pyladies / global-organizing

Repository to track global organizing
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PyLadies Project Proposal: CMS or database management for Global PyLadies administration #72

Open Mariatta opened 4 years ago

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

Project Proposal

Is this a new project?

What is the name and focus area of this project?

The administration of global pyladies chapters, memberships, chapter organizers are all currently stored in various Google Sheets. While Google Sheets makes it easy for us to capture data (people can fill in via Google Forms), it has becoming difficult and not scalable to continue managing data that way.

We need proper CMS or database system somehow instead of continuing using Google Sheets.

As an idea, we have various spreadsheets:

  1. New PyLadies chapter registration

We have this as a Google Forms, which makes it to accept input, but a bit difficult to review. Current review process is a little magical: we post the application to Slack, we give 👍 or 👎 , then our reaction got recorded to a different spreadsheets. I think it would be better if we have proper review system (similar to how we review talk proposals). Then as part of the review system, if the application is approved, the chapter itself should be automatically added to a centralized chapters database along with the organizers info. We need a way to better track the status of the application, the reason it was rejected, or if we simply need to connect them with the previous organizers.

  1. PyLadies chapters database

I think we have several different spreadsheets for this "chapters" database. There's the list of all chapters that exists on GSuite, and there's a different forms for chapter directory.

Ideally we should have a database for all of the chapters, and store the relevant data such as up to date organizers list, their relevant websites or social media urls etc. Each organizers should be able to easily update their own chapter's information, and they should be able to easily update the organizers list in case when organizers stepped down, transferring ownership to new organizers, etc. As the admin, we should also be able to easily transfer inactive chapters to new organizers.

  1. PyLadies organizers database

As the global admins, we need to have the official list of all chapter organizers in one place. Each chapter organizer should be able to update their info and active/inactive status.

  1. PyLadies member database

We have started the PyLadies member registration earlier this year (2020), and this is also in a form of Google Sheets. There is no easy way to "update" my information once I registered. Ideally my "membership" info is shared with my info as an "organizer". e.g. I should not have to enter the same info like name, email address, which chapter I belong to, in multiple different forms.

  1. PyLadies annual chapter activity report

Related to the PyLadies chapter database, we also need a way to track and review activities of each PyLadies chapter. I think we need a way to flag a chapter is inactive based on certain criteria, and then track our follow up attempts to the inactive organizers.pi

I'm not sure if there's existing CMS platform that we can use out of the box to fit our needs, or do we need to develop our own django database management for all of these? I'm sure we have more data in spreadsheets that aren't addressed above.

Who will be the project lead(s)?

I can co-lead with another person or more

Who will be the team member(s)?

Name GitHub Handle PyLadies Chapter Team Role
Mariatta @mariatta PyLadies Vancouver co-lead
Tereza Iofcio @terezaif PyLadies Hamburg member

What are the initial unit(s) of work the project will target?

How will the project team work?

yes, once we figure out the approach we're taking, then I imagine there will be a new repo to host the codebase

I personally prefer slack and using GitHub issues/GitHub discussions

Is there anything else relevant to the scope of this project?

cc/ @pyladies/pyladies-global-admin @pyladies/tech-and-infra-admins

terezaif commented 4 years ago

I'd be interested in joining and help

BethanyG commented 3 years ago

Just linking this here, since it appears that conversations are going in parallel: Was scoping a membership portal/CMS in Django/Wagtail/dango-cms. Should I hold off on that in favor of this strategy? I'd also be interested in participating in this, if this is the strategy we've chosen going forward.

Mariatta commented 3 years ago

There is no decision yet but if you have time to work on this and exploring the Django /wagtail etc then please go ahead.