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NUTS is slow #1126

Closed alxempirical closed 6 years ago

alxempirical commented 8 years ago

I'm running the script below with 2,000 samples. It's surprisingly slow, a bit under 9s / sample under Python 2.7.11 :: Anaconda custom (x86_64) on a Mid-2015 MacBook Pro with 2.5GHz CPUs (four of them, but the sampler seems to be single-threaded.) I'd be grateful for any suggestions about how to speed it up.

from pymc3 import Model, Normal, Gamma, Lognormal, Exponential, NUTS, sample, find_MAP, traceplot

from load_table import walltime, numsims, numconstraints, numtargets

def LogNormalInvGamma(mu, alpha, beta, n, name):
    tau = Gamma('tau_' + name, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
    mu = Normal('mu_' + name, mu=mu, tau=(n * tau))
    return Lognormal(name, mu=mu, tau=tau)

model = Model()

with model:

    # Equation (3) in the doc string.  But remember, comments go stale!
    C_1 = LogNormalInvGamma(mu=0, alpha=1, beta=1,
                            n=Exponential('C_1_DOF', 1),

    # Equation (4)
    C_2 = LogNormalInvGamma(mu=0, alpha=1, beta=1,
                            n=Exponential('C_2_DOF', 1),

    # Now we model C_0 as the Lognormal which varies around the rest of
    # Equation (1) / Equation (5)
    C_0_mu = (C_1 * numconstraints) + (C_2 * numsims * numtargets)
    walltime_model = Lognormal('walltime',
                               tau=Gamma('tau_const', 1, 1),  # 𝞽₀ in Equ (2)

    # The section below is run in a separate module, which imports the model constructed above.
    # Probably not relevant, but I don't really know why it's taking so long.

    # Rough computation of MAP for the model.
    map_estimate = find_MAP(model=model.model, fmin=optimize.fmin_powell)

    # Draw 2,000 posterior samples
    trace = sample(2000, start=map_estimate)
twiecki commented 8 years ago

Often that's due to bad initialization. Can you try to init with ADVI (e.g.

twiecki commented 8 years ago

Oh, and hey @alxempirical, good to see you here and glad you're giving pymc3 a test-drive :).

twiecki commented 8 years ago

For this model Metropolis might also be good enough and probably way faster.

alxempirical commented 8 years ago

good to see you here

You too!

I don't think the problem is bad initialization. Here are the ADVIFit.means values vs the find_MAP values:

                           ADVI        MAP
mu_constraints             -1.4       -1.4
mu_targets                 -6.8       -9.4
C_1_DOF                    0.57       0.84
tau_constraints            0.44       0.81
constraints               0.079      0.079
C_2_DOF                    0.38       0.12
tau_targets               0.053       0.27
targets                 2.5e-05    2.5e-05
tau_const                    14         14

These values fit well within the sample distributions:


Metropolis might also be good enough and probably way faster.

Thanks, I will give that a go.

Best regards, Alex

twiecki commented 8 years ago

The cov matrix found by ADVI might still be better suited but I agree, find_MAP seems to find a reasonable starting point. How many data points do you pass in?

alxempirical commented 8 years ago

I'm training on 2,000 data points.

How do I access the cov(ariance?) matrix from advi? It's not mentioned as a return value in variational.advi, only means, stds and elbo_vals.

Also, any tips/docs on profiling? I would guess Theano confuses standard python profiling tools, but could be wrong.

twiecki commented 8 years ago

step = pm.NUTS(scaling=model.dict_to_array(sds), is_cov=True) uses the standard deviations as the diagonal. Writing that I realize that it should obviously use the variances so I'll fix that.

There are some profiling tools in pymc3 that @jsalvatier wrote a while back but I haven't tried them. Would need to take a closer look.

is it faster with metropolis or slice?

fonnesbeck commented 8 years ago

See the model.profile method for built-in profiling.

alxempirical commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions, both of you. I will try them both out when I productionize this code. I've got a decent run of results now, so I'm going to move on to the next step, for a while.

twiecki commented 7 years ago

1523 and #1522 should address this.

fonnesbeck commented 7 years ago

This still appears to be a problem. Even with ADVI initialization, this is what happens for a relatively simple model:

Ironically, this model used to work a few weeks ago. The model structure is as follows:

   with Model() as model:

        cases, n = inpatient_data[['cases', 'n']].values.T

        # Cases weighted by monitoring effort and market share
        weights = monitoring_rate[INPATIENT] * np.array(inpatient_market_share)[inpatient_data.year]

        # Uniform prior on weighted cases
        weighted_cases = Uniform('weighted_cases', cases, n, shape=inpatient_data.shape[0],

        # Likelihood of observed cases
        weighting = Binomial('weighting', n=weighted_cases.astype('int32'), p=weights, observed=cases)

        if pool_years:

            assert not len(cases) % 3

            pooled_shape = int(len(cases)/3)

            pooled_cases = Deterministic('pooled_cases', tt.reshape(weighted_cases, (pooled_shape, 3)).sum(-1))

            θ = Normal('θ', 0, sd=1000, shape=pooled_shape)

            λ = Deterministic('λ', tt.exp(θ))

            AGE_obs = Potential('AGE_obs', Poisson.dist(λ*(np.reshape(n, (pooled_shape, 3))[:, 0])).logp(pooled_cases))


            θ = Normal('θ', 0, sd=1000, shape=inpatient_data.shape[0])

            # Poisson rate parameter
            λ = Deterministic('λ', tt.exp(θ))

            # Poisson likelihood
            AGE_obs = Potential('AGE_obs', Poisson.dist(λ*n).logp(weighted_cases))
twiecki commented 7 years ago

@fonnesbeck maybe do a git bisect to see when this started happening?

ColCarroll commented 7 years ago

Is this being run on 3.1 or master? There are some parts of NUTs that were refactored to use theano (notably, the leapfrog step).

I'm close to getting a full theano implementation of HMC and NUTs for 3.1 -- this will be a useful benchmark to be able to run (against whatever sha has reasonable performance).

twiecki commented 7 years ago

@ColCarroll Would be curious to see the full theano implementation. Would hope for a significant speedup.

fonnesbeck commented 7 years ago

This is being run on master. It typically samples for a handful of iterations and stalls, even when ADVI initialization appears to work. I may just use ADVI for inference for expediency.

twiecki commented 7 years ago

@fonnesbeck Well if it used to work it might indicate a regression which we better track down.

twiecki commented 7 years ago

I ran the profiler on a hierarchical model. Once using:

with gp_fit:
    step = pm.NUTS(profile=True)
    pm.sample(500, step)


Function profiling
  Message: /home/wiecki/working/projects/pymc/pymc3/step_methods/
  Time in 346725 calls to Function.__call__: 5.120690e+01s
  Time in Function.fn.__call__: 4.736680e+01s (92.501%)
  Time in thunks: 3.240043e+01s (63.274%)
  Total compile time: 2.547425e+01s
    Number of Apply nodes: 216
    Theano Optimizer time: 4.430967e+00s
       Theano validate time: 1.481969e-01s
    Theano Linker time (includes C, CUDA code generation/compiling): 2.013688e+01s
       Import time 1.104512e-01s

Time in all call to theano.grad() 7.848223e+00s
Time since theano import 271.369s
<% time> <sum %> <apply time> <time per call> <type> <#call> <#apply> <Class name>
  63.8%    63.8%      20.673s       4.81e-07s     C   42993900     124   theano.tensor.elemwise.Elemwise
   8.9%    72.7%       2.881s       2.77e-07s     C   10401750      30   theano.tensor.basic.Reshape
   8.1%    80.8%       2.628s       3.79e-06s     C   693450       2   theano.tensor.basic.Join
   5.3%    86.1%       1.705s       4.10e-07s     C   4160700      12   theano.tensor.elemwise.DimShuffle
   4.2%    90.3%       1.377s       2.21e-07s     C   6241050      18   theano.compile.ops.Rebroadcast
   4.0%    94.3%       1.289s       4.65e-07s     C   2773800       8   theano.tensor.subtensor.Subtensor
   1.8%    96.1%       0.576s       2.08e-07s     C   2773800       8   theano.tensor.elemwise.Sum
   1.4%    97.5%       0.462s       1.66e-07s     C   2773800       8   theano.compile.ops.ViewOp
   1.1%    98.6%       0.373s       3.58e-07s     C   1040175       3   theano.tensor.basic.ScalarFromTensor
   0.8%    99.4%       0.246s       7.09e-07s     C   346725       1   theano.tensor.blas_c.CGemv
   0.3%    99.7%       0.105s       3.02e-07s     C   346725       1   theano.tensor.basic.AllocEmpty
   0.3%   100.0%       0.087s       2.52e-07s     C   346725       1   theano.compile.ops.Shape_i
   ... (remaining 0 Classes account for   0.00%(0.00s) of the runtime)

<% time> <sum %> <apply time> <time per call> <type> <#call> <#apply> <Op name>
   8.1%     8.1%       2.628s       3.79e-06s     C     693450        2   Join
   5.2%    13.4%       1.698s       2.72e-07s     C     6241050       18   Reshape{1}
   4.2%    17.6%       1.362s       3.93e-07s     C     3467250       10   InplaceDimShuffle{x}
   3.7%    21.3%       1.212s       3.50e-06s     C     346725        1   Elemwise{Composite{((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(EQ(i2, i3), i3, Switch(Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2))}(i2, i3, i4), (i5 / i2), i3)) + Switch(EQ((i6 - i2), i3), i3, Switch(Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2))}(i2, i3, i4), (-(i7 / (i6 - i2))), i3)))) + (scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i8, i3, Switch(i9, (exp(i0) * i10), i3)) + Switch(i11, i3, Switch(i9, i12, i3)))) + (-((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * Com
   3.7%    24.9%       1.183s       2.84e-07s     C     4160700       12   Reshape{0}
   3.5%    28.5%       1.141s       3.29e-06s     C     346725        1   Elemwise{Composite{((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i2, i3, Switch(i4, (i5 / i6), i3)) + Switch(i7, i3, Switch(i4, (-(i8 / i9)), i3)))) + (scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i10, i3, Switch(i11, (i12 * i13), i3)) + Switch(i14, i3, Switch(i11, i15, i3)))) + (-((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * Composite{((sgn((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1))) * i2 * i2) / i3)}(i0, i1, i16, i17)) + (scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar
   3.3%    31.7%       1.055s       5.07e-07s     C     2080350        6   sigmoid
   2.7%    34.5%       0.884s       2.55e-06s     C     346725        1   Elemwise{Composite{Switch(i0, (Switch(i1, i2, (i3 * log(i4))) + i5 + Switch(i6, i2, (i7 * log(i8)))), i2)}}[(0, 4)]
   2.6%    37.1%       0.844s       4.06e-07s     C     2080350        6   Subtensor{int64}
   2.6%    39.7%       0.843s       2.03e-07s     C     4160700       12   Rebroadcast{1}
   2.3%    42.0%       0.745s       2.15e-06s     C     346725        1   Elemwise{Composite{((-((i0 + i1 + Switch(i2, (Switch(i3, i4, (i5 * log(i6))) + i7 + Switch(EQ(i8, i9), i4, i10)), i4) + Switch((GE(i11, i12) * LE(i11, i13)), i12, i4) + log(i14) + Switch(i15, Switch(i16, (i17 - Switch(i18, i4, (i19 * scalar_softplus(i20)))), i4), i4) + log(i21) + Switch(i22, ((Switch(i23, i4, (i24 * i25 * i26)) + Switch(i27, i4, (i28 * i29 * i30))) - i31), i4) + log(i32)) - (i33 * i34))) - i35)}}[(0, 0)]
   2.2%    44.1%       0.703s       2.90e-07s     C     2427075        7   Elemwise{mul,no_inplace}
   2.0%    46.2%       0.655s       1.89e-06s     C     346725        1   Elemwise{Composite{(Switch(i0, ((Switch(i1, i2, (i3 * i4 * i5)) + Switch(i6, i2, (i7 * i8 * i9))) - i10), i2) + log((i11 / sqr(i12))))}}[(0, 11)]
   2.0%    48.2%       0.653s       2.69e-07s     C     2427075        7   Elemwise{neg,no_inplace}
   2.0%    50.2%       0.643s       2.32e-07s     C     2773800        8   Elemwise{eq,no_inplace}
   2.0%    52.1%       0.633s       2.28e-07s     C     2773800        8   Elemwise{add,no_inplace}
   1.8%    53.9%       0.580s       4.19e-07s     C     1386900        4   Elemwise{exp,no_inplace}
   1.8%    55.7%       0.576s       2.08e-07s     C     2773800        8   Sum{acc_dtype=float64}
   1.8%    57.4%       0.573s       8.26e-07s     C     693450        2   Elemwise{ScalarSoftplus}[(0, 0)]
   1.7%    59.2%       0.556s       8.01e-07s     C     693450        2   softplus
   ... (remaining 47 Ops account for  40.84%(13.23s) of the runtime)

<% time> <sum %> <apply time> <time per call> <#call> <id> <Apply name>
   4.5%     4.5%       1.449s       4.18e-06s   346725    94   Join(TensorConstant{0}, Rebroadcast{1}.0, Elemwise{Composite{((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(EQ(i2, i3), i3, Switch(Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2))}(i2, i3, i4), (i5 / i2), i3)) + Switch(EQ((i6 - i2), i3), i3, Switch(Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2))}(i2, i3, i4), (-(i7 / (i6 - i2))), i3)))) + (scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i8, i3, Switch(i9, (exp(i0) * i10), i3)) + Switch(i11, i3, Switch(i9, i12, i3)))) + (-((scalar_sigmoid
   3.7%     8.2%       1.212s       3.50e-06s   346725    83   Elemwise{Composite{((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(EQ(i2, i3), i3, Switch(Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2))}(i2, i3, i4), (i5 / i2), i3)) + Switch(EQ((i6 - i2), i3), i3, Switch(Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2))}(i2, i3, i4), (-(i7 / (i6 - i2))), i3)))) + (scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i8, i3, Switch(i9, (exp(i0) * i10), i3)) + Switch(i11, i3, Switch(i9, i12, i3)))) + (-((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * Composite{((sg
   3.6%    11.9%       1.179s       3.40e-06s   346725   209   Join(TensorConstant{0}, Rebroadcast{1}.0, Elemwise{Composite{((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i2, i3, Switch(i4, (i5 / i6), i3)) + Switch(i7, i3, Switch(i4, (-(i8 / i9)), i3)))) + (scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i10, i3, Switch(i11, (i12 * i13), i3)) + Switch(i14, i3, Switch(i11, i15, i3)))) + (-((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * Composite{((sgn((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1))) * i2 * i2) / i3)}(i0, i1, i16, i17))
   3.5%    15.4%       1.141s       3.29e-06s   346725   173   Elemwise{Composite{((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i2, i3, Switch(i4, (i5 / i6), i3)) + Switch(i7, i3, Switch(i4, (-(i8 / i9)), i3)))) + (scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i10, i3, Switch(i11, (i12 * i13), i3)) + Switch(i14, i3, Switch(i11, i15, i3)))) + (-((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * Composite{((sgn((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1))) * i2 * i2) / i3)}(i0, i1, i16, i17)) + (scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i0
   2.7%    18.1%       0.884s       2.55e-06s   346725   177   Elemwise{Composite{Switch(i0, (Switch(i1, i2, (i3 * log(i4))) + i5 + Switch(i6, i2, (i7 * log(i8)))), i2)}}[(0, 4)](Elemwise{Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2))}}.0, Elemwise{eq,no_inplace}.0, TensorConstant{(1,) of -inf}, TensorConstant{[ 27.  28... 37.  38.]}, Elemwise{sub,no_inplace}.0, TensorConstant{[ 28.17094...63057366]}, Elemwise{eq,no_inplace}.0, TensorConstant{[ 18.  17...  8.   7.]}, thetas)
   2.3%    20.4%       0.745s       2.15e-06s   346725   215   Elemwise{Composite{((-((i0 + i1 + Switch(i2, (Switch(i3, i4, (i5 * log(i6))) + i7 + Switch(EQ(i8, i9), i4, i10)), i4) + Switch((GE(i11, i12) * LE(i11, i13)), i12, i4) + log(i14) + Switch(i15, Switch(i16, (i17 - Switch(i18, i4, (i19 * scalar_softplus(i20)))), i4), i4) + log(i21) + Switch(i22, ((Switch(i23, i4, (i24 * i25 * i26)) + Switch(i27, i4, (i28 * i29 * i30))) - i31), i4) + log(i32)) - (i33 * i34))) - i35)}}[(0, 0)](Sum{acc_dtype=float64}.0, Su
   2.0%    22.4%       0.655s       1.89e-06s   346725   182   Elemwise{Composite{(Switch(i0, ((Switch(i1, i2, (i3 * i4 * i5)) + Switch(i6, i2, (i7 * i8 * i9))) - i10), i2) + log((i11 / sqr(i12))))}}[(0, 11)](Elemwise{Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2) * i3 * i4)}}.0, Elemwise{eq,no_inplace}.0, TensorConstant{(1,) of -inf}, TensorConstant{(1,) of -1.0}, InplaceDimShuffle{x}.0, Elemwise{ScalarSoftplus}[(0, 0)].0, Elemwise{Composite{EQ((i0 - i1), i2)}}.0, TensorConstant{(1,) of -1.0}, InplaceDimShuffle{x}.0, soft
   1.5%    24.0%       0.495s       1.43e-06s   346725    68   Elemwise{Composite{Switch(i0, i1, Switch(i2, (-scalar_softplus(i3)), i1))}}(Elemwise{Composite{EQ((i0 - i1), i2)}}.0, TensorConstant{(1,) of 0}, Elemwise{Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2) * i3 * i4)}}.0, Subtensor{int64:int64:}.0)
   1.5%    25.5%       0.494s       1.42e-06s   346725   197   Elemwise{Composite{((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * ((i2 / i3) + Switch(i4, i5, Switch(i6, (i7 / i8), i5)))) + (scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i9, i5, Switch(i10, (exp(i0) * i11), i5)) + Switch(i12, i5, Switch(i10, (-i13), i5)))) + (-((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * i14) + (scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * i15 * i14) + (scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * i15 * i14))))}}[(0
   1.5%    27.0%       0.486s       1.40e-06s   346725    84   Elemwise{Composite{Switch(i0, i1, Switch(i2, (-scalar_softplus(i3)), i1))}}[(0, 3)](Elemwise{eq,no_inplace}.0, TensorConstant{(1,) of 0}, Elemwise{Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2) * i3 * i4)}}.0, Elemwise{neg,no_inplace}.0)
   1.4%    28.4%       0.463s       1.33e-06s   346725   176   Elemwise{ScalarSoftplus}[(0, 0)](Elemwise{neg,no_inplace}.0)
   1.4%    29.8%       0.449s       1.29e-06s   346725    77   Elemwise{Composite{((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * ((i2 / i3) + Switch(EQ((i4 - i3), i5), i5, Switch((GE(i3, i5) * LE(i3, i6)), (i7 / (i4 - i3)), i5)))) + (scalar_sigmoid(i1) * (Switch(i8, i5, Switch(i9, (exp(i0) * i10), i5)) + Switch(i11, i5, Switch(i9, (-i12), i5)))) + (-((scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * i13) + (scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i1) * i14 * i13) + (scalar_sigmoid(i0) * scalar_sigmoid(i0
   1.3%    31.0%       0.407s       1.18e-06s   346725   107   softplus(Subtensor{int64:int64:}.0)
   1.1%    32.2%       0.369s       1.06e-06s   346725     5   sigmoid(Subtensor{int64:int64:}.0)
   1.0%    33.2%       0.328s       9.45e-07s   346725    89   Elemwise{Composite{((((i0 * i1) + (i2 * i3) + (i4 * i3) + (i5 * i1)) * i6) + Switch(EQ(i7, i8), i8, Switch(GE(i7, i9), Switch((GE(i7, i10) * LE(i7, i11)), (scalar_sigmoid(i12) * i13), i8), i8)) + (i14 * i6))}}[(0, 0)](Elemwise{Composite{(Switch(i0, i1, Switch(i2, (-scalar_softplus(i3)), i1)) + Switch(i2, (-i4), i1) + i5)}}[(0, 4)].0, Elemwise{sub,no_inplace}.0, Elemwise{Composite{(Switch(i0, i1, Switch(i2, (-scalar_softplus(i3)), i1)) + Switch(i2, (
   0.9%    34.1%       0.300s       8.65e-07s   346725   105   sigmoid(Subtensor{int64:int64:}.0)
   0.9%    35.0%       0.293s       8.45e-07s   346725   204   Elemwise{Composite{((((i0 * i1) + (i2 * i3) + (i4 * i3) + (i5 * i1)) * i6) + Switch(i7, i8, Switch(i9, Switch(i10, (scalar_sigmoid(i11) * i12), i8), i8)) + (i13 * i6))}}[(0, 0)](Elemwise{Composite{(Switch(i0, i1, Switch(i2, (-i3), i1)) + Switch(i2, (-i4), i1) + i5)}}[(0, 4)].0, Elemwise{sub,no_inplace}.0, Elemwise{Composite{(Switch(i0, i1, Switch(i2, (-i3), i1)) + Switch(i2, (-i4), i1) + i5)}}[(0, 4)].0, phi, Elemwise{Composite{(i0 + (i1 * i2) + i3)
   0.9%    35.9%       0.282s       8.13e-07s   346725   118   Elemwise{exp,no_inplace}(Elemwise{neg,no_inplace}.0)
   0.9%    36.8%       0.281s       8.12e-07s   346725     3   InplaceDimShuffle{x}(e)
   0.8%    37.6%       0.263s       7.58e-07s   346725    81   Elemwise{Composite{(Switch(i0, i1, Switch(i2, (-scalar_softplus(i3)), i1)) + Switch(i2, (-i4), i1) + i5)}}[(0, 4)](Elemwise{Composite{EQ((i0 - i1), i2)}}.0, TensorConstant{0}, Elemwise{Composite{(GE(i0, i1) * LE(i0, i2) * i3 * i4)}}[(0, 3)].0, Subtensor{int64}.0, Elemwise{scalar_psi}.0, Elemwise{Switch}[(0, 1)].0)
   ... (remaining 196 Apply instances account for 62.42%(20.23s) of the runtime)

Here are tips to potentially make your code run faster
                 (if you think of new ones, suggest them on the mailing list).
                 Test them first, as they are not guaranteed to always provide a speedup.
  - Try the Theano flag floatX=float32
We don't know if amdlibm will accelerate this scalar op. scalar_psi
We don't know if amdlibm will accelerate this scalar op. Psi
We don't know if amdlibm will accelerate this scalar op. scalar_gammaln
We don't know if amdlibm will accelerate this scalar op. scalar_gammaln
We don't know if amdlibm will accelerate this scalar op. scalar_gammaln
We don't know if amdlibm will accelerate this scalar op. Psi
We don't know if amdlibm will accelerate this scalar op. Psi
We don't know if amdlibm will accelerate this scalar op. scalar_psi
We don't know if amdlibm will accelerate this scalar op. Psi
  - Try installing amdlibm and set the Theano flag lib.amdlibm=True. This speeds up only some Elemwise operation.

Once using:

%load_ext line_profiler
with gp_fit:
    step = pm.NUTS(profile=True)
    %lprun -f step.astep pm.sample(500, step)


Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   121                                               def astep(self, q0):
   122       500         1151      2.3      0.0          leapfrog = self.leapfrog1_dE
   123       500          839      1.7      0.0          Emax = self.Emax
   124       500          760      1.5      0.0          e = self.step_size
   126       500         8408     16.8      0.3          p0 = self.potential.random()
   127       500       822595   1645.2     28.0          E0 = self.compute_energy(q0, p0)
   129       500         2124      4.2      0.1          u = uniform()
   130       500          752      1.5      0.0          q = qn = qp = q0
   131       500          701      1.4      0.0          p = pn = pp = p0
   133       500          706      1.4      0.0          n, s, j = 1, 1, 0
   135      1001         1865      1.9      0.1          while s == 1:
   136       501         2323      4.6      0.1              v = bern(.5) * 2 - 1
   138       501          757      1.5      0.0              if v == -1:
   139       247          336      1.4      0.0                  qn, pn, _, _, q1, n1, s1, a, na = buildtree(
   140       247       981258   3972.7     33.5                      leapfrog, qn, pn, u, v, j, e, Emax, E0)
   141                                                       else:
   142       254          353      1.4      0.0                  _, _, qp, pp, q1, n1, s1, a, na = buildtree(
   143       254      1083173   4264.5     36.9                      leapfrog, qp, pp, u, v, j, e, Emax, E0)
   145       501         1226      2.4      0.0              if s1 == 1 and bern(min(1, n1 * 1. / n)):
   146         3            6      2.0      0.0                  q = q1
   148       501          773      1.5      0.0              n = n + n1
   150       501         2031      4.1      0.1              span = qp - qn
   151       501         9255     18.5      0.3              s = s1 * ( >= 0) * ( >= 0)
   152       501          816      1.6      0.0              j = j + 1
   154       500         1407      2.8      0.0          p = -p
   156       500         1528      3.1      0.1          w = 1. / (self.m + self.t0)
   157       500         1110      2.2      0.0          self.Hbar = (1 - w) * self.Hbar + w * \
   158       500         1461      2.9      0.0              (self.target_accept - a * 1. / na)
   160       500         3432      6.9      0.1          self.step_size = exp(self.u - (self.m**self.k / self.gamma) * self.Hbar)
   161       500          975      1.9      0.0          self.m += 1
   163       500          640      1.3      0.0          return q
twiecki commented 7 years ago

Notably, everything seems to happen in C. I also can't find any calls to tensor.Split as suggested in

jsalvatier commented 7 years ago

Interesting! Could have been a different model I was running? Not sure.

Looks like Join was taking 8%. Maybe we could squeeze a little out of that if we thought about it? But that's not very big.

What does the call profiler+line profiler look like for buildtree? From the line profiler, I can't tell if all that time is just recursive time spent in compute_energy or if there's substantial unpacking cost.

I wonder if there's a way to potentially save on compute_energy. Its taking up ~30%, but won't the energy have been computed before (from the end of the last iteration)? I guess it should be cached already? Not sure if its actually getting cached. Actually, compute_energy seems to be taking both q and p, which is maybe a mistake, esp if it makes caching harder. We should maybe move the p part of the computation out.

jsalvatier commented 7 years ago

I'm actually surprised that compute_energy is taking up 30% the first time its called since the energy is computed in leapfrog which is computed many times. Something unintuitive is going on there. You should post the profile for compute_energy.

Also, its possible we could save substantial compute by only ever computing differences in energies.

One way we could do that is by making the current energy function compute the energy relative to a dummy state (maybe the start state passed to NUTS at init). That seems kind of inelegant, but I think it would work. Not sure how much it would save.

fonnesbeck commented 7 years ago

How does this compare to a non-hierarchical model?

twiecki commented 7 years ago

One other thing I found is that the auto-transform of models caused many of the stalling NUTS problems. For example, the stoch vol model worked quite well until

If you switch transform=None sampling in NUTS is much much faster. This is the model I used to test between revisions:

import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
from pymc3.math import exp
from pymc3.distributions.timeseries import *

n = 100
returns = np.genfromtxt('../../../pymc3/examples/data/SP500.csv')[-n:]# get_data_file('pymc3.examples', "data/SP500.csv"))[-n:]
with pm.Model() as model:
    sigma = pm.Exponential('sigma', 1. / .02, testval=.1)#, transform=None)
    nu = pm.Exponential('nu', 1. / 10)#, transform=None)
    s = GaussianRandomWalk('s', sigma ** -2, shape=n)
        r = pm.StudentT('r', nu, lam=exp(-2 * s), observed=returns)
    except AttributeError:
        r = pm.T('r', nu, lam=exp(-2 * s), observed=returns)
twiecki commented 7 years ago

Trace with transforms: image

Trace without transforms: image

fonnesbeck commented 7 years ago

Well, that's depressing. Isn't that exactly the opposite of what we would expect?

twiecki commented 7 years ago

It could be specific to the model. Maybe you can test that in the models that stopped working for you? It is suspicious that the values in the posterior are so different though.

jsalvatier commented 7 years ago

Whoa, I didn't realize this. That seems bad

It also seems quite confusing.

twiecki commented 7 years ago

@jsalvatier Can you take a closer look at this? Is it possible that due to the small numerical values of returns, the transformation warps the space too strongly?

twiecki commented 7 years ago

I think the changed curvature could indeed be behind this. The sigma test_value is set to 0.0138 (or -4.27 in log-space), which is quite small and far away from the true posterior. Changing it to 1 creates good convergence for the transformed and non-transformed model. If my intuition is correct, one would need to take huge step-sizes in log-space to change sigma in a meaningful way.

@bob-carpenter Have you experienced issues like this before where a transform would lead to poorer convergence due to warping?

bob-carpenter commented 7 years ago

We haven't tried a lot of variations in Stan. You have to consider the Jacobian adjustment along with the gradient on the constrained scale to see the space you're really working in. I'd be very interested to see the effects of different transforms.

The biggest problem is getting close to zero---it's like a lognormal in that you can get close, but there's not actually support at zero.

If you have to cover a long range, it can be difficult to adapt or it can take many steps (i.e., it'll be slow).

The bigger problem is usually varying curvature---when there's not a single stepsize that can be optimized.

On Dec 21, 2016, at 8:16 AM, Thomas Wiecki wrote:

I think the changed curvature could indeed be behind this. The sigma test_value is set to 0.0138 (or -4.27 in log-space), which is quite small and far away from the true posterior. If my intuition is correct, one would need to take huge step-sizes in log-space to change sigma in a meaningful way.

@bob-carpenter Have you experienced issues like this before where a transform would lead to poorer convergence due to warping?

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twiecki commented 7 years ago

Thanks @bob-carpenter, that all makes sense.

I don't think the transforms really introduced any other problem than this. It shouldn't be a blocker.

fonnesbeck commented 7 years ago

Shouldn't MAP usually put us in a good location on the transformed space? You would think so, yet models tend to do poorly when initialized to the MAP estimate.

bob-carpenter commented 7 years ago

I'd love to see a study of how well this works compared to random inits. The mode's usually not even in the typical set of a complicated distribution (meaning you won't get close to the mode through sampling from the posterior, MCMC or otherwise). Even a multivariate normal once you get to more than a handful of dimensions doesn't include the mode in the typical set. And the mode's equal to the mean for a multivariate normal, so even the posterior mean isn't in the typical set. And initializing at the mode has the disadvantage of a relatively high density and a zero gradient---it's more this effect I want to understand.

The typical set is the set we want MCMC to sample from; because it covers almost all of the posterior probabilty mass, it's sufficient for calculating expectations:

The whole goal of warmup is to get to the first effective draw---that is, to find the typical set.

nigeljyng commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same problem using the code below. My dataset has 134 rows, 6 predictors, all predictors and response standardized.

with model_1:
    start = pm.find_MAP()
    step = pm.NUTS(scaling=start)
    trace_1 = pm.sample(2000, step, njobs=4) 

Curiously it only gets slow for hierarchical models. Using glm for a regular regression, pymc's sampling is done in a minute, whereas a hierarchical model shows ~4 hours.

I've had to revert to using metropolis. This runs fine (takes ~ 1 minute for the same hierarchical model)

with model_3:
    step = pm.Metropolis()
    map_estimate = pm.find_MAP()
    trace_3 = pm.sample(4000, step, start=map_estimate, njobs=4, random_seed=42)
twiecki commented 7 years ago

@nigeljyng I just wrote a blog post on this:

tl;dr: just use pm.sample(4000, tune=1000)[1000:], do not define a step-method yourself.

tyarkoni commented 7 years ago

Great blog post, @twiecki, thanks for writing this! I have a sneaking feeling this may explain at least part of the stalling/slowing issues I described here as well. We see this kind of funnel ("of hell") in many of our hierarchical models, which are already pretty slow in the best of cases due to the size of the model and/or dataset. @jake-westfall and I plan to explore using the offset parameterization as the default way of handling random effects in Bambi (we just opened an issue for this).

One suggestion: since the conjecture is that sampling may get (much) slower when the sampler happens to be in a region of space characterized by very small random effect sigmas, it would be helpful to be able to test this directly. As far as I can tell, pymc3 doesn't currently log the time taken to accept each sample, but adding such functionality would make it much easier to explore how sampling time varies as a function of the current parameter values.

twiecki commented 7 years ago

@tyarkoni Great, I was actually thinking what you guys were doing in Bambi, glad it was useful. actually adds functionality to check how deep the tree is created by nuts. Looking at these stats more carefully should provide some insights.

nigeljyng commented 7 years ago

@twiecki I used the non-centered reparameterization for my varying effects and used pm.sample(4000, tune=1000)[1000:] but NUTS still gets stuck when it hits 1% of sampling (at 40 iterations, time remaining goes up to 10 hours).

I had to resort to using trace_3 = pm.sample(10000, tune=1000, step=pm.Metropolis(), njobs=4)[1000:]. But the model never converges (bad Gelman-Rubin Rhat values). Here's the joint posterior. It seems like it has a hard time exploring the space.

screen shot 2017-02-09 at 11 34 57

Any ideas? I know it might be difficult to diagnose without looking at the data. I can try to recreate a toy dataset and see if the problem persists.

twiecki commented 7 years ago

@nigeljyng Something must be wrong with your model, I think.

nigeljyng commented 7 years ago

@twiecki I ran the same model with PyStan and it worked fine though, good looking chains and rhats. I'd much rather be using PyMC3 though. Will see if this happens again in future models and data.

twiecki commented 7 years ago

@nigeljyng Hm, can you post the model? Preferably a self-contained NB.

nigeljyng commented 7 years ago

EDIT: I'll post an NB in a bit so it's easier for you to work with.

@twiecki Found a silly typo in the model that made it reference a different (unstandardized) dataset. Your offset fix works fine now! Thanks for your time

twiecki commented 7 years ago

@nigeljyng Great, glad it's working. So you're all set then?

nigeljyng commented 7 years ago

@twiecki yep! Thanks for writing the blog post, that really helped the sampling.

aloctavodia commented 6 years ago

Can we close this?

junpenglao commented 6 years ago

I think so. Closing...