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LoPy does not connect #16

Open MuratTumer opened 4 years ago

MuratTumer commented 4 years ago

I am stuck at the step "Connect LoPy4 to PC" on

I powered up the board and measured the voltages. Everythink looks fine. Then I am trying to connect the board to my Windows PC via the FTDI cable and it does not connect. Atom looks like this: image

It does not go further. I tried on another PC but it is the same. If I press the reset button on the LoPy4, some data transmission happens between the LoPy4 and the PC. Then it looks like this: image

Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance.

pjb304 commented 4 years ago

I'm afraid I don't have the bits here to help debug the issue, but that looks like a baud rate mismatch, so I'd suggest trying changing the baud rate in the editor and seeing if that helps.

MuratTumer commented 4 years ago

Thank you. I checked the baud rate of the COM port on Device Manager. It was 9600. I changed it to 115200. But this did not help. Communication via PuTTY dos not work either.