The output of sol.print_cost() returns an incorrect value of ConstraintFcn.STATE_CONTINUITY or ConstraintFcn.CUSTOM when time is involved. This error comes from the file.
`class Solution:
def _get_penalty_cost():
for idx in range(le(penalty.node_idx)):
t0 = PenaltyHelphers.t0(penalty, idx, lambda p, n: self._stepwise_time[p][n][0]`
self._stepwise_time[p][n][0] the [0] is where it creates a mistake
The output of sol.print_cost() returns an incorrect value of ConstraintFcn.STATE_CONTINUITY or ConstraintFcn.CUSTOM when time is involved. This error comes from the file.
`class Solution:
self._stepwise_time[p][n][0] the [0] is where it creates a mistake