pynamodb / PynamoDB

A pythonic interface to Amazon's DynamoDB
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Is there support for Amazon DynamoDB Encryption Client for Python? #768

Open Luis-Palacios opened 4 years ago

Luis-Palacios commented 4 years ago

Hello and thank you for this amazing library.

I'm currently using PynamoDb and it's has been a great improvement over using boto3 directly, however, we have realized we need to start doing client-side encryption now.

I have been reading trough Amazon DynamoDB Encryption Client and it seems to work on top of boto3.

I'm wondering if there is something on PynamoDb for doing client-side encryption, I have noticed some discussion about encryption but it seems to be about server-side encryption, not client.

Have anyone done client-side encryption using PynamoDb?, going trough AWS docs I believe I might be able to use the low lever item encryptor but I'm still not sure, I might do a POC but I was wondering if there anything already done or if anybody can provide some guidance around this topic

Luis-Palacios commented 4 years ago

That amazon encryption client feel like an overkill for my scenario. So I ended up creating a Custom Attribute where I encrypt and decrypt when serializing and deserializing with a simple symmetric encryption algorithm.

It would still be nice to know if there is any guideline regarding client encryption when using pynamoDb but otherwise feel free to close this issue

imthefrizzlefry commented 3 years ago

I am interested in doing this too! I found an article on medium, but that solution didn't work for me. Can you share what you did?

Article on medium that I found