pylint-dev / pylint-django

Pylint plugin for improving code analysis for when using Django
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duplicate-code warning with concurrent run #196

Open Nikita-Boyarskikh opened 6 years ago

Nikita-Boyarskikh commented 6 years ago

duplicate-code warnings are not detected when pylint is started with the parameter jobs other then 1. If this is the expected behavior, it's worth fixing it in the documentation, I think.

pip freeze --all ``` arrow==0.12.1 astroid==2.0.4 autopep8==1.4 bandit==1.5.1 Django==2.1.1 django-uuslug==1.1.8 djangorestframework==3.8.2 flake8==3.5.0 flake8-per-file-ignores==0.6 gitdb2==2.0.4 GitPython==2.1.11 isort==4.3.4 lazy-object-proxy==1.3.1 mccabe==0.6.1 pathmatch==0.2.1 pbr==4.2.0 pip==18.0 psycopg2==2.7.5 psycopg2-binary==2.7.5 pycodestyle==2.3.1 pyenchant==2.0.0 pyflakes==1.6.0 pylint==2.1.1 pylint-celery==0.3 pylint-django==2.0.2 pylint-plugin-utils==0.4 python-dateutil==2.7.3 python-slugify==1.2.6 pytz==2018.5 PyYAML==3.13 setuptools==40.2.0 six==1.11.0 smmap2==2.0.4 stevedore==1.29.0 typing==3.6.6 Unidecode==1.0.22 wheel==0.31.1 wrapt==1.10.11 ```
atodorov commented 5 years ago

duplicate-code comes from pylint itself, not pylint_django. Can you reproduce the problem when pylint_django plugin is not loaded ? If yes then open a bug against pylint.

If no it could be that pylint_django somehow screws things up in a concurrent execution and I have no idea how to begin figuring this one out.