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Virtual coworking sessions for the Pyladies Community #59

Open hexner8 opened 1 year ago

hexner8 commented 1 year ago

Hello Pyladies,

My name is Hannah and I’m the Community + Marketing Lead of Flow Club, a virtual co-working and body-doubling platform. Over the last two years, we’ve been focused on building the best virtual space and software to make co-working easy and effective for anyone to coordinate, host, and join.

Have you ever tried organizing virtual coworking sessions for the Pyladies community? It could be a good opportunity for y'all to connect with each other on a semi-regular basis, support each other, and get through the toughest tasks together.

We just launched a free Slack application that takes everything we’ve built to help you organize virtual coworking sessions within your own Slack community, and even empower members to virtually cowork with each other. It’d remove the logistical hurdles from organizing sessions and help make every session successful.

Can I share more info? I’m excited to introduce it to your Slack group because it seems like a great fit.

Thank you for considering! Hannah

P.S. I've attached a photo of what our virtual coworking sessions look like. I’m in one right now (top left corner), using it to get this message out to you

Screen_Shot_2023-02-08_at_2 36 31_PM