pyladies / global-organizing

Repository to track global organizing
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Start PyLadies Member Database #54

Closed lorenanicole closed 4 years ago

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago


Now that #50 is open, per the timeline we have to start preparing for outreach with our PyLadies members to in April / May 2020 either vote or nominate themselves for the inaugural PyLadies Global Council. To do this, we need a distribution list to communicate with our PyLadies members directly.


PyLadies Membership Registration

Proposal is for:


Per the Feb 2020 PyLadies Global Meeting we decided the following #60

Registering for a chapter:

How will we disseminate registration

Verifying Members

PyLadies chapter organizers will be able to "verify" their own members: - - No one external will weigh in

PyLadies with no local chapter, inactive, or remote:


  1. Where will member information live?

To start, in the PyLadies Google account (e.g. spreadsheets). We can restrict access only then to official Google accounts.

The plan is to forward this data to the PSF when they move to a new CRM in 2020 per a chat with @ejodlowska. See:

  1. Will the member information of a given chapter be shared with the chapter organizers?

Yes. Per question 1, we will house the information initially within the PyLadies Google account. We can then restrict information using the Google accounts. See:

trallard commented 4 years ago
lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@trallard definitely đź‘Ť on GDPR compliant. It was a total memory lapse when the initial form was made for Chapter Directory.

As per the Member Directory what alternative to Google Forms do you suggest? I talked with the PSF and that’s what they have in place (a new CRM is coming sometime next year). I don’t want us locked into paid software if it isn’t necessary as we should be considering plugging into the PSF infra in the future. Specifically the thought is when people register as a PSF member one option for membership is as a PyLadies member!

trallard commented 4 years ago

I am not sure what alternatives would be suitable in this case. I think Typeform is generally a good alternative. But I will make sure to do more digging around other alternatives that won't prevent us from joining the PSF infra in the future.

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

Typeform works for me! Thanks @trallard !

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago


For the member chapter directory here's some proposed questions I think we should collect ...

trallard commented 4 years ago

That looks good. I think at least the following questions should allow for folks to self define (i.e. provide an "other": option):

jesford commented 4 years ago

Some of these questions look like they would take free form responses (How do you use Python? What do you wish to see from PyLadies?). Is this data useful to collect & store? Definitely seems interesting to have...

Also, if we're just trying to learn more about members, should we also ask:

mesrenyamedogbe commented 4 years ago

Asking for members consent to receiving newsletters can be considered. Also, is it useful to ask for Github handles? (could be an optional field).

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

Updated with additional questions ...


For the member chapter directory here's some proposed questions I think we should collect ...

Member Information

PyLadies Chapter Membership

PyLadies Programming and Communication

PyLadies Volunteering

Python Background

General GDPR Compliance

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

There are a lot of questions here... Some thoughts:

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

I understand we do want to collect these info, but it feels that these questions about "programming", "volunteering", "python background" are more like a survey type of question, rather than for building a member directory.

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@Mariatta I can definitely understand.

That said here's some thoughts:

What are we collecting this info for?

Great question! I think we need to maybe refocus. There's two options:

Why would we want to collect for a member database?

Outreach is hard, as we have seen with the PyLadies Chapter Directory. It takes a while. Making this a "two for one" effort means we can start collecting data points that are useful for Project teams (and perhaps for us to start developing internal heuristics for measuring PyLadies community and community engagement!).

Doesn't collecting this info become static?

Yes, @Mariatta definitely we would want to check in on this. We could email members at the start of every year and confirm:

TLDR I think it behooves us to start getting more info at the start but specifically start collecting now since we will start using this for the election.

If we are concerned about maintenance or this being too much we can make everything but member info, chapter info, and waiver to say we can email optional.


jesford commented 4 years ago

I think those are really good points @Mariatta. Maybe we should keep the data collection more minimal for the database purpose and break the rest into a survey if we are interested to know about about the current preferences and status of each member (or collect the data the same way but only store limited entries in the DB).

I think @lorenanicole 's idea of having members update transient data every year could work, but will require more effort than keeping a more basic list that people just subscribe and unsubscribe from.

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@jesford @Mariatta I asked the @pyladies/communications for a point person to help us develop a comms strategy for this.

Perhaps what we can do is take the questions and break them up to work into that strategy including:

pfctdayelise commented 4 years ago

As background, would someone familiar with it be able to summarise how membership/voting eligibility is handled in PSF? is there infra or experience there we could leverage?

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@pfctdayelise great question! I'm a Director with the Python Software Foundation and have raised this question in the on-site PSF Board meeting Nov 2019, and the answer right now is no.

Why? The PSF staff is investigating moving to a new CRM but that won't be until after PyCon US 2020 (which the PSF staff runs). This should be an action item however that the new Council takes on when the PSF staff is ready (I can help liaison with this) in mid 2020.

Future PyLadies Membership That said, I've already spoken with @ejodlowska / PSF staff and we've all agreed that something like this would be a hypothetical future for when the PSF has new system in place:


Porting data

Does that answer your question?

pfctdayelise commented 4 years ago

Does that answer your question?

Thanks, yes it does about the infra. What about the eligibility to vote? Seems like in PSF 'Basic' (self sign up) members can't vote, and you need to either pay an annual donation (membership fee) or apply as a managing/contributing member which is reviewed by the board. What's our equivalent expectation?

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@pfctdayelise I believe you are asking, "do all PyLadies registered members get to vote?". In which case, this is a great question and is something that needs to be discussed now that the PyLadies organizers have voted on using public election as part of the selection process. I believe that is beyond the scope of this issue. In fact, it is an issue on my list to open!

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

We've got to start getting this moving ... and I actually just noticed a model that maybe is a good one for us to follow to start - the Code for America Bridge National Advisory Council elections. See:

To vote, members have to confirm they've taken the "census survey", which in effect means confirming membership in a brigade chapter. The survey then collects demographic info, which is something we've been debating.

That said, I am going to revisit my proposal:

@Mariatta I can definitely understand.

That said here's some thoughts:

What are we collecting this info for?

Great question! I think we need to maybe refocus. There's two options:

* We collect only for the election

* We collect for a member database

Why would we want to collect for a member database?

Outreach is hard, as we have seen with the PyLadies Chapter Directory. It takes a while. Making this a "two for one" effort means we can start collecting data points that are useful for Project teams (and perhaps for us to start developing internal heuristics for measuring PyLadies community and community engagement!).

Doesn't collecting this info become static?

Yes, @Mariatta definitely we would want to check in on this. We could email members at the start of every year and confirm:

* Are you still a member?

* Do you still want emails?

* Can you update your fields here?

TLDR I think it behooves us to start getting more info at the start but specifically start collecting now since we will start using this for the election.

If we are concerned about maintenance or this being too much we can make everything but member info, chapter info, and waiver to say we can email optional.


TLDR; I propose we do the following, please review as I will be moving this forward with a proposal at the next Global Meeting on Feb 12th

  1. Make a form that allows people to register to become members
  2. Form is distributed by organizers via their own mechanism (e.g. email through MeetUp to registered members, at in person events)
  3. If there are individuals that do not have a local chapter, by default they can register as "Members at Large", but they must be in the PyLadies Slack community and agree to abide by the PyLadies Code of Conduct
  4. Form asks individuals if they would like to vote, but first they must complete the member survey with the extended set of questions

@Mariatta @jesford @pfctdayelise @trallard would that sound agreeable?

jesford commented 4 years ago

This sounds great to me @lorenanicole! On point 3 we could require or request that members without a local chapter join PyLadies Remote (I just checked their site though and it doesn't look like they've been active lately, so maybe not).

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@jesford we can have them do that! I know @ossanna16 use to run that, @ossanna16 is anyone actively maintaining that? If not, could we reset that to perhaps be the global group for now so folks have a chapter they can run? I actually wouldn't mind being a "lead" in that I can schedule a remote chat more easily now these days than an IRL experience.

ossanna16 commented 4 years ago

Hiya! I actually don't lead PyLadies Remote anymore. Please reach out to Corryn Smith about this. I can provide an email address in a private channel.

trallard commented 4 years ago

I might be missing something obvious, but where is this database going to live and who will have access to this? Is this going to be access by the PSF and interim gov team?

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@trallard the plan is to turn the database over to the PSF to house in their system when a new CMS is selected in later 2020. For now, we can house the information as a Google spreadsheet and restrict access to only those that are admins on the PyLadies Google account.

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

Since we've had some feedback that becoming a basic PyLadies member (e.g. added into PyLadies database) shouldn't be contingent on additional data collection, here is two forms I am proposing for registering to become a member:

Registration for Basic Member (No Voting):

Member Information

PyLadies Slack Handle
GitHub Handle (optional)
Social Media Handle (optional)
Language(s) spoken

PyLadies Chapter Membership

PyLadies Chapter Affiliation ** Get list from Lorena

PyLadies Membership Option

Yes - I would like voting privileges. If yes, I will complete the extended membership voting form. 
No - I would like basic membership. This entitles me to updates from PyLadies by email. 

General GDPR Compliance

An "I consent to share my email for PyLadies news and updates"  verbiage for GDPR compliance

Registration for Voting Member:

Member Information

PyLadies Slack Handle
GitHub Handle (optional)
Social Media Handle (optional)
Language(s) spoken
Professional title (dropdown with options like developer, student, academia/science, data scientist, analyst, engineer, etc ..)
Industry (dropdown with options like software, academia, marketing, etc ...)

PyLadies Programming and Communication

PyLadies Chapter Affiliation ** Get list from Lorena
What programming would you like to see PyLadies invest in?
What types of events do you find value in: networking, workshops, code and coffee / informal coding meetups, conferences, other: blank?
Would you like to receive the PyLadies email newsletter? Expect emails quarterly.

PyLadies Volunteering

Would you like to be more involved in PyLadies Globally?
If yes, do any of these project teams interest you: project communications, project admin & logistics ... ?
Would you like to be more involved in PyLadies locally?
If yes, what or where are you interested in helping?

Python Background

How long have you used Python?
How do you use Python?
Are you a Python Software Foundation member? If yes, what level?

General GDPR Compliance

An "I consent to share my email for PyLadies news and updates"  verbiage for GDPR compliance
wgrus commented 4 years ago

Will the information be shared with the local organizers?

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@wgrus great question! I have amended the question section in this issue above to answer in question 2.

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

Not sure if this would be a lot of work, or is it possible at all: would be great if the "chapter affiliation" is a dropdown of known registered pyladies chapter, instead of a freeform text.

The rest looks good to me. Thanks.

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@Mariatta we will figure out a way! If we have to we can link to an external list and have them pick from there.

Not sure if this would be a lot of work, or is it possible at all: would be great if the "chapter affiliation" is a dropdown of known registered pyladies chapter, instead of a freeform text.

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

We have extended the proposal for: registration for chapters, verification of members, and more in the proposal above. Please weigh in! We are aiming to start member registration Mar 1 2020.

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@deboraazevedo @elainewong here's the questions we need translated: Let's aim to get this translated by Feb 28?

@BethanyG you can start using this for our forms.

amadikwajoyn commented 4 years ago

Updated with additional questions ...


For the member chapter directory here's some proposed questions I think we should collect ...

Member Information

  • Name
  • Pronouns
  • Email
  • PyLadies Slack Handle
  • GitHub Handle (optional)
  • Social Media Handle (optional)
  • Language(s) spoken
  • Professional title (dropdown with options like developer, student, academia/science, data scientist, analyst, engineer, etc ..)
  • Industry (dropdown with options like software, academia, marketing, etc ...)

PyLadies Chapter Membership

  • PyLadies Chapter Affiliation
  • Are you a chapter organizer? If yes, which chapter?
  • What was the most recent event you attended? Please link to the event page.
  • How long have you been involved in your PyLadies chapter?
  • Have you presented at PyLadies?

PyLadies Programming and Communication

  • What programming would you like to see PyLadies invest in?
  • What types of events do you find value in: networking, workshops, code and coffee / informal coding meetups, conferences, other: blank?
  • Would you like to receive the PyLadies email newsletter? Expect emails quarterly.

PyLadies Volunteering

  • Would you like to be more involved in PyLadies? If yes, do any of these project teams interest you: project communications, project admin & logistics ... ?

Python Background

  • How long have you used Python?
  • How do you use Python?
  • Are you a Python Software Foundation member? If yes, what level?

General GDPR Compliance

  • An "I consent to share my email" verbiage for GDPR compliance

I suggest that social media handle shouldn't be optional... At least one should be compulsory... Because it will help in networking with the members via other platforms.

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the input @treasurechristain! One thing about requiring a social media handle, though, is not everyone uses social media. So unfortunately that’ll mean we need to keep it optional.

Was there anything else?

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

Any updates on the member registration translation @deboraazevedo @elainewong ?

deboraazevedo commented 4 years ago

There was no edit requests on the docs, as Mariatta pointed out. I'm doing the Portuguese translation myself. Today Mariatta suggested to post this request on the general channel on Slack

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

I've posted in psf-community mailing list

trallard commented 4 years ago

I can take the Spanish translation. Sorry if I have been MIA

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

@trallard Spanish translation had started here

Perhaps you can help review it? Thanks!

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@Mariatta did you mean has done the translation?

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

Yes they are at and

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

Updated the issue already!

amadikwajoyn commented 4 years ago

Nice work so far...

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

This is already done ! CLOSING!