pyocd / pyOCD

Open source Python library for programming and debugging Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers
Apache License 2.0
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NUCLEO_H743ZI2 - pyocd flash does not work (pyocd 0.24.1) #812

Open JanneKiiskila opened 4 years ago

JanneKiiskila commented 4 years ago

NUCLEO_H743ZI2 cannot be flashed, despite manually updating the CMSIS index/packs.

pip list

mbed) jankii01@ubuntu:~/mbed/mbed-os-example-pelion$ pip list
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 reached the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 is no longer maintained. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7. More details about Python 2 support in pip, can be found at
Package            Version    
------------------ -----------
appdirs            1.4.3      
asn1ate            0.6.0      
asn1crypto         1.0.1      
beautifulsoup4     4.6.3      
certifi            2019.9.11  
cffi               1.12.3     
chardet            3.0.4      
Click              7.0        
cmsis-pack-manager 0.2.8      
colorama           0.3.9      
cryptography       2.4.2      
ecdsa              0.13.3     
enum34             1.1.6      
fasteners          0.15       
functools32        3.2.3.post2
future             0.16.0     
fuzzywuzzy         0.17.0     
icetea             1.2.4      
idna               2.7        
intelhex           2.2.1      
intervaltree       3.0.2      
ipaddress          1.0.22     
Jinja2             2.10.3     
jsonmerge          1.7.0      
jsonschema         2.6.0      
junit-xml          1.8        
lockfile           0.12.2     
manifest-tool      1.5.2      
MarkupSafe         1.1.1      
mbed-cli           1.10.1     
mbed-cloud-sdk     2.0.8      
mbed-flasher       0.10.1     
mbed-greentea      1.7.2      
mbed-host-tests    1.5.8      
mbed-ls            1.7.8      
mbed-os-tools      0.0.9      
milksnake          0.1.5      
monotonic          1.5        
pip                20.0.1     
prettytable        0.7.2      
protobuf           3.5.2.post1
psutil             5.6.2      
pyasn1             0.2.3      
pyasn1-modules     0.2.7      
pycparser          2.19       
pycryptodome       3.7.3      
pyelftools         0.25       
pyocd              0.24.1     
pyOpenSSL          19.0.0     
pyparsing          2.4.2      
pyserial           3.4        
python-dateutil    2.8.0      
python-dotenv      0.10.3     
pyusb              1.0.2      
PyYAML             5.3        
requests           2.20.1     
semver             2.8.1      
setuptools         41.4.0     
six                1.12.0     
sortedcontainers   2.1.0      
urllib3            1.24.2     
wheel              0.33.6     
WMI                1.4.9      
yattag             1.12.2  

So, latest pyocd is used (0.24.1)

Manual updates of packs do not help either,

(cmsis) jankii01@ubuntu:~/mbed/mbed-os-example-pelion$ pyocd pack --update
... lots of stuff
(cmsis) jankii01@ubuntu:~/mbed/mbed-os-example-pelion$ pyocd pack --find stm32h7
  Part            Vendor   Pack            Version  
  STM32H742AGIx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742AIIx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742BGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742BITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742IGKx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742IGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742IIKx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742IITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742VGHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742VGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742VIHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742VITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742XGHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742XIHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742ZGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H742ZITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743AGIx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743AIIx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743BGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743BITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743IGKx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743IGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743IIKx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743IITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743VGHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743VGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743VIHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743VITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743XGHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743XIHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743ZGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H743ZITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H745BGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H745BITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H745IGKx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H745IGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H745IIKx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H745IITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H745XGHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H745XIHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H745ZGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H745ZITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H747AGIx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H747AIIx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H747BGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H747BITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H747IGTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H747IITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H747XGHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H747XIHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H747ZIYx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H750IBKx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H750VBTx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H750XBHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H753AIIx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H753BITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H753IIKx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H753IITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H753VIHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H753VITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H753XIHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H753ZITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H755BITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H755IIKx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H755IITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H755XIHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H755ZITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H757AIIx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H757BITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H757IITx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H757XIHx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
  STM32H757ZIYx   Keil     STM32H7xx_DFP   2.3.1    
(cmsis) jankii01@ubuntu:~/mbed/mbed-os-example-pelion$ pyocd pack --install STM32H743ZITx
Downloading packs (press Control-C to cancel):
(cmsis) jankii01@ubuntu:~/mbed/mbed-os-example-pelion$ pyocd flash ./BUILD/NUCLEO_H743ZI2/GCC_ARM/mbed-os-example-pelion.bin
0000798:ERROR:dap:Exception reading AP#0 IDR: STLink error (5): No device connected
0000809:ERROR:dap:Exception reading AP#1 IDR: STLink error (5): No device connected
0000818:ERROR:dap:Exception reading AP#2 IDR: STLink error (5): No device connected
0000833:CRITICAL:__main__:No cores were discovered!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jankii01/venv/cmsis/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyocd/", line 344, in run
  File "/home/jankii01/venv/cmsis/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyocd/", line 474, in do_flash
    with session:
  File "/home/jankii01/venv/cmsis/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyocd/core/", line 291, in __enter__
  File "/home/jankii01/venv/cmsis/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyocd/core/", line 371, in open
  File "/home/jankii01/venv/cmsis/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyocd/board/", line 83, in init
  File "/home/jankii01/venv/cmsis/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyocd/core/", line 162, in init
  File "/home/jankii01/venv/cmsis/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyocd/utility/", line 208, in invoke
    resultSequence = call()
  File "/home/jankii01/venv/cmsis/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyocd/core/", line 296, in check_for_cores
    raise exceptions.DebugError("No cores were discovered!")
DebugError: No cores were discovered!
(cmsis) jankii01@ubuntu:~/mbed/mbed-os-example-pelion$ pyocd list
  #   Probe                            Unique ID                 
  0   NUCLEO-H743ZI2 [stm32h743zitx]   003700213137511239383538  

So, despite getting the right pack - it still doesn't work?

Internal ref; IOTPART-9002.

STLINKv3 is being used, firmware has been updated to latest one I'm aware of. details.txt says;

Version: 0221
Build:   Aug 23 2019 16:25:00

Publicly more known version is V3J5M2 for STLINK-V3 boards (available via the STSW-007).

JanneKiiskila commented 4 years ago

@flit @MarceloSalazar

flit commented 4 years ago

The "STLink error (5): No device connected" errors are interesting. There is an odd sequence of events going on here. pyocd has succeeded in communicating with the DP, and seems to have read the AP[0-2] IDRs once each, as it has detected those IDRs. But on the second read of the IDRs, it fails with this error.

@schstm Would you have any special insight about what the above error indicates?

schstm commented 4 years ago

Hello, is it possible that pyocd connects initially while the target is running and then goes in sleep mode ? Is it possible to try a connect sequence with target reset (and halt) before flashing ? A more detailed sequence of commands at ST-Link level done by "pyocd flash" could help me understanding the failure

flit commented 4 years ago

Agreed, please try testing again with -Oconnect_mode=under-reset on the command line (or set that option in pyocd.yaml config file).

You can get a low-level trace of the STLink USB traffic by adding these lines to pyocd.yaml:

      level: DEBUG
juhhov commented 4 years ago

Fails with under-reset connect mode as well.

$ pyocd --version
$ pyocd flash -vvv -Oconnect_mode=under-reset -u 003700213137511239383538 -t stm32h743zitx --pack Keil.STM32H7xx_DFP.2.3.1.pack mbed_cliapp_NUCLEO_H743ZI2.bin 
Full trace ``` $ pyocd flash -vvv -Oconnect_mode=under-reset -u 003700213137511239383538 -t stm32h743zitx --pack Keil.STM32H7xx_DFP.2.3.1.pack mbed_cliapp_NUCLEO_H743ZI2.bin 0000342:DEBUG:session:Project directory: /home/raas/NUCLEO_H743ZI2 0000369:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742agix' from CMSIS-Pack 0000369:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742aiix' from CMSIS-Pack 0000369:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742bgtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000369:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742bitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000369:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742igkx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000369:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742iikx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742igtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742iitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742vghx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742vihx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742vgtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742vitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742xghx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742xihx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742zgtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h742zitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743agix' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743aiix' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743bgtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743bitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743igkx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000370:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743igtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743iikx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743iitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743vghx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743vgtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743vihx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743vitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743xghx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743xihx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743zgtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h743zitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h753aiix' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h753bitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h753iikx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h753iitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h753vihx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000371:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h753vitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h753xihx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h753zitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h750ibkx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h750vbtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h750xbhx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h745bgtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h745bitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h745igkx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h745igtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h745iikx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h745iitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h745xghx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h745xihx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h745zgtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h745zitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h755bitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000372:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h755iikx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h755iitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h755xihx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h755zitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h747agix' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h747aiix' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h747bgtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h747bitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h747igtx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h747iitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h747xghx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h747xihx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h747ziyx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h757aiix' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h757bitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h757iitx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h757xihx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000373:DEBUG:pack_target:Loading target 'stm32h757ziyx' from CMSIS-Pack 0000394:INFO:board:Target type is stm32h743zitx 0000398:DEBUG:stlink:STLink probe 003700213137511239383538 firmware version: V3J6M2 0000398:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task load_svd 0000540:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task create_flash 0000545:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task pre_connect 0000550:INFO:coresight_target:Asserting reset prior to connect 0000561:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task dp_init 0000587:DEBUG:dap:Default wire protocol selected; using SWD 0000603:INFO:dap:DP IDR = 0x6ba02477 (v2 rev6) 0000618:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task power_up 0000677:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task find_aps 0000734:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task create_aps 0000734:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task create_ap.0 0000760:DEBUG:ap:Using accelerated memory access interface 0000765:INFO:ap:AP#0 IDR = 0x84770001 (AHB-AP var0 rev8) 0000815:DEBUG:ap:AP#0 default HPROT=b HNONSEC=0 0000841:DEBUG:ap:AP#0 implemented HPROT=f HNONSEC=1 0000861:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task create_ap.1 0000862:DEBUG:ap:Using accelerated memory access interface 0000862:INFO:ap:AP#1 IDR = 0x84770001 (AHB-AP var0 rev8) 0000862:DEBUG:ap:AP#1 default HPROT=3 HNONSEC=1 0000862:DEBUG:ap:AP#1 implemented HPROT=f HNONSEC=1 0000863:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task create_ap.2 0000864:DEBUG:ap:Using accelerated memory access interface 0000864:INFO:ap:AP#2 IDR = 0x54770002 (APB-AP var0 rev5) 0000864:DEBUG:ap:AP#2 default HPROT=0 HNONSEC=0 0000864:DEBUG:ap:AP#2 implemented HPROT=0 HNONSEC=0 0000865:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task find_components 0000865:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task init_ap.0 0000866:INFO:rom_table:AP#0 ROM table #0 @ 0xe00fe000 (designer=020 part=450) 0000867:INFO:rom_table:[0] 0000867:INFO:rom_table: AP#0 ROM table #1 @ 0xe00ff000 (designer=43b part=4c7) 0000868:ERROR:ap:Transfer error while reading AP#0 ROM table: SWD/JTAG Transfer Fault @ 0xe000efbc-0xe000f043 0000868:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task init_ap.2 0000868:INFO:rom_table:AP#2 ROM table #0 @ 0xe00e0000 (designer=020 part=450) 0000869:WARNING:rom_table:Invalid coresight component, cidr=0x0 0000869:INFO:rom_table:[2] 0000870:WARNING:rom_table:Invalid coresight component, cidr=0x0 0000870:INFO:rom_table:[3] 0000870:INFO:rom_table:[4] 0000871:ERROR:ap:Transfer error while reading AP#2 ROM table: SWD/JTAG Transfer Fault @ 0xe00f0fbc-0xe00f1043 0000871:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task create_cores 0000871:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task set_default_reset_type 0000871:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task create_components 0000871:DEBUG:sequencer:Running task check_for_cores 0000871:DEBUG:session:uninit session 0000872:CRITICAL:__main__:No cores were discovered! Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/raas/py3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyocd/", line 360, in run self._COMMANDS[self._args.cmd](self) File "/home/raas/py3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyocd/", line 516, in do_flash with session: File "/home/raas/py3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyocd/core/", line 299, in __enter__ File "/home/raas/py3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyocd/core/", line 415, in open self._board.init() File "/home/raas/py3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyocd/board/", line 83, in init File "/home/raas/py3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyocd/core/", line 163, in init seq.invoke() File "/home/raas/py3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyocd/utility/", line 208, in invoke resultSequence = call() File "/home/raas/py3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyocd/core/", line 307, in check_for_cores raise exceptions.DebugError("No cores were discovered!") pyocd.core.exceptions.DebugError: No cores were discovered! ```