pyladies / project-communications

PyLadies Project Communications:
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Create Getting Started with ... and Next Steps with ... pages or cheatsheets #17

Open willingc opened 4 years ago

willingc commented 4 years ago

Create a topic pages to help share resources that can be helpful for getting started:

Jadamoureen commented 4 years ago

Is there anyone taking up this?

BethanyG commented 4 years ago

@willingc - wondering if we should move this under the communications team since they're focusing on the website/blog revamp and other outreach and communication?

BethanyG commented 4 years ago

@Jadamoureen - @Marie-L and the communications team has expressed interest in working on this - and would welcome help! I've transferred the issue to the communications team repo, and you can join the team from the links on this issue:

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

I have some things I can contribute here actually it's basically my next blog post on "where to get started in data science", heh.

Proposal: Crowdsource List to add to Pyladies Chapter Resources

My proposal @Caaddss and @Marie-L is we start the writeup as a google doc that we all have edit powers to, such as here: From there we can issue a PR and add to the appropriate place once we've compiled our list(s), I imagine that we can post it to repo and then write a blog post about it.

@willingc any thoughts on the above?

Caaddss commented 4 years ago

UHSAUHASUHUASH @lorenanicole you are very fast, I can barely see your movements UHAUSHUASHUAHS

I was thinking of a folder in the drive, then you could divide by subject, and I think it is more organized, what do you think?

lorenanicole commented 4 years ago

@Caaddss that's what the repo is! We don't want to just keep things in Google Drive (as an example) because it would limit how it is discoverable. By publishing a repo with a set of listed resources we are making it available to the public to find!

Caaddss commented 4 years ago

@lorenanicole OW..sure!! Sorry!!!

willingc commented 4 years ago

Thanks @BethanyG for taking the ball and running with this.