pypa / bandersnatch

A PyPI mirror client according to PEP 381
Academic Free License v3.0
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Clean/verify packages in another way #1546

Open LeoQuote opened 1 year ago

LeoQuote commented 1 year ago

We've been using bandersnatch for years, recently, I found it's hard to actually run bandersnatch verify as we're using s3 as storage and it already contains millions of packages.

Loading the JSON file alone would cost a day or longer, what makes it worse is that if this process is interrupted(system reboot, container killed, both are fairly common), all info would be lost, and you need a fresh start.

So I'm thinking about another way to verify packages.

iterating packages and verify if it should exist

  1. iterate packages using list_objects_v2 API, 1000 package file a time
  2. guess which PyPI project it belongs with the package file, like bigdl_nano-2.2.0-py3-none-macosx_10_11_x86_64.whl may belong to bigdl_nano or bigdl-nano
  3. Get info of relating packages, store it in memory with a dictionary or LRU cache.
  4. Check the project info, does it exist? Is the package file included in project info ? If any of the question is no, the package file should be deleted, if the project info exists in local file
  5. Check the project existence in upstream, if it does not exist, store in dict and delete the whole package with all versions.

The good part about this method is it can be continued if interrupted, in list_objects_v2 you can use ContinuationToken to continue your iteration, also the memory usage is fairly low compared with storing all package info in memory.

The bad part is how can we guess the project name, what if the package name does not follow the common rule, like a project named project-1, contains project_2.whl, in this case, we would never locate the correct project, the package file would be cleaned wrongly.

It would be great if someone can tell me that this thing would never happen, like it's enforced in a way, or already obsolete that would never happen again.

cooperlees commented 1 year ago

verify was never tested for anything other than standard POSIX file systems. For non POSIX, I'm open to many ideas.

I'm happy to add checkpointing support to verify as a temporary workaround (to get around when it's interrupted).

Now, in regards to your idea:

Python packages and their naming + metadata isn't as strictly enforced as one would like. So making guesses is going to land you in a bad place.

Now that we have the simple API in JSON, maybe pull that index file you've generated and then work on each project from that list and use the success/failed checkpoint feature I alluded to up above. Due to the site of the mirrors, it's hard to do this efficiently without getting more metadata + applying it to PyPI every time I've thought about it. But happy to be proven wrong.

LeoQuote commented 1 year ago

I have not found any clear MUST for project name and package name, I think you're probably right about the "guessing", we should not do that.

So about the checkpoint part, my thoughts are like follows:

Separate verify into stages

  1. scan all JSON file to get project and designated package list
  2. delete project that not exists anymore
  3. scan all packages file to get actual package list
  4. compare designated package list and actual package list, delete or download package on need

We can have persistent storage in both stage 1 and stage 3, storing package list and project list into text files, one line a project/package, if there are any properties (active, inactive, update time, etc...), separate them with comma, maybe just use CSV to make it simpler.

During stage 1,3, there's also a checkpoint to indicate which is the next package, my suggestion would be every 10000 project/package, store it in a new file, so an interruption would only lose about progress of 10000 project. The file structure would be like

├── desinated_package
│   ├── package_list.csv.1
│   └── package_list.csv.2
├── package
│   ├── package_list.csv.1
│   └── package_list.csv.2
└── project
    ├── project_list.csv.1
    └── project_list.csv.2

For stage 2 and stage 4, they are similar, read the files generated in the previous stage, load into memory (a dict to have O(1) complexity), and compare it.

restore from interruption

If verify is interrupted, first determine which stage were we? We can have a separate verify_status.json file to show which stage were we.

Read the last line of last package_list.csv or project_list.csv.2, continue from there, iterate file from beginning, continue process until we met the checkpoint.

If we were interrupted during stage 2 or stage 4, it's ok, these two stage are both very time-efficient, just read the designated list and actual list, compare it and schedule a deletion.

cooperlees commented 1 year ago

My other thought is using tables in a sqllite database maybe for the state. Comitting using something like aiosqlite as you go moving from a simple todo and done table. OR just had a runid you use until finished. But I'm open to ideas.

The process seems sane. How do you want to structure the code? Refactor I've always wanted to merge more of t into other classes and use the storage plugins directly for POSIX filesystem vs. other storage. Let's get a similiar agreement there before you get stuck into writing it. I'm happy to chat on discord too if you want more real time chatting it out.

LeoQuote commented 1 year ago

I think all the things we do is to make the global info sharable in all stages of verify processes.

If the project accepts an external database or embed database in memory, I'd recommend those options:

  1. sqlite3, this is rather simple
  2. Rocksdb, similar to sqlite3, but just KV, no SQL knowledge required
  3. external databases like MySQL, PgSQL (not recommended, make this project heavier)

The database file must be placed in POSIX filesystem as sqlite3/rocksdb on s3 would be inefficient.

About the code structure, I don't have many thoughts right now, I think maybe I can go create a demo first.

LeoQuote commented 11 months ago

😄 I tried to use verify in my host and failed, it took 7 days and 20G+ memory and finally OOM killed by kernel.

There are a few problems that I want to solve:

  1. packages may have been changed during such long time, we should consider scan packages first to make sure no file would be deleted wrongly
  2. memory usage is too high, maybe I can get a packages list at first, then scan JSON files, for each file that exists in JSON, deleted it from packages list, when the JSON iteration is over, what left in packages list would be the packages that need cleaning. That would make the memory usage less and less during the iteration process.