pymzml / pymzML

pymzML - an interface between Python and mzML Mass spectrometry Files
MIT License
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Archive files in tests/data have their executable bit set and some of these are duplicated #315

Closed lopippo closed 1 year ago

lopippo commented 1 year ago


as the title says it, there are a number of gz files in the tests/data directory that have their x bit set. This is not recommended. Could you please fix this ?

Also, for some of these mzML files, there are two copies of the same file: .mzML and .mzML.gz. When uncompressing the gz file, the result is identical to the uncompressed file. Why is this ?

Sincerely, Filippo

MKoesters commented 1 year ago

The reason is simply to test if reading mzML/mzML.gz works correctly. Some of theses only have chromatograms, some have a special id field which needs to be parsed correctly

MKoesters commented 1 year ago

closed with #317