pyload / pyload

The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python
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[SOLVED] - Making updated IPK - Unstable version | My Book Live install script #2328

Closed Ryan747800B closed 8 years ago

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to make an updated pyLoad package IPK to use with my NAS Western Digital but it doesn't seem to work. How can I do it? Latest pre-build release is very old (2011) and I resetted my NAS and I have no backup of the firmware partition.

sraedler commented 8 years ago

try this:

You can use the google translator, but the commands should be clear

sraedler commented 8 years ago

sorry, i missed, that you have a western digital...

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

I see it but that is for Synology NAS, but thank you. The problem is that the latest stable IPK it's not updated and there are a lot of plugin issue (for example with MultiAccount plugins) and auto-update server and so I need the latest version even if beta-unstable.

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

@Ryan747800B No need for an updated IPK,UpdateManager will do the work for you.

ipkg install python25
ipkg install py25-crypto
ipkg install py25-curl
ipkg install py25-openssl
ipkg install py25-pil
ipkg install tesseract-ocr
ipkg install tesseract-ocr-lang-eng
ipkg install ossp-js
ipkg install pyload

echo updating PATH
grep -q "/opt/bin" /root/.bashrc || echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /root/.bashrc
grep -q "/opt/bin" /etc/profile || echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /etc/profile

echo updating locale
grep -q "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" /root/.bashrc || echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> /root/.bashrc
grep -q "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" /etc/profile || echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> /etc/profile

echo fixing
wget --no-check-certificate -O ./
mv -f ./ /opt/share/pyload/module/plugins/hooks/


That's it :wink:

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

Thank you GammaC0de! Doing a fresh install with this guide where exactly I have to run your suggested commands?

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

@Ryan747800B You should run it from a ssh shell.

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

@GammaC0de yeah I know it. I mean, following the guide I posted, because I wrote a bash script to automate this, what is the correct order in which I have to run the commands that you suggested ? For example, the last command (fixing Update Manager etc.) I think it must be launched before "/opt/bin/pyLoadCore -s", right?

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

@Ryan747800B Of course "/opt/bin/pyLoadCore -s" comes at the end

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

@GammaC0de Sorry but but I still need your help. Here is my actual script to do a fresh pyLoad installation on a My Book Live NAS:

echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /root/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /root/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /etc/profile
rm -rf /root/

ipkg update
ipkg install wget tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-lang-eng ossp-js unrar
wget URL_CLOUD/pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
/opt/bin/ipkg install pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
cat > /opt/share/pyload/module/network/

/opt/bin/pyLoadCore -s

/opt/bin/pyLoadCore --daemon
wget URL_CLOUD/pyload
cat pyload > /etc/init.d/pyload

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/pyload
update-rc.d payload defaults

/etc/init.d/pyload restart
rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/info/wd-nas.*
wget URL_CLOUD/sources.list
cat sources.list > /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-get update
apt-get install python-imaging
/opt/bin/pyLoadCore -s

rm -rf /root/pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
rm -rf /root/ipkg-opt_0.99.163-10_powerpc.ipk
rm -rf /root/
rm -rf /root/pyload
rm -rf /root/sources.list
rm -rf /root/

shutdown -r 0

You are suggesting to do this or am I wrong?

echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /root/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /root/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /etc/profile
rm -rf /root/

ipkg update
ipkg install python25
ipkg install py25-crypto
ipkg install y25-curl
ipkg install py25-openssl
ipkg install py25-pil
ipkg install tesseract-oct
ipkg install tesseract-ocr-lang-eng
ipkg install ossp-js
wget --no-check-certificate -O pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
/opt/bin/ipkg install pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
cat > /opt/share/pyload/module/network/

grep -q "/opt/bin" /root/.bashrc || echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /root/.bashrc
grep -q "/opt/bin" /etc/profile || echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /etc/profile

grep -q "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" /root/.bashrc || echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> /root/.bashrc
grep -q "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" /etc/profile || echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> /etc/profile

wget --no-check-certificate -O ./
mv -f ./ /opt/share/pyload/module/plugins/hooks/

/opt/bin/pyLoadCore -s

/opt/bin/pyLoadCore --daemon
wget URL_CLOUD/pyload
cat pyload > /etc/init.d/pyload

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/pyload
update-rc.d payload defaults

/etc/init.d/pyload restart
rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/info/wd-nas.*
wget URL_CLOUD/sources.list
cat sources.list > /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-get update
apt-get install python-imaging
/opt/bin/pyLoadCore -s

rm -rf /root/pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
rm -rf /root/ipkg-opt_0.99.163-10_powerpc.ipk
rm -rf /root/
rm -rf /root/pyload
rm -rf /root/sources.list
rm -rf /root/

shutdown -r 0

Are there some unnecessary commands? Keep in mind that this is the link of the original guide and that I use wget+cat commands because of I don't know how to edit a file using a script (instead of using nano etc.) Feel free to improve the code if there are some stupid things (I'm a noob with Linux Terminal).

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

@Ryan747800B my script (below) uses optware only and does not modify anything on the system (except adding /etc/init.d/ so it is safer and your system should be more stable.

Relying solely on optware, pyload can survive firmware updates (see "Backing up 'clean' Optware setup and making sure all your Optware hacks survive a firmware upgrade" in

cd /root

# optware install
rm -f ./

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin

grep -q "/opt/bin" /root/.bashrc || echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /root/.bashrc
grep -q "/opt/bin" /etc/profile || echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin" >> /etc/profile

grep -q "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" /root/.bashrc || echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> /root/.bashrc
grep -q "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" /etc/profile || echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> /etc/profile

if [ ! -f /etc/init.d/ ]; then
  wget -P /etc/init.d
  chmod +x /etc/init.d/
  mkdir -p /opt/etc/init.d
  mkdir -p /opt/var/run
  update-rc.d defaults 90 01
# End of optware install

# pyLoad install
ipkg update
ipkg install python25 py25-crypto py25-curl py25-openssl py25-pil tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-lang-eng ossp-js unrar

wget --no-check-certificate -O ./pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
ipkg install ./pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
rm -f ./pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
ln -s /opt/share/pyload/ /opt/bin/pyLoadCore

wget --no-check-certificate -O ./
mv -f ./ /opt/share/pyload/module/plugins/hooks/

cat <<"EOM" >/opt/etc/init.d/pyload

# Provides:        pyload
# Required-Start:  $local_fs $remote_fs $network
# Required-Stop:   $local_fs $remote_fs $network
# Default-Start:   2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:    0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start pyload download manager daemon

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin

. /lib/lsb/init-functions


test -x $DAEMON || exit 5

case $1 in
        log_daemon_msg "Starting pyload download manager daemon" "$NAME"
        if [ "`/usr/local/sbin/ $NAME`" == "disabled" ]; then
            log_progress_msg "disabled";
            log_end_msg 0
            exit 0
        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON -- /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --pidfile=$PIDFILE --configdir=$CONFIGDIR --daemon > /dev/null 2>&1
        sleep 5
        pidofproc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON >/dev/null
        log_end_msg $status
        log_daemon_msg "Stopping pyload download manager daemon" "$NAME"
        $DAEMON /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --pidfile=$PIDFILE --quit > /dev/null 2>&1
        # Wait a little and remove stale PID file
        sleep 1
        if [ -f $PIDFILE ] && ! ps h `cat $PIDFILE` > /dev/null
            # Stale PID file (pyload was succesfully stopped),
            # remove it (should be removed by pyload itself IMHO.)
            rm -f $PIDFILE
        log_end_msg $status
        $0 stop && sleep 2 && $0 start
        if $0 status >/dev/null; then
            $0 restart
            exit 0
        pidofproc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON >/dev/null
        if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then
            log_success_msg "pyload download manager daemon is running"
            log_failure_msg "pyload download manager daemon is not running"
        exit $status
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|try-restart|force-reload|status}"
        exit 2

chmod +x /opt/etc/init.d/pyload
ln -s /opt/etc/init.d/pyload /opt/etc/init.d/S90pyload

/opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload -s

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

Whoa, thank you! I just tried the script on a clean installation but I have some questions. What is the localURL IP port? It's not 8000? Because of I have not done the initial setup (username, password, reconnect, etc.). With this script I completely replace the guide or I have to do something more?

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

@Ryan747800B my script should take care of everything There were few typos in the script, should be fixed now (in the original post). User, password and port is set using the configuration (the pyLoadCore -s line)

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

@GammaC0de Thank you. I corrected the script and installed on a clean firmware installation; Terminal output seems OK but after the final reboot URL:PORT not works. I haven't set anything strange in the setup pyLoad.

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

@Ryan747800B check if pyoad runs: /opt/etc/init.d/pyload status

Also you can run pyLoad in debug mode and see what happens: /opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload -d

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

It's not running

pyload download manager daemon is not running failed!

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

Try to start it: /opt/etc/init.d/pyload start

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

Now it runs; so there's something wrong with autorun after reboot/shutdown.

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

stop it (/opt/etc/init.d/pyload stop) and the check the output of: /etc/init.d/ start

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

If after a reboot I do /opt/etc/init.d/pyload start it says

MyBookLive:~# /opt/etc/init.d/pyload start
Starting pyload download manager daemon: payload failed

but if I do /opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload -d it says

MyBookLive:~# /opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload -d
06.02.2016 14:24:49 INFO      Starting payload 0.4.9
06.02.2016 14:24:49 INFO      Using home directory: /opt/etc/pyload
06.02.2016 14:24:49 DEBUG     Remote activated: False
06.02.2016 14:24:52 DEBUG     created index of plugins
06.02.2016 14:24:52 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.EventMapper -> userplugins.hooks.EventMapper
06.02.2016 14:24:52 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.Addon -> userplugins.internal.Addon
06.02.2016 14:24:52 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.Plugin -> userplugins.internal.Plugin
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.misc -> userplugins.internal.misc
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ExternalScripts -> userplugins.hooks.ExternalScripts
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.AntiStandby -> userplugins.hooks.AntiStandby
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ClickNLoad -> userplugins.hooks.ClickNLoad
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ExtractArchive -> userplugins.hooks.ExtractArchive
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.Extractor -> userplugins.internal.Extractor
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UnSkipOnFail -> userplugins.hooks.UnSkipOnFail
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.XFileSharing -> userplugins.hooks.XFileSharing
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UpdateManager -> userplugins.hooks.UpdateManager
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UserAgentSwitcher -> userplugins.hooks.UserAgentSwitcher
06.02.2016 14:24:53 INFO      Activated plugins: AntiStandby, CaptchaTrader, ClickAndLoad, ClickNLoad, EventMapper, ExternalScripts, ExtractArchive, UnSkipOnFail, UpdateManager, UserAgentSwitcher, XFileSharing
06.02.2016 14:24:53 INFO      Deactivate plugins: AndroidPhoneNotify, AntiVirus, BypassCaptcha, Captcha9Kw, CaptchaBrotherhood, Checksum, DeathByCaptcha, DeleteFinished, DownloadScheduler, Ev0InFetcher, ExpertDecoders, HotFolder, IRC, IRCInterface, ImageTyperz, JustPremium, LinkdecrypterComHook, LogMarker, MergeFiles, MultiHome, MultishareCz, PushBullet, PushOver, RealdebridCom, RehostTo, RestartFailed, SkipRev, TransmissionRPC, WindowsPhoneNotify, XMPP, XMPPInterface
06.02.2016 14:24:53 INFO      Downloadtime: True
06.02.2016 14:24:53 INFO      Free space: 1.56 TiB
06.02.2016 14:24:53 INFO      Activating Accounts...
06.02.2016 14:24:53 INFO      Activating Plugins...
06.02.2016 14:24:53 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `pyload_start`
06.02.2016 14:24:54 INFO      Starting threaded webserver: MY:URL:MY_PORT

and then if I do /opt/etc/init.d/pyload stop it says

MyBookLive:~# /opt/etc/init.d/pyload stop
Stopping pyload download manager daemon: payload

and then

MyBookLive:~# /etc/init.d/ start
Launching Optware initialization scripts
Starting pyload download manager daemon: payload failed
GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

@Ryan747800B its /opt/etc/init.d/pyload, not /opt/etc/init.d/payload Maybe you have two scripts under /opt/etc/init.d, delete /opt/etc/init.d/payload if it exists

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

@GammaC0de Sorry for late reply. To avoid problems I performed a clean updated firmware installation with no settings, then the script. After the reboot pyLoad not works. From Terminal (I use OS X so "payload" was a copy/paste typo/autocorrect from Terminal to this post) exactly in this sequence:

MyBookLive:~# /opt/etc/init.d/pyload status
pyload download manager daemon is not running failed!
MyBookLive:~# /opt/etc/init.d/pyload start
Starting pyload download manager daemon: pyload failed
MyBookLive:~# /opt/etc/init.d/pyload stop
Stopping pyload download manager daemon: pyload
MyBookLive:~# /opt/etc/init.d/pyload start
Starting pyload download manager daemon: pyload failed
MyBookLive:~# /etc/init.d/ start
Launching Optware initialization scripts
Starting pyload download manager daemon: pyload failed

But if I do /opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload -d then it works until I reboot

MyBookLive:~# /opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload -d
07.02.2016 00:54:39 INFO      Starting payload 0.4.9
07.02.2016 00:54:39 INFO      Using home directory: /opt/etc/pyload
07.02.2016 00:54:39 DEBUG     Remote activated: False
07.02.2016 00:54:40 DEBUG     created index of plugins
07.02.2016 00:54:40 INFO      ExtractArchive: Activated UnRar
07.02.2016 00:54:41 INFO      Activated plugins: CaptchaTrader, ClickAndLoad, ExternalScripts, ExtractArchive, UpdateManager
07.02.2016 00:54:41 INFO      Deactivate plugins: Ev0InFetcher, HotFolder, IRCInterface, MergeFiles, MultiHome, MultishareCz, RealdebridCom, RehostTo, XMPPInterface
07.02.2016 00:54:41 INFO      Downloadtime: True
07.02.2016 00:54:41 INFO      Free space: 1.56 TiB
07.02.2016 00:54:41 INFO      Activating Accounts...
07.02.2016 00:54:41 INFO      Activating Plugins...
07.02.2016 00:54:41 INFO      pyLoad is up and running
07.02.2016 00:54:42 INFO      Starting threaded webserver:
07.02.2016 00:54:43 INFO      UpdateManager: No Updates for payload
07.02.2016 00:54:43 INFO      UpdateManager: New version of account|AlldebridCom : 0.30


07.02.2016 00:57:30 INFO      UpdateManager: New version of internal|misc : 0.26
07.02.2016 00:57:30 DEBUG     Request reload of plugins: [('accounts', 'AlldebridCom'),


('internal', 'XFSHoster'), ('internal', 'misc')]
07.02.2016 00:57:30 INFO      UpdateManager: *** Plugins have been updated, please restart pyLoad ***

Then it stops here and I have to do a manual exit with CTRL+C because of it doesn't return to MyBookLive:~#

^C07.02.2016 01:16:06 INFO      shutting down...
07.02.2016 01:16:13 DEBUG     Deleting old pidfile
07.02.2016 01:16:13 INFO      killed pyLoad from Terminal

After another reboot the same thing; only with opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload -d it runs (again, until reboot)

MyBookLive:~# /opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload -d
07.02.2016 05:05:56 INFO      Starting payload 0.4.9
07.02.2016 05:05:56 INFO      Using home directory: /opt/etc/pyload
07.02.2016 05:05:56 DEBUG     Remote activated: False
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     created index of plugins
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.EventMapper -> userplugins.hooks.EventMapper
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.Addon -> userplugins.internal.Addon
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.Plugin -> userplugins.internal.Plugin
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.misc -> userplugins.internal.misc
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ExternalScripts -> userplugins.hooks.ExternalScripts
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.AntiStandby -> userplugins.hooks.AntiStandby
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ClickNLoad -> userplugins.hooks.ClickNLoad
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ExtractArchive -> userplugins.hooks.ExtractArchive
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.Extractor -> userplugins.internal.Extractor
07.02.2016 05:05:59 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UnSkipOnFail -> userplugins.hooks.UnSkipOnFail
07.02.2016 05:06:00 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.XFileSharing -> userplugins.hooks.XFileSharing
07.02.2016 05:06:00 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UpdateManager -> userplugins.hooks.UpdateManager
07.02.2016 05:06:00 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UserAgentSwitcher -> userplugins.hooks.UserAgentSwitcher
07.02.2016 05:06:00 INFO      Activated plugins: AntiStandby, CaptchaTrader, ClickAndLoad, ClickNLoad, EventMapper, ExternalScripts, ExtractArchive, UnSkipOnFail, UpdateManager, UserAgentSwitcher, XFileSharing
07.02.2016 05:06:00 INFO      Deactivate plugins: AndroidPhoneNotify, AntiVirus, BypassCaptcha, Captcha9Kw, CaptchaBrotherhood, Checksum, DeathByCaptcha, DeleteFinished, DownloadScheduler, Ev0InFetcher, ExpertDecoders, HotFolder, IRC, IRCInterface, ImageTyperz, JustPremium, LinkdecrypterComHook, LogMarker, MergeFiles, MultiHome, MultishareCz, PushBullet, PushOver, RealdebridCom, RehostTo, RestartFailed, SkipRev, TransmissionRPC, WindowsPhoneNotify, XMPP, XMPPInterface
07.02.2016 05:06:00 INFO      Downloadtime: True
07.02.2016 05:06:00 INFO      Free space: 1.56 TiB
07.02.2016 05:06:00 INFO      Activating Accounts...
07.02.2016 05:06:00 INFO      Activating Plugins...
07.02.2016 05:06:00 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `pyload_start`
07.02.2016 05:06:01 INFO      Starting threaded webserver: MY:URL:MY_PORT
^C07.02.2016 05:16:34 INFO      shutting down...
07.02.2016 05:16:34 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `pyload_stop`
07.02.2016 05:16:35 INFO      ADDON AntiStandby: Path deleted: /opt/etc/pyload/.antistandby
07.02.2016 05:16:35 WARNING   ADDON AntiStandby: Unable to change display power state | [Errno 2] No such file or directory
07.02.2016 05:16:35 DEBUG     Deleting old pidfile
07.02.2016 05:16:35 INFO      killed pyLoad from Terminal

Can be this 07.02.2016 05:06:00 DEBUG ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder pyload_start?

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

@Ryan747800B pyload works fine, the problem is somewhere in /opt/etc/init.d/pyload script. try running /opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload --pidfile=/opt/var/run/ -d and see what happens. Maybe mkdir /opt/var/run would solve this

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

@GammaC0de It says

MyBookLive:~# mkdir /opt/var/run
mkdir: cannot create directory `/opt/var/run': No such file or directory


MyBookLive:~# /opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload --pidfile=/opt/var/run/ -d
07.02.2016 09:13:29 INFO      Starting payload 0.4.9
07.02.2016 09:13:29 INFO      Using home directory: /opt/etc/pyload
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/bin/pyLoadCore", line 667, in <module>
  File "/opt/bin/pyLoadCore", line 658, in main
  File "/opt/bin/pyLoadCore", line 343, in start
  File "/opt/bin/pyLoadCore", line 188, in writePidFile
    f = open(self.pidfile, "wb")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/var/run/'
GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

mkdir -p /opt/var/run

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago
MyBookLive:~# mkdir -p /opt/var/run
MyBookLive:~# reboot

After reboot it doesn't work but if I do this opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload --pidfile=/opt/var/run/ -d then it runs

MyBookLive:~# /opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload --pidfile=/opt/var/run/ -d
07.02.2016 09:18:10 INFO      Starting payload 0.4.9
07.02.2016 09:18:10 INFO      Using home directory: /opt/etc/pyload
07.02.2016 09:18:10 DEBUG     Remote activated: False
07.02.2016 09:18:42 DEBUG     created index of plugins
07.02.2016 09:18:43 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.EventMapper -> userplugins.hooks.EventMapper
07.02.2016 09:18:44 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.Addon -> userplugins.internal.Addon
07.02.2016 09:18:44 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.Plugin -> userplugins.internal.Plugin
07.02.2016 09:18:44 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.misc -> userplugins.internal.misc
07.02.2016 09:18:46 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ExternalScripts -> userplugins.hooks.ExternalScripts
07.02.2016 09:18:46 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.AntiStandby -> userplugins.hooks.AntiStandby
07.02.2016 09:18:46 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ClickNLoad -> userplugins.hooks.ClickNLoad
07.02.2016 09:18:46 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ExtractArchive -> userplugins.hooks.ExtractArchive
07.02.2016 09:18:46 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.Extractor -> userplugins.internal.Extractor
07.02.2016 09:18:46 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UnSkipOnFail -> userplugins.hooks.UnSkipOnFail
07.02.2016 09:18:47 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.XFileSharing -> userplugins.hooks.XFileSharing
07.02.2016 09:18:47 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UpdateManager -> userplugins.hooks.UpdateManager
07.02.2016 09:18:47 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UserAgentSwitcher -> userplugins.hooks.UserAgentSwitcher
07.02.2016 09:18:47 INFO      Activated plugins: AntiStandby, CaptchaTrader, ClickAndLoad, ClickNLoad, EventMapper, ExternalScripts, ExtractArchive, UnSkipOnFail, UpdateManager, UserAgentSwitcher, XFileSharing
07.02.2016 09:18:47 INFO      Deactivate plugins: AndroidPhoneNotify, AntiVirus, BypassCaptcha, Captcha9Kw, CaptchaBrotherhood, Checksum, DeathByCaptcha, DeleteFinished, DownloadScheduler, Ev0InFetcher, ExpertDecoders, HotFolder, IRC, IRCInterface, ImageTyperz, JustPremium, LinkdecrypterComHook, LogMarker, MergeFiles, MultiHome, MultishareCz, PushBullet, PushOver, RealdebridCom, RehostTo, RestartFailed, SkipRev, TransmissionRPC, WindowsPhoneNotify, XMPP, XMPPInterface
07.02.2016 09:18:47 INFO      Downloadtime: True
07.02.2016 09:18:53 INFO      Free space: 1.56 TiB
07.02.2016 09:18:53 INFO      Starting threaded webserver: MY_URL:MY_PORT
07.02.2016 09:18:54 INFO      Activating Accounts...
07.02.2016 09:18:54 INFO      Activating Plugins...
07.02.2016 09:18:54 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `pyload_start`
07.02.2016 09:18:54 WARNING   Click'N'Load: Port 9666 already in use
07.02.2016 09:18:55 WARNING   ADDON AntiStandby: Unable to change system power state | [Errno 2] No such file or directory
07.02.2016 09:18:55 WARNING   ADDON AntiStandby: Unable to change display power state | [Errno 2] No such file or directory
07.02.2016 09:18:55 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.UnRar -> userplugins.internal.UnRar
07.02.2016 09:18:56 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.SevenZip -> userplugins.internal.SevenZip
07.02.2016 09:18:56 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.UnZip -> userplugins.internal.UnZip
07.02.2016 09:18:56 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.internal.UnTar -> userplugins.internal.UnTar
07.02.2016 09:18:57 DEBUG     ADDON ExtractArchive: Found UnRar 5.00 | Found UnTar 2.5.6
07.02.2016 09:18:57 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hoster.LoadTo -> userplugins.hoster.LoadTo


07.02.2016 09:19:00 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hoster.LetitbitNet -> userplugins.hoster.LetitbitNet
07.02.2016 09:19:00 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hoster.CramitIn -> userplugins.hoster.CramitIn
07.02.2016 09:19:00 ERROR     Error importing ShareRapidCom: cannot import name parseFileInfo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/share/pyload/module/plugins/", line 268, in loadModule
  File "/opt/share/pyload/module/plugins/hoster/", line 8, in <module>
    from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, parseFileInfo
ImportError: cannot import name parseFileInfo
07.02.2016 09:19:00 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.hoster.AlldebridCom -> userplugins.hoster.AlldebridCom


07.02.2016 09:19:12 INFO      ADDON XFileSharing: Auto-discover new posters
07.02.2016 09:19:12 DEBUG     ADDON XFileSharing: Pattern for hosters: (?:https?://(?:www\.)?)(?!(?:www\.)?(?:180upload\.com|cramit\.in|easybytez\.com|exashare\.com|filejoker\.net|fileom\.com|filerio\.com|hugefiles\.net|junocloud\.me|movreel\.com|nosupload\.com|novafile\.com|rapidfileshare\.net|rarefile\.net|safesharing\.eu|secureupload\.eu|streamcloud\.eu|tusfiles\.net|uplea\.com|uptobox\.com|vidplay\.net))(?P<DOMAIN>(?:[\d.]+|[\w\-^_]{3,63}(?:\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})+)(?:\:\d+)?)/(?:embed-)?\w{12}(?:\W|$)
07.02.2016 09:19:12 DEBUG     Redirected import module.plugins.crypter.TNTVillageScambioeticoOrg -> userplugins.crypter.TNTVillageScambioeticoOrg


07.02.2016 09:19:17 INFO      ADDON XFileSharing: Auto-discover new crypts
07.02.2016 09:19:17 DEBUG     ADDON XFileSharing: Pattern for crypters: (?:https?://(?:www\.)?)(?!(?:www\.)?(?:easybytez\.com|tusfiles\.net))(?P<DOMAIN>(?:[\d.]+|[\w\-^_]{3,63}(?:\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})+)(?:\:\d+)?)/(?:user|folder)s?/\w+
07.02.2016 09:19:17 INFO      pyLoad is up and running
07.02.2016 09:19:17 DEBUG     ADDON UpdateManager: LOAD URL | redirect=True | decode=True | cookies=True | get={'v': '0.4.9'} | req=None | just_header=False | post={} | ref=True | multipart=False
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: pyLoad is up to date!
07.02.2016 09:19:19 DEBUG     ADDON UpdateManager: LOAD URL | redirect=True | decode=True | cookies=True | get={'v': '0.4.9'} | req=None | just_header=False | post={} | ref=True | multipart=False
07.02.2016 09:19:19 DEBUG     ADDON UpdateManager: Requested deletion of plugins: [(u'accounts', u'BayfilesCom'), (u'accounts', u'BillionuploadsCom'), (u'accounts', u'CyberlockerCh'), (u'accounts', u'DdlstorageCom'), (u'accounts', u'EgoFilesCom'), (u'accounts', u'File4safeCom'), (u'accounts', u'FileParadoxIn'), (u'accounts', u'HotfileCom'), (u'accounts', u'Keep2shareCc'), (u'accounts', u'LinestorageCom'), (u'accounts', u'LomafileCom'), (u'accounts', u'MegaDebrid'), (u'accounts', u'MultiDebridCom'), (u'accounts', u'NetloadIn'), (u'accounts', u'NowVideoAt'), (u'accounts', u'Premium4Me'), (u'accounts', u'RapidshareCom'), (u'accounts', u'ReloadCc'), (u'accounts', u'RyushareCom'), (u'accounts', u'ShareRapidCom'), (u'accounts', u'StahnuTo'), (u'accounts', u'UnrestrictLi'), (u'accounts', u'Vipleech4uCom'), (u'accounts', u'WarserverCz'), (u'accounts', u'XFileSharingPro'), (u'captcha', u'OCR'), (u'captcha', u'captcha'), (u'container', u'DLC_25'), (u'container', u'DLC_26'), (u'container', u'DLC_27'), (u'container', u'LinkList'), (u'crypter', u'C1neonCom'), (u'crypter', u'DailymotionBatch'), (u'crypter', u'DontKnowMe'), (u'crypter', u'DownloadVimeoCom'), (u'crypter', u'Go4Up'), (u'crypter', u'HotfileFolderCom'), (u'crypter', u'ImgurComAlbum'), (u'crypter', u'JunocloudMeFolder'), (u'crypter', u'Movie2kTo'), (u'crypter', u'OneKhDe'), (u'crypter', u'RapidfileshareNetFolder'), (u'crypter', u'ShareRapidComFolder'), (u'crypter', u'XFileSharingProFolder'), (u'crypter', u'YoutubeBatch'), (u'hooks', u'AlldebridCom'), (u'hooks', u'AlldebridComHook'), (u'hooks', u'Captcha9kw'), (u'hooks', u'CaptchaTrader'), (u'hooks', u'ClickAndLoad'), (u'hooks', u'DebridItaliaCom'), (u'hooks', u'DebridItaliaComHook'), (u'hooks', u'EasybytezCom'), (u'hooks', u'EasybytezComHook'), (u'hooks', u'Ev0InFetcher'), (u'hooks', u'FastixRu'), (u'hooks', u'FastixRuHook'), (u'hooks', u'FreeWayMe'), (u'hooks', u'FreeWayMeHook'), (u'hooks', u'HighWayMe'), (u'hooks', u'HighWayMeHook'), (u'hooks', u'IRCInterface'), (u'hooks', u'LinkdecrypterCom'), (u'hooks', u'LinksnappyCom'), (u'hooks', u'LinksnappyComHook'), (u'hooks', u'MegaDebrid'), (u'hooks', u'MegaDebridEu'), (u'hooks', u'MegaDebridEuHook'), (u'hooks', u'MegaRapidoNet'), (u'hooks', u'MegaRapidoNetHook'), (u'hooks', u'MultiDebridCom'), (u'hooks', u'MultihostersCom'), (u'hooks', u'MultihostersComHook'), (u'hooks', u'MultishareCz'), (u'hooks', u'MultishareCzHook'), (u'hooks', u'MyfastfileCom'), (u'hooks', u'MyfastfileComHook'), (u'hooks', u'NoPremiumPl'), (u'hooks', u'NoPremiumPlHook'), (u'hooks', u'OverLoadMe'), (u'hooks', u'OverLoadMeHook'), (u'hooks', u'Premium4Me'), (u'hooks', u'PremiumTo'), (u'hooks', u'PremiumToHook'), (u'hooks', u'PremiumizeMe'), (u'hooks', u'PremiumizeMeHook'), (u'hooks', u'PutdriveCom'), (u'hooks', u'PutdriveComHook'), (u'hooks', u'RPNetBiz'), (u'hooks', u'RPNetBizHook'), (u'hooks', u'RapideoPl'), (u'hooks', u'RapideoPlHook'), (u'hooks', u'RealdebridCom'), (u'hooks', u'RealdebridComHook'), (u'hooks', u'RehostTo'), (u'hooks', u'RehostToHook'), (u'hooks', u'ReloadCc'), (u'hooks', u'RestartSlow'), (u'hooks', u'SimplyPremiumCom'), (u'hooks', u'SimplyPremiumComHook'), (u'hooks', u'SimplydebridCom'), (u'hooks', u'SimplydebridComHook'), (u'hooks', u'SmoozedCom'), (u'hooks', u'SmoozedComHook'), (u'hooks', u'UnrestrictLi'), (u'hooks', u'UnrestrictLiHook'), (u'hooks', u'Vipleech4uCom'), (u'hooks', u'WindowsPhoneToastNotify'), (u'hooks', u'XFileSharingPro'), (u'hooks', u'XMPPInterface'), (u'hooks', u'ZeveraCom'), (u'hooks', u'ZeveraComHook'), (u'hoster', u'File4safeCom'), (u'hoster', u'FileParadoxIn'), (u'hoster', u'Keep2shareCC'), (u'hoster', u'Keep2shareCc'), (u'hoster', u'MegaDebrid'), (u'hoster', u'MegaNz'), (u'hoster', u'MultiDebridCom'), (u'hoster', u'NowDownloadEu'), (u'hoster', u'NowVideoAt'), (u'hoster', u'PandaPlaNet'), (u'hoster', u'PandaPlanet'), (u'hoster', u'Premium4Me'), (u'hoster', u'PutlockerCom'), (u'hoster', u'RapidshareCom'), (u'hoster', u'ReloadCc'), (u'hoster', u'SendmywayCom'), (u'hoster', u'Share4webCom'), (u'hoster', u'ShareRapidCom'), (u'hoster', u'Solidfiles'), (u'hoster', u'Vipleech4uCom'), (u'hoster', u'XFileSharingPro'), (u'internal', u'AbstractExtractor'), (u'internal', u'AdYouLike'), (u'internal', u'AdsCaptcha'), (u'internal', u'Hook'), (u'internal', u'MultiHook'), (u'internal', u'ReCaptcha'), (u'internal', u'SimpleDereferer'), (u'internal', u'SolveMedia'), (u'internal', u'XFSPAccount'), (u'internal', u'XFSPCrypter'), (u'internal', u'XFSPHoster')]
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: ACCOUNTS ShareRapidCom
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: CRYPTER ShareRapidComFolder
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: CRYPTER YoutubeBatch
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: CRYPTER HotfileFolderCom
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: CONTAINER LinkList
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: HOOKS CaptchaTrader
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: HOOKS ClickAndLoad
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: HOSTER ShareRapidCom
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: HOOKS MultishareCz
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: HOOKS RehostTo
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: CONTAINER DLC_25
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: ACCOUNTS HotfileCom
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: ACCOUNTS NetloadIn
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: CRYPTER OneKhDe
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: INTERNAL AbstractExtractor
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: HOSTER RapidshareCom
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: ACCOUNTS RapidshareCom
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: HOOKS XMPPInterface
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: CONTAINER DLC_26
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: HOOKS IRCInterface
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: HOOKS RealdebridCom
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: CONTAINER DLC_27
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: CAPTCHA captcha
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: Removed blacklisted plugin: HOOKS Ev0InFetcher
07.02.2016 09:19:19 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: All plugins are up to date!
07.02.2016 09:19:19 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_preparing`
07.02.2016 09:19:20 DEBUG     ADDON UserAgentSwitcher: Use custom user-agent string `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0`
07.02.2016 09:19:20 DEBUG     HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: Plugin version: 0.51
07.02.2016 09:19:20 DEBUG     HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: Plugin status: testing
07.02.2016 09:19:20 WARNING   HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: Plugin may be unstable
07.02.2016 09:19:20 DEBUG     HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: Config option `use_premium` not found, use default `True`
07.02.2016 09:19:20 INFO      ADDON ClickNLoad: Proxy listening on
07.02.2016 09:19:20 INFO      HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: Grabbing link info...
07.02.2016 09:19:20 DEBUG     HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: Link info: {'status': 3, 'hash': {}, 'name': '100Mb.dat', 'url': u'', 'pattern': {}, 'size': 0}
07.02.2016 09:19:20 ERROR     ADDON ClickNLoad: (98, 'Address already in use')
07.02.2016 09:19:20 DEBUG     HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: Previous link info: {}
07.02.2016 09:19:20 INFO      HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: Link size: N/D
07.02.2016 09:19:20 INFO      HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: Link status: queued
07.02.2016 09:19:20 DEBUG     HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: DOWNLOAD URL | cookies=True | resume=None | get={} | disposition=True | chunks=None | post={} | ref=False
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/lib/python2.5/", line 462, in __bootstrap
  File "/opt/lib/python2.5/", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/opt/share/pyload/module/", line 466, in run
    self.f(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/opt/etc/pyload/userplugins/hooks/", line 103, in _server
    dock_socket.bind((self.cnl_ip, self.cnl_port))
  File "<string>", line 1, in bind
error: (98, 'Address already in use')

07.02.2016 09:19:20 DEBUG     Chunked with range 4166667-8333334
07.02.2016 09:19:20 DEBUG     Chunked with range 8333334-
07.02.2016 09:19:26 INFO      HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: File saved
07.02.2016 09:19:27 INFO      HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: Checking download...
07.02.2016 09:19:27 INFO      HOSTER BasePlugin[1]: File is OK
07.02.2016 09:19:27 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_processed`
07.02.2016 09:19:27 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `package_processed`
07.02.2016 09:19:27 INFO      Download finished: 100Mb.dat
07.02.2016 09:19:27 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_finished`
07.02.2016 09:19:27 INFO      Package finished: TEST
07.02.2016 09:19:27 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `package_finished`
07.02.2016 09:19:28 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `all_downloads_processed`
07.02.2016 09:19:28 DEBUG     All downloads processed
07.02.2016 09:19:28 DEBUG     ADDON ExtractArchive: Use for extensions: 7z|.bz2|.bzip2|.gz|.gzip|.lha|.lzh|.lzma|.rar|.tar|.taz|.tbz|.tbz2|.tgz|.xar|.xz|.z|.zip
07.02.2016 09:19:28 ERROR     ADDON ExtractArchive: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'unrr_passwords.txt'
07.02.2016 09:19:28 DEBUG     ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `all_downloads_finished`
07.02.2016 09:19:28 DEBUG     All downloads finished
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/lib/python2.5/", line 462, in __bootstrap
  File "/opt/lib/python2.5/", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/opt/share/pyload/module/", line 459, in run
    self.f(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/opt/etc/pyload/userplugins/hooks/", line 181, in extract_queued
    if self.extract(packages, thread):  #@NOTE: check only if all gone fine, no failed reporting for now
  File "/opt/etc/pyload/userplugins/hooks/", line 255, in extract
  File "/opt/etc/pyload/userplugins/hooks/", line 527, in reload_passwords
    with open(file) as f:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'unrr_passwords.txt'

07.02.2016 09:19:28 INFO      ADDON ExtractArchive: Check package: TEST
Exception in thread Thread-21:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/lib/python2.5/", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/opt/share/pyload/module/", line 459, in run
    self.f(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/opt/etc/pyload/userplugins/hooks/", line 181, in extract_queued
    if self.extract(packages, thread):  #@NOTE: check only if all gone fine, no failed reporting for now
  File "/opt/etc/pyload/userplugins/hooks/", line 281, in extract
    in sorted(pypack.getChildren().values(), key=lambda k: k['name'])).items()  #: Remove duplicates
  File "/opt/etc/pyload/userplugins/hooks/", line 280, in <genexpr>
    files_ids = dict((fdata['name'], ((fsjoin(dl_folder, pypack.folder, fdata['name'])), fid, out)) for fid, data \
ValueError: too many values to unpack
Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

@GammaC0de Maybe I have to add mkdir -p /opt/var/run in the installation script and redo all?

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

Does it work? Original post updated already with this

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

Now after mkdir -p /opt/var/run , reboot , opt/bin/python2.5 /opt/bin/pyLoadCore --configdir=/opt/etc/pyload --pidfile=/opt/var/run/ -d , reboot, it seems to work but I have to test it to be sure. So I perform a clean firmware install (8 min max) and then the corrected script.

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago


Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

Yes it works!!! Thank you very much!!!

GammaC0de commented 8 years ago

:+1: :+1:

Ryan747800B commented 8 years ago

For future reference see @GammaC0de post here