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adding xsd check to xodr module and more tests related to it #198

Closed mander76 closed 7 months ago

mander76 commented 7 months ago

@jakobkaths I added (just like for xosc) the xsd checks for the classes and the examples, found one small bug that I fixed. But nothing else. Is this way similar to what you do, or is there something else that can be added to check the validity of the xmls?

jakobkaths commented 7 months ago

No, that's the first simplest check: The rest of our checks are deeper in the tool and throw some warnings and errors, when more say "semantical" issues are found. But there is a new initiative at ASAM to introduce a checker tool, maybe that's of interest for you:

mander76 commented 7 months ago

Ok, great. I know about that project and it's a really good thing :)