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guest post proposal: using pyodide to port pandastutor educational tool client-side #25

Closed pgbovine closed 2 years ago

pgbovine commented 2 years ago

Good morning!

I am a professor at UC San Diego working with my grad student Sam Lau on Pandas Tutor, an educational visualization tool that shows how your pandas data transformation code works step-by-step:

We have recently been porting Pandas Tutor over to using Pyodide so that it can run directly in students' browsers without needing us to host or manage a webserver to run server-side Python. This will be greatly beneficial to teaching large classes in particular (e.g., 500+ students!) since it would destroy our server if that many students tried using the tool all at once during class; with Pyodide our tool can scale effortlessly since each student will be running it in their own laptop's web browser (and can cache the JS/WASM bundle downloads from the server).

We would love to write a guest blog post talking about the benefits of porting over to Pyodide, and some of the optimizations we have been implementing. Our changes haven't been pushed to the main site yet, but if this blog post is approved, then by the time it gets published, all the changes should be on the live site. Here's a brief proposal for the post:

Thanks for your consideration, Philip Guo

rth commented 2 years ago

Hello Philip,

this sounds like a very interesting blog post and pandastutor is also great. We would be very happy to include it.

Don't hesitate to open a PR with your post once it's ready. We can probably even make pandastutor run interactively as an example in the post.


pgbovine commented 2 years ago

Awesome, thanks! Also a great idea to try to get pandastutor embedded and running interactively in the post itself :)

pgbovine commented 2 years ago

Just opened a pull request here:

We'd love to get this posted in a week or so if possible (e.g,. Sat, May 14 or a bit later). We didn't have time to direct-embed pandastutor into the post itself since it was already getting long, but we've linked to the live site. Thanks again for your help!

pgbovine commented 2 years ago

great, thanks, @rth -- our tweet with blog post is here, feel free to close this issue

rth commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for writing this blog post!