pymmcore-plus / napari-micromanager

GUI interface between napari and micromanager powered by pymmcore-plus and pymmcore-widgets
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Unable to use my Prior II stage that works in micromanager #342

Open bluesupermn4 opened 3 weeks ago

bluesupermn4 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, I just started using the napari-micromanager plugin with my Olympus IX81 microscope that has a prior II control box for the stage and a BestScope camera.

I took my working config from micromanager and opened it up in the plugin and found that everything seems to work as intended but the stage. When I try to open the stage controller I am met with an error. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Also is there a way to save the menu configuration in this plugin so i dont have to open them and move them to where I want in the GUI everytime I start a new session?

fdrgsp commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @bluesupermn4 , can you please provide the error message that you get? Otherwise it is hard to understand what is the issue. Thanks!

bluesupermn4 commented 3 weeks ago

KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) File ~\AppData\Local\napari-0.5.2\envs\napari-0.5.2\lib\site-packages\, in MMStagesWidget._on_cfg_loaded(self=<napari_micromanager._gui_objects._stages_widget.MMStagesWidget(0x1cba70936e0)>) 45 bx.setLayout(QHBoxLayout()) 46 bx.setSizePolicy(sizepolicy) ---> 47 bx.layout().addWidget(StageWidget(device=stage_dev)) stage_dev = 'XYStage' bx = <napari_micromanager._gui_objects._stages_widget._DragGroupBox(0x1cba713ae90) at 0x000001CBAA4AAC80> StageWidget = <class 'pymmcore_widgets._stage_widget.StageWidget'> 48 self.layout().addWidget(bx) 49 self.resize(self.sizeHint())

File ~\AppData\Local\napari-0.5.2\envs\napari-0.5.2\lib\site-packages\, in StageWidget.init(self=<pymmcore_widgets._stage_widget.StageWidget(0x1cba713ab80)>, device='XYStage', levels=2, step=10, parent=None, mmcore=None) 112 self._dtype = self._mmc.getDeviceType(self._device) 113 assert self._dtype in STAGE_DEVICES, f"{self._dtype} not in {STAGE_DEVICES}" --> 115 self._create_widget(step) self = <pymmcore_widgets._stage_widget.StageWidget(0x1cba713ab80) at 0x000001CBAA4AAB00> step = 10 116 self._connect_events() 117 self._set_as_default()

File ~\AppData\Local\napari-0.5.2\envs\napari-0.5.2\lib\site-packages\, in StageWidget._create_widget(self=<pymmcore_widgets._stage_widget.StageWidget(0x1cba713ab80)>, step=10) 155 self._set_visible_levels(self._levels) # type: ignore 156 self._set_xy_visible() --> 157 self._update_ttips() self = <pymmcore_widgets._stage_widget.StageWidget(0x1cba713ab80) at 0x000001CBAA4AAB00> 159 self._readout = QLabel() 160 self._readout.setAlignment(AlignCenter)

File ~\AppData\Local\napari-0.5.2\envs\napari-0.5.2\lib\site-packages\, in StageWidget._update_ttips(self=<pymmcore_widgets._stage_widget.StageWidget(0x1cba713ab80)>) 321 continue 322 if btn := item.widget(): --> 323 xmag, ymag = self.BTNS[f"{PREFIX}.{btn.text()}"][-2:] self = <pymmcore_widgets._stage_widget.StageWidget(0x1cba713ab80) at 0x000001CBAA4AAB00> self.BTNS = {'mdi6.\U000f0dbc': (0, 3, 0, 3), 'mdi6.\U000f013f': (1, 3, 0, 2), 'mdi6.\U000f0143': (2, 3, 0, 1), 'mdi6.\U000f0140': (4, 3, 0, -1), 'mdi6.\U000f013c': (5, 3, 0, -2), 'mdi6.\U000f0db9': (6, 3, 0, -3), 'mdi6.\U000f0dba': (3, 0, -3, 0), 'mdi6.\U000f013d': (3, 1, -2, 0), 'mdi6.\U000f0141': (3, 2, -1, 0), 'mdi6.\U000f0142': (3, 4, 1, 0), 'mdi6.\U000f013e': (3, 5, 2, 0), 'mdi6.\U000f0dbb': (3, 6, 3, 0)} 324 if xmag: 325 btn.setToolTip(f"move X by {self._scale(xmag)} µm")

KeyError: 'mdi6.?'

tlambert03 commented 3 weeks ago

that suggests that you didn't get a requirement installed properly (specifically, fonticon-materialdesignicons6)... Please respond to my request in

if you get an error, please give me the full details for how you created an environment, (conda or other environment creation command, python version, etc...). If you don't get an error, then continue on with pip install pymmcore-plus, and then mmcore install

the issues you're running into are somewhat unusual, they suggest partial or strange installation of the requirements... Can you tell us, from the moment of environment creation to the moment of starting napari-micromanager exactly what you did?

tlambert03 commented 3 weeks ago

alternatively, you can follow this exactly, and paste the full output of the windows command prompt (you can replace mamba with conda if you don't have mamba installed)

mamba create -n mm-env napari-micromanager pyqt
mamba activate mm-env
mmcore install
mmcore info
napari -w napari-micromanager

then load your config at the top left and continue...