pymc-devs / pymc-examples

Examples of PyMC models, including a library of Jupyter notebooks.
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DOC: Certain notebooks in the example gallery do not correctly render #541

Closed jessegrabowski closed 1 year ago

jessegrabowski commented 1 year ago

Issue with current documentation:

When I navigate to certain example notebooks in the gallery, the page does not correctly render. I tested on two machines (Mac/Windows) in two browsers (Firefox/Safari/Edge) after clearing the browser cache in each. Image attached below to show what I currently see for the broken examples


Here's what I get as working/not working:

Core Notebooks: ✅ Introductory Overview ❌ GLM: Linear Regression (link broken? doesn't have an class when I inspect the element) ✅ Model Comparison ✅ Prior and Posterior Predictive Checks ✅ Distribution Dimensionaltiy ✅ PyMC and PyTensor

(Generalized) Linear and Hierarchical Linear Models ❌ GLM: Model Selection ❌ GLM: Robust Linear Regression ✅ Simpson's paradox and mixed models ❌ Binomial regresion ✅ Rolling regression ❌ GLM: Robust Regression using Custom Likelihood for Outlier Classificaton ✅ Out-of-Sample Prediction ✅ GLM: Poisson Regression ✅ GLM: Negative Binomial Regression ❌ Hierarchical Binomial Model: Rat Tumor Example ❌ Bayesian regression with truncated or censored data

Case Studies ❌ Splines ✅ LKJ Cholesky Covariance Priors for Multivariate Normal Models ❌ Model building and expansion for gold putting ❌ Introduction to Bayesian A/B Testing ❌ Quantile Regression with BART ❌ NBA FOul Analysis with Item Response Theory ✅ Estimating parameters of a distribution from awkwardly binned data ✅ Factor analysis ❌ Modeling Heteroscedasticity with BART ✅ How to wrap a JAX function for use in PyMC ✅ Conditional Autoregressive (CAR) model ❌ Reliability statistics and predictive calibration ❌ Bayesian Additive Regression Trees: Introduction ❌ Probabilistic Matrix Factorization for making personalized recommendations ❌ Bayesian moderation analysis ❌ A hierarchical model for rugby prediction ❌ Bayesian Estimation Supersedes the T-Test ❌ A primer of Bayesian Methods for Multilevel modeling ✅ Using a "black box" likelihood function (numpy) ✅ Using a "black box" likelihood function (Cython) ❌ Hierarchical partial pooling ❌ Bayesian mediation analysis ❌ Fitting a reinforcement learning model to behavorial data with PyMC ❌ Stochastic Volatility model ❌ Generalized extreme value distribution ❌ Bayesian Missing data imputation

Causal Inference ❌ Counterfactual inference ❌ Difference in differences ✅ Regression discontinuity design analysis ❌ Interrupted time series analysis

Diagnostics and Model Criticism ✅ Diagnosing baised inference with divergences ✅ Sampler statistics ❌ Model averaging ❌ Bayes factors and marginal likelihoods

Gaussian Processes ❌ Multi-output guassian processes ✅ Heteroskedastic gaussian processes ✅ Marginal likelihod implementation ✅ Gaussian process for C)2 at Mauna Loa ✅ Example: Mauna Loa CO_2 continued ✅ Sparse approximations ✅ Gaussian process using numpy kernel ✅ Gaussian Process (GP) Smoothing ✅ Kronecker structured covariances ✅ GP-Circular ✅ Modeling spatial point patters with a marked log-Gaussian Cox process ❌ Mean and covariance functions ✅ Gaussian processes: Latent variable implementation ✅ Student-t process

Inference in ODE models ✅ Lotka-Volterra with manual gradients ❌ ODE Lota-Volterra with bayesian interence in multiple ways ✅ PyMC3.ode Shapes and Benchmarking ✅ GSoC 2019: Introduction of pym3.ode API

MCMC ✅ Multilevel gravity survery with MLDA ✅ Using JAX for faster sampling ✅ Sequential Monte Carlo ✅ DEMetropolis and DEMetropolis(Z) Algorithm Comparisons ✅ The MLDA sampler ❌ Approximate Bayesian Computation ✅ Variance reduction in MLDA - Linear regression ❌ DEMetropolis(Z) sampler tuning ✅ MLDA sampler: Introduction and resources

Mixture Models ✅ Dirchlet process mixtures for density estimation ✅ Dependent density regression ✅ Dirichlet mixtures of multinomials ✅ Gaussian mixture model ✅ Marginalized gaussian mixture model

Survival Analysis ✅ Censored data models ✅ Reparameterizing the Weibull Accelerated Failure time model ✅ Bayesian Survival Analysis ✅ Bayesian Parameteric Survival Analysis with PyMC3

Time Series ✅ Inferring parameters for SDEs using an Euler-Maruyama scheme ❌ Multivariate Gaussian Random Walk ❌ Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Models ✅ Forecasting with Structural AR Timeseries ✅ Analysis of an AR(1) model in PyMC ❌ Air passengers -Prophet-like model

Variational Inference ❌ Pathfinder Variational Inference ✅ GLM: Mini-batch ADVI on hierarchical regression model ✅ Introduction to Variational Inference with PymC ❌ Variational Inference: Bayesian Neural Networks ✅ Empirical Approximation overview

How to ✅ Compound steps in sampling ✅ Profiling ✅ Lasso regression with block updating ✅ Using a custom step method for sampling from locally conjugate posterior distributions ✅ Updating priors ❌ Using shared variables (Data container adaptation) ✅ How to debug a mode ❌ General API quickstart ✅ Using ModelBuilder class for deploying PyMC models ✅ Sample callback ✅ Defining a custom distribution in PyMC3

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