pyladies / project-admin-logisitics

PyLadies Project: Admin + Logistics
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Task: Write policy surrounding inactive chapter #10

Open Mariatta opened 4 years ago

Mariatta commented 4 years ago


The policy should answer the following questions:

  1. Why is this policy necessary?
  2. What are criteria when we would consider a chapter inactive?
  3. How do we want to enforce it?
  4. For accountability, how do we (administrators) document the deactivation?


1. Why is this policy necessary?

2. What are criteria when we would consider a chapter inactive?

Some determining factors:

3. How do we want to enforce it?

4. For accountability, how do we (administrators) document the deactivation?

We can record all activities, including attempt to contact organizer (and the result) as an .md file in this repo.

Things to document:

  1. how do we find out about inactive chapter? was it through GSuite, or through an email from community member?

  2. what were our attempts to contact the organizer, before deactivating? Which email address we tried? How many times we tried to reach them?

  3. any response from organizers?

  4. date we deactivate the chapter.

Proposed Email template

To: {chapter}, {personal organizer email address}, ... cc:

Subject: Is {chapter} PyLadies inactive?

Dear {Organizer name} and {chapter} PyLadies ,

This is {admin} from PyLadies. You are listed as the original organizers of {chapter} PyLadies. Thanks your work with PyLadies!

We noticed there has been no login to {chapter} pyladies email account since {last login date}.

Per our current policy, such chapter is considered inactive.

Please reply to the following.

  1. What's the status of {chapter} PyLadies? Is the chapter still active?

  2. Would you like to continue running the chapter? Or would you like to hand it over to new organizers?

  3. Is there anything we can help from global PyLadies leadership team to better support {chapter} community?

We understand personal situations can change. If you're no longer able to lead the {chapter} PyLadies, that is totally fine. We thank you for your work so far.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

If we don't hear back after 2 months, we will consider the chapter inactive, and will deactivate the account or hand it over to new organizers. However, I would prefer to hear back from you first. Please reply as soon as you have a chance, and let us know how we can further help.

Thank you.

{admin} on behalf of PyLadies

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

Criteria for marking chapter inactive

When criteria are not met

Making a Chapter Inactive

Like the above states here are the steps to take:

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@Mariatta re: "Proposed Template" I would suggest we do 30 days rather than 2 months. Ideally this add some urgency in will prompt people to reply. Additionally as the frequency of PyLadies Global is on a monthly basis, I think it is fair to match the frequency of their meeting schedule since the hope is to have project teams reporting monthly to PyLadies Global (so likely good to have a consistent schedule for all the things).

amadikwajoyn commented 4 years ago

@Mariatta that's a nice write-up and proposal you have there, but I concur with @lorenanicole , I think 2 months is too far for email confirmation and 2years is too big to dictate inactive chapters... I suggest a month email confirmation and 12 months inactive chapters dictation...

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

I wrote up a script here that merges data from:

Of the 221 accounts registered in the PyLadies Google account we have 92 then that are deemed inactive because:
