auction at PyCon 2022 (salt lake city Utah)
[ ] PyLadies Support of PyCon 2022 Travel Grants
an idea is that we could send a list of PyLadies members who we'd like have the grants awarded to
DEADLINE mid jan after the other fiscal sponsorship docs and admin is sorted
or we could give money to local chapters to attend their local conferences
[ ] PyCon entry free , around 200 people capacity and the cost for entry fee is $5 per person. Should we increase it ? DEADLINE : Early December (but Phyllis will get back to us with a date)
[ ] Chapter Budgets
we can approve an allocated budget and anything else we can direct them to the PSF or fundraise
chapter weighting system
PyLadies Chicago and NYC had their own accounts, but the PSF hasn't granted chapter level support since.
each PyLadies chapter could have a fundraising link where people could donate to by chapter
the PSF have restrictions on countries that they cannot support financially (Cuba, north Korea etc.)
[ ] How do we define an Official chapter ? - we could do a 'golden path route' with the meet up grant etc, but your don't have to follow this method. But if you do they you'll be rewarded. it will be slightly more difficult to chose the non golden path route. Also, any PyLadies chapters can apply for any PSF grants (which isn't a part of the PyLadies account/ budget)
[ ]
[ ] Meet up Pro Network - PSF sponsor groups and they have at leat 2 events per year
[ ] Email from Philip James re: PSF's Conduct WG from Sept 22 to council@
This template should be used (edited) the month prior and during the meeting. This will ensure we can address all topics added throughout the month; as well as provide minutes and follow up after the meeting is held.
PyLadies Global Meeting
Please add items as needed. If you add a topic please make sure to attend the meeting.
Project Updates
Project Tech & Infra (Slack: #project-tech-infra / Repo: )
Finance (Repo:
Data ( Repo: )
Member Reports
Review Actions Items from Last Meeting
New Business
[ ] PyLadies Finance
[ ] PyLadies Auction at PyCon 2022 (salt lake city Utah)
[ ] PyLadies Support of PyCon 2022 Travel Grants
an idea is that we could send a list of PyLadies members who we'd like have the grants awarded to
DEADLINE mid jan after the other fiscal sponsorship docs and admin is sorted
or we could give money to local chapters to attend their local conferences
[ ] PyCon entry free , around 200 people capacity and the cost for entry fee is $5 per person. Should we increase it ? DEADLINE : Early December (but Phyllis will get back to us with a date)
[ ] Chapter Budgets
we can approve an allocated budget and anything else we can direct them to the PSF or fundraise
chapter weighting system
PyLadies Chicago and NYC had their own accounts, but the PSF hasn't granted chapter level support since.
each PyLadies chapter could have a fundraising link where people could donate to by chapter
the PSF have restrictions on countries that they cannot support financially (Cuba, north Korea etc.)
[ ] How do we define an Official chapter ? - we could do a 'golden path route' with the meet up grant etc, but your don't have to follow this method. But if you do they you'll be rewarded. it will be slightly more difficult to chose the non golden path route. Also, any PyLadies chapters can apply for any PSF grants (which isn't a part of the PyLadies account/ budget)
[ ]
[ ] Meet up Pro Network - PSF sponsor groups and they have at leat 2 events per year
[ ] Email from Philip James re: PSF's Conduct WG from Sept 22 to council@
Old Business: Follow up items from prior meeting:
Action Items and Assignees for Next Meeting
@pyladies/pyladies-global-contributors @pyladies/pyladies-global-admin