pyladies / global-organizing

Repository to track global organizing
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Monthly PyLadies Meeting Notes: Jan 8 2020 @ 10:00 PST #55

Closed lorenanicole closed 4 years ago

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

This template should be used (edited) the month prior and during the meeting. This will ensure we can address all topics added throughout the month; as well as provide minutes and follow up after the meeting is held.

Initial Details

Meeting Topics

Please add items as needed. If you add a topic please make sure to attend the meeting.

New Business

Old Business: Follow up items from prior meeting:

Action Items and Assignees for Next Meeting

Action Item Owner Relevant links
amadikwajoyn commented 4 years ago

Please can we know the list of the chapters that voted?

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@treasurechristain posted in Slack!

trallard commented 4 years ago

Apologies for missing this call. I am going to PyCon US too so looking forward to seeing you all there

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

Did you all have chance to review the proposed policies re: starting/deactivating chapters during last meeting?

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

And is there any feedback?

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

TLDR; no we didn't get any tangible feedback @Mariatta as we focused mainly on the election work however I did raise the issue with attendees to get their eyes on. I am late publishing the minutes from the meeting and will get that up this weekend 😱. That said, @Mariatta I don't think it hurts to do another round of outreach as well!

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

Ah I just saw this @Mariatta :! Looks like the @pyladies/admin-and-logistics team has started work on the form at least 😄