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Scenarios in multivariate timeseries #1597

Closed ferrine closed 7 years ago

ferrine commented 7 years ago

A am doing multivariate time series analysis and got a problem with modelling scenarios. The problem is as follows: 1) suppose you have a multivariate time series with shape (T, p) 2) then you want to know the distribution in periods [T+1:T+10] conditioned on scenario 3) scenario can be described with one observed variable (or distribution over it) in time series while others are unobserved so the dataset looks like:


Distribution I use for modelling dynamics

class MvGaussianRandomWalk(Continuous):
    def __init__(self, mu=0., cov=None, tau=None, init=Flat.dist(),
                 *args, **kwargs):
        super(MvGaussianRandomWalk, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        tau, cov = get_tau_cov(mu, tau=tau, cov=cov)
        self.tau = tau
        self.cov = cov = mu
        self.init = init
        self.mean = 0.

    def logp(self, x):
        tau = self.tau
        mu =
        init = self.init

        x_im1 = x[:-1]
        x_i = x[1:]

        innov_like = pm.MvNormal.dist(mu=x_im1 + mu, tau=tau).logp(x_i)
        return init.logp(x[0]) + tt.sum(innov_like)


def covm(sd, corr):
    n_var = sd.tag.test_value.shape[0]
    n_elem = int(n_var * (n_var - 1) / 2)
    tri_index = np.zeros([n_var, n_var], dtype=int)
    tri_index[np.triu_indices(n_var, k=1)] = np.arange(n_elem)
    tri_index[np.triu_indices(n_var, k=1)[::-1]] = np.arange(n_elem)
    corrm = corr[tri_index]
    corrm = tt.fill_diagonal(corrm, 1)
    return tt.diag(sd).dot(corrm).dot(tt.diag(sd))
p = data.shape[1]
with pm.Model() as model:
    corr = LKJCorr('corr', n=3, p=p)
    sd = Exponential('sd', lam=1, shape=(p,))
    cov = Deterministic('cov', covm(sd, corr))
    walk = MvGaussianRandomWalk('walk', cov=cov, observed=data_with_unobserved)

When running metropolis(NUTS fails on observed even!!) on observed only, I get tight distribution for innovation covariance, sampling with observed fails, I get the following error when plotting trace:

ValueError: v cannot be empty

It seems that it sampled constant or something like this

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong but suppose that my case is supported by pymc3

ferrine commented 7 years ago

I figured out what was going on after inspecting source. I had to mask the array manually to get the result.

twiecki commented 7 years ago

Can you post the fixed code? MvRandomWalk is something I wanted to try too.

ferrine commented 7 years ago

Yes, no problem:) BTW NUTS is slow :D (refer #1126)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import theano.tensor as tt
import pymc3 as pm
from pymc3.distributions.multivariate import get_tau_cov

class MvGaussianRandomWalk(pm.Continuous): # maybe add this neat dist to pymc3?
    def __init__(self, mu=0., cov=None, tau=None, init=Flat.dist(),
                 *args, **kwargs):
        super(MvGaussianRandomWalk, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        tau, cov = get_tau_cov(mu, tau=tau, cov=cov)
        self.tau = tau
        self.cov = cov = mu
        self.init = init
        self.mean = 0.

    def logp(self, x):
        tau = self.tau
        mu =
        init = self.init

        x_im1 = x[:-1]
        x_i = x[1:]

        innov_like = pm.MvNormal.dist(mu=x_im1 + mu, tau=tau).logp(x_i)
        return init.logp(x[0]) + tt.sum(innov_like)

def covm(sd, corr): # what about adding it as built in function but corr
    n_var = sd.tag.test_value.shape[0]
    n_elem = int(n_var * (n_var - 1) / 2)
    tri_index = np.zeros([n_var, n_var], dtype=int)
    tri_index[np.triu_indices(n_var, k=1)] = np.arange(n_elem)
    tri_index[np.triu_indices(n_var, k=1)[::-1]] = np.arange(n_elem)
    corrm = corr[tri_index]
    corrm = tt.fill_diagonal(corrm, 1)
    return tt.diag(sd).dot(corrm).dot(tt.diag(sd))

data_with_unobserved ='data_with_unobserved.csv')
masked =, np.isnan(data_with_unobserved))

p = data_with_unobserved.shape[1]
with pm.Model() as model:
    corr = LKJCorr('corr', n=3, p=p)
    sd = Exponential('sd', lam=1, shape=(p,))
    cov = Deterministic('cov', covm(sd, corr))
    walk = MvGaussianRandomWalk('walk', cov=cov, observed=masked)

with model:
    step = Metropolis() # neat and fast :)
    #step = NUTS() # boring and slow :(
    trace = sample(10000, step=step)
fonnesbeck commented 7 years ago

NUTS is always going to be slower than Metropolis; question is whether its efficient, in terms of effective samples.

ferrine commented 7 years ago

sampling is 200 times slower, suppose it is not normal

ferrine commented 7 years ago

something is going wrong here, what can cause such behavior? first_trace

plt.plot(range(10), data[-20:-10])
plt.plot(range(10, 20), trace['walk_missing'][-5000:].reshape(5000, 5, 10).mean(0).T);

first Data looks like first_test_data

fonnesbeck commented 7 years ago

Doesn't your covm function just have to be something like this?

S = corr + corr.T
d = tt.diag(tt.diagonal(corr))
C = S - d

In any case, yes, this should be a built-in function, mimicking what Stan has in quad_form_diag.

ferrine commented 7 years ago

I cant do S = corr + corr.T, maybe there is a better solution

>>> corr.tag.test_value
array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
        0.,  0.])

BTW there is still a problem, I found that initialization of missing_data matters heavily and it is a good idea to provide test value for it. I also suffer from strange issues, every sampling algorithm tends to converge every variable to a single point, that can be the cause of NUTS slowness. nuts_trace

ferrine commented 7 years ago

And the provided above data is wrong, I scaled it along axis 1 instead of axis 0 first time :|

fonnesbeck commented 7 years ago

The tri_index attribute of the LKJ should let you easily reshape it to a triangular

ferrine commented 7 years ago

Thanks, didn't notice it

ferrine commented 7 years ago

Got it, my time series is multi collinear. I found it in some previous experiments and forgot

fonnesbeck commented 7 years ago

That will do it.

ferrine commented 7 years ago

Finally, I think it is interesting to see, that works on toy example, but fails on real data:(

Toy Example

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl'ggplot')
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scenario import Scenario # will be listed later
cov = np.array(
       [[10, -4,  3],
        [-4,  3, -1],
        [ 3,  -1, 7]],
data = pd.DataFrame(stats.multivariate_normal.rvs(cov=cov, size=100).cumsum(0), columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])


with pm.Model() as model:
    # keys translation: 
        'a' means absolute values, 
        'd_a' innovations list or constant innovation
        t - time horizon for scenario
    scenario = Scenario(data, {'d_a': 1}, t=20)
# the was too much work to make initial value be the last seen point:(


# NUTS - too slow (46 samples while writing) 
# Hamiltonian wants all to be a constant
# Metropolis is neat
with model:
    step = pm.Metropolis()
    trace_met = pm.sample(10000, step=step)
plt.suptitle('Metropolis', fontsize=16);


res = scenario.trace_scenario(trace_met, 
3) # 3 sigma
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 9))
res['upper'][-21:]['b'].plot(ax=ax, c='r')
res['lower'][-21:]['c'].plot(ax=ax, c='g')
res['lower'][-21:]['b'].plot(ax=ax, c='r')
res['upper'][-21:]['c'].plot(ax=ax, c='g')
fig.suptitle('Scenario Metropolis', fontsize=16);



I found this thing to be very interesting and it can be a new one in pm.models package

Source code

brunch add_mvnormalrandomwalk

from pymc3.distributions.timeseries import MvGaussianRandomWalk
import theano.tensor as tt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm

class Scenario(pm.Model):
    def corr(lkj):
        X = lkj[lkj.distribution.tri_index]
        X = tt.fill_diagonal(X, 1)
        return X

    def __init__(self, data, future=None, t=10, walk_prior=None, **kwargs):
        super(Scenario, self).__init__(name=kwargs.get('name', ''))
        if future is None:
            future = dict()
        future = {k:np.asarray(v) for k, v in future.items()}
        self.future = future
        lens = [v.size for v in future.values()]
        if lens:
            self.t = max(lens)
            self.t = t
        self.masked, self.columns = self.get_masked(data, future, t, strict=kwargs.get('strict', True))
        if walk_prior is None:
            corr_vec = pm.LKJCorr('corr', n=kwargs.get('n', 1), p=self.p)
            sd = pm.HalfCauchy('sd', beta=kwargs.get('beta', 1), shape=(self.p,))
            cov = tt.diag(sd).dot(self.corr(corr_vec)).dot(tt.diag(sd))
            MvGaussianRandomWalk('walk', cov=cov, observed=self.masked)
            self.Var('walk', walk_prior, self.masked)
        self['walk_missing'].tag.test_value = self.missing_point

    def get_masked(cls, data, future, t, strict=True):
        keys = set(future.keys())
        new_series = list()
        for k, series in data.to_dict('series').items():
            array = future.get(k, None)
            if array is None:
                array = future.get('d_{}'.format(k), None)
                if array is not None:
                    isdelta = True
                    isdelta = None
                isdelta = False
            new_series.append(cls.prolonged(series, array, k, isdelta, t))
        if keys and strict:
            raise ValueError('Not all future values are used: %s' % keys)
        new_df = pd.concat(new_series, 1)
        return pm.model.pandas_to_array(new_df), new_df.columns

    def p(self):
        return len(self.columns)

    def prolonged(series, array, k, isdelta, t):
        series = np.array(series)
        future = np.array([np.nan] * t)
        if array is not None:
            if array.size == 1:
                future[:] = array
                m = min(t,array.size)
                future[:m] = array[:m]
        if isdelta:
            future = future.cumsum() + series[-1]
        concated = np.concatenate([series, future])
        return pd.Series(concated, name=k)

    def trace_scenario(self, trace, t=1):
        mean = np.mean(trace['walk_missing'], 0)
        sd = np.std(trace['walk_missing'], 0)
        mean_df = self.masked.filled()
        upper_df = self.masked.filled()
        lower_df = self.masked.filled()
        mean_df[self.masked.mask.nonzero()] = mean
        upper_df[self.masked.mask.nonzero()] = mean + t * sd
        lower_df[self.masked.mask.nonzero()] = mean - t * sd
        return dict(
            lower=pd.DataFrame(lower_df, columns=self.columns), 
            mean=pd.DataFrame(mean_df, columns=self.columns),  
            upper=pd.DataFrame(upper_df, columns=self.columns)

    def filled_with_last(masked):
        masked = masked.copy()
        last = iter(masked.filled(np.nan)).__next__()
        _mask = iter(masked.mask).__next__()
        _means = masked.filled(np.nan).mean(0)
        last[_mask] = _means[_mask]
        del _mask, _means
        new_data = list()
        for row, mask in zip(masked.filled(), masked.mask):
            row[mask] = last[mask]
            last = row
        return, masked.mask)

    def missing_point(self):
        fill = self.filled_with_last(self.masked).data[self.masked.mask.nonzero()]
        return fill

    def initial_data(self):
        return pd.DataFrame(self.filled_with_last(self.masked).data, columns=self.columns)

    def assert_all_zerodim(future):
        if not np.all([len(v.shape) == 0 for v in future.values()]):
            raise ValueError('future values must be zero dimentional')
ferrine commented 7 years ago

Is there any better way to do such inference?

ferrine commented 7 years ago

I have strange results on real data and I don't believe them. Here are 3 sigma confidence interval for free, not conditioned missing values. I have a deadline for this task soon:( and have no ideas of how I can get reliable results. @twiecki do you have any thoughts/suggestions of how to finish the task? strange

twiecki commented 7 years ago

Can you post a notebook that runs the whole thing?

ferrine commented 7 years ago

@twiecki here is it (link)

twiecki commented 7 years ago

This is quite a complex model and I'm not surprised convergence is hard. I would focus on initialization and getting NUTS to run.

ferrine commented 7 years ago

I'm thinking about taking differences, sample them and then integrate.